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Fucking awesome show. Mastered moral ambiguity and suspense long before Breaking Bad.
Doesn't get talked about enough.

he a good boy.


Good cop and bad cop left for the day.

show is so cringey but I'm enjoying it.

lol tavon I forgot all about him till last episode someone brought him up.

s5 was shit though

>show is so cringey but I'm enjoying it.
>s5 was shit though
Damn man you completely outed yourself as a pleby baby pleb so perfectly. You wanna go for strike 3?

this is one of the very few shows I could not finish, rivaling only Sons of Anarchy in it's retarded meathead plot and characters. Classic pleb garbage.

Numale detected!

We cool bro?

>pleby baby pleb
>being this triggered someone enjoys the show but recognizes that its heavily flawed
All fx shows are like this brah. typically enjoyable but require heavy suspension of disbelief and for you to "turn your brain off"
I imagine your brain cannot turn on however.

Still an amazing series and better than Breaking Bad in every conceivable fashion.

Filthy pleb, baby pleb, life my sleeve, kiss my ring.

Honestly my favorite show of all time. Can't wait for the 4k release. Last I heard it's still set for 2017 release.

The series finale of The Shield is the greatest hour in television history. Breaking Bad loses to The Shield based on the shit ending alone.


It was enjoyable at first but it gets stupider and stupider as it goes on. Vic is the worst main character fucking ever. The "strike team on the run" plot lines are so stale and overdone.

All the characters are flat as fuck, one dimensional and never develop.

villains are shit period.

>this and the mexican police chief sucking dick in every opening sequence
a bit much desu

I'll contribute to this thread when I'm done with the crosswords.

how did I know you were the breaking bad obsessed poster from every shield thread.

you've mentioned breaking bad 4 times alone in this thread. fucking post about it on reddit faggot.

you forgot
>we killed a cop

Surprise for you I am not the only one who sees the parallels between the two shows. Another surprise: You are the first one to mention reddit. I hope your family dies of a wasting disease.

you are mentally ill.

Your family gave birth to a pussy.

faggot had it coming. just kidding but could the writers have made it any more obvious he was gonna die that season?

also the absolute state of the actor who plays ronnie. I imagine when they cast him they did it with the explicit intention of only giving him throwaway lines because the dude is a bottom 5 woat actor 2bh

your whole family gave birth to you? how does that work?

you like crawl up inside your younger sisters c00ter?

I bet you try and act like mackey in real life LMAO

>I bet you try and act like mackey in real life LMAO
More people should act like him IRL.

>22 replies
>10 posters
>breaking bad mentioned 5 times
also its a very mediocre show. I'm a bit triggered threads like this convinced me to watch it. The filming style is shite

>Reppin dat Spook-street my nig!

you think you're mackey but you're actually dutch
fyi mackey is a shit character.

>I imagine when they cast him they did it with the explicit intention of only giving him throwaway lines because the dude is a bottom 5 woat actor 2bh
He was a friend of the showrunner, he was just cast on the pilot because they needed an extra member. The real awful casting choice was Vic's wife, she was the showrunner's actual wife and really awful.

>The filming style is shite
you think David Simon's filming style is shit too?

>The filming style is shite
It's one of the best things about it, you fucking pleb. It's just raw and immediate instead of trying too hard. Much better than Breaking Bad's babby first aesthetic cinematography

>It's a Julian murdered his wife IRL episode.

Guess he wasn't gay.