>win most number of votes
>other guy wins the election
Why does burgerstan have the most retarded election system ever?
>win most number of votes
>other guy wins the election
Why does burgerstan have the most retarded election system ever?
Man for once i would like to see a farmer or a worker become president, not all these rich people who cares not for the masses but only for the big merchant banks.
Carter fucking sucked
And he farmed peanuts
our preference system in Australia is more retarded you melbournite
Probably won't ever happen, people care too much about "experience."
>"guys, maybe we should start saving up money instead of spending wildly beyond our means."
>everyone hates him
>"lets make massive tax cuts and get everyone to spend spend spend!!"
>bubble bursts and recession occurs
Carter was the hero you needed but not the one you deserved
its not that bad. I mean, I don't mind having a few crazy kooks and freaks in the senate if it means no major party has a monopoly to sell their country to lobbyists.
During the founding, our smaller states were worried they would get butt fucked by the larger states in elections.
A compromise was struck, and states with smaller populations were over-represented slightly in the electoral college.
Add general electoral college fuckery into this, and it not too uncommonly creates a situation where one person wins the popular vote and another wins the election.
Experience being a "lawying" cocksucker, getting child rapists off on a technicality and just shrugging it off as "just my job"
Because it's the United STATES of America, states not people vote.
It's why unfortunately California and New York make it so hard for right wingers to win a general election
Because it's an adaptation of the British system which need I remind you is the BEST
>government fucks up, refuses to establish public transport
>carter fucks up in foreign policy
>"go green ;)"
Lol fuck off faggot
Because it's the only way a huge country the US can fairly elect someone as President and it ensures each state is represented equally in an election
wtf are you talking about? The recession occurred as carter was leaving and the tax cuts came later. Inflation was way too high to actually save money and reagan put volcker in charge of the fed to kill inflation. 14% interest rates drove a recession and inflation was kill, then we had the greatest bull market in stocks ever. 1982-2000 never forget.
Because otherwise the people from only 11of the most populated cities could elect anyone and politicians would only have to care about them.
Compulsory voting is retarded
>Wanting (((Democracy)))
two party system is fucking retarded. Our system is by far better and now has proper representation. If not for your system your fish and chips clerk wouldn't have any influence at all in politics
If Californians can spread throughout the country, why can't people in red states move to California or NY if not just to vote?
>dot com bubble
Electoral college is fucked.
When people whine about the two party system, they don't realize it could lead to no candidate getting 270 electorates, letting the House vote for the President.
Why would anyone move just to vote? That's not how reality works
imagine how much better life would be if Gore won.
fuck you Florida
It's best that way because it ensures the entire population of legal voters actually participate, thus allowing for the most thorough election, where nobody can make up excuses for not winning.
Gore was a fucking retard
People can choose to vote if they want to or don't want to.
If they're too stupid to realize not voting hurts maybe they shouldn't vote.
Was Gore only good while reading a script? How could he lose to Bush in debates? I mean Liberals spent eight years calling Bush an idiot.
Carter was an Annapolis graduate who went on to become a nuclear engineer in the US Navy.
Say what you want about his presidency, but he had some interesting credentials.
desu no votes matter at all.
no, really, american's aren't electing anythingat all. some super secret people are electing in a cult-like fashion.
>and it not too uncommonly creates a situation where one person wins the popular vote and another wins the election.
It's happened 4 times. That's pretty uncommon.
Pretty sure it has something to do with one of the founding fathers thinking that the general public was too stupid/dangerous to decide on its own so they established the electoral college to make sure the majority didn't end up putting the same type of people they fought to get away from in power again. Don't quote me on that its just something I kind of remember from a government class back I took like 4 years ago
Get used to it because there is a good chance it will happen again this year. The liberal butthurt will be glorious when Trump get BTFO in the big liberal states but wins Ohio and Pennsylvania.
>mfw if burgers got these election results, it's ww3
desu I fucking hate the electoral college. It should be a popular vote.
the influx of people into my state (CA) is all taco niggers. thats why.
hate electoral college its all up to people from ohio to decide who become president these are the same faggots who voted for kasich plus any tourists i meet from ohio are shit. As a Floridian i can personally say fuck ohio.
mfw not only do i live to see the race war, i am young and strong enough to be on the frontlines
(dark blue is NF)
Your yuppies invading texas are worse
>young, affluent professionals are worse than the subhuman trash that is south of the border.
wew to the fucking lad
States are sovereign, they give their votes to the person chosen by the whole state. Without this, you just have city dwellers dominating every election because the politicians will pander to them exclusively.
its not, its still a 2 party system mate. Its always either libs or labor. except we get retards like greens getting in off dumb preferences in the senate and house. The US system isn't perfect but its better than ours
>Popular vote
Worst thing. If it is based on popular vote then there is no reason to campaign anywhere but East and West Coast. That is where the population is at, and if you net them then all the middle states don't matter. Also it gives states that have a low population somewhat of a say as well unlike if it was based on popular vote.
>Hurr durr delegates, electoral college, States, counties
Makes no fucking sence
I'd move to Cali just for the god tier weather.
or under the current system you have 4.2/10.6 million votes be absolutely pointless in a state like CA. All the dems have to do is flood the big EV states with enough beaners and niggers and the right never wins another election. Texas is the last holdout, but it wont be long before they have enough browns to go lib too.
Come to San Diego. Its pretty fucking awesome here.
It is in the constitution for a reason.
Any Americans that are stupid enough to honestly think about abolishing the Electoral College and electing the president by a true popular vote need to go read the FUCKING CONSTITUTION.
It is because they are probably taking their ideals that made California crumble with them to a more successful place and will eventually vote like they did in Cali.
Though I agree, population displacement is terrible. The borders should be closed and people should be deported.
>lose most number of votes
>win election
>muh electoral college
>help Israel orchestrate 9/11
If you went to popular vote then the entire middle of America doesn't matter. They simple don't have the population of the coasts so all they need is to get as many people from the coasts as they can and they have it in the bag.
Due to the electoral college states like Wyoming have a disproportionate amount of power for the people that live there while states that have the most population (like California) have diminishing returns and aren't fully represented due to a limited amount of votes for all states.
>It's happened 4 times. That's pretty uncommon.
Out of what, 47 presidents? That's about 8%. Thats not insignificant.
Enjoy the draughts.
(and the hippies)
I'm drowning in shit weather here, summer lasts for like 10 minutes, and even when there is sun, it's rarely hot enough.
>pleb nations not using FPTP
>most retarded and best electoral system of all time
>tfw the electoral system is rigged in my party's favour for the foreseeable future
>god tier
No. It's too hot there, like (((south))) Italy.
Good thing it's not a democracy but a republic
There is a fucking difference,
Look at the EU.
See states as countries such as denmark, france, whatever.
If it was the number of people that mattered for this to vote, my country would be one of the biggest influences since we have like 3 times more people in here than for example denmark.
Or have high population wastelands such as greece, italy, portugal and spain vote, and have it go by their numbers alone you get a welfare state.
Why need sun? You're white.
Sun is for plebs.