Which side are we (right wing nationalists, conservacucks, alt righters, ect) on for this? Kosovo just won their first ever gold medal and I kind of want to be happy for them but honestly I know next to nothing about the conflict. Redpill me on the Serb war
Which side are we (right wing nationalists, conservacucks, alt righters, ect) on for this...
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It's full of angry shiqptars and the NATO won't let you take it back, just let it go Serbros.
Kosovo is American-sponsored Muslim terrorists. Basically the Taliban/Islamic State of the Balkans.
Srpska all the way.
>Serbs and Albos live in peace
>Clintons come
>start divide and conquer using old blueprints of religious division attempted by the Turks
>Albos start chimping out
>They are subsumed
>Natist forces immediately claim war crimes
The rest is history, the country was created to give Americans direct control of the idiotic amounts of ore and other goods
Kosovo is CIA's puppet state. Also, most of Albanians support ISIS and there are a lot of isis camps for new regrutes. So yeah, you should be supporting Serbia.
Serbs brought everything on themselves. After behaving like lunatics in BiH (which surprisingly was left unpunished) they chimped out in Kosovo too and thats when UN decides that enough is enough.
They're both shit countries with shitty people, from my experience.
If I REALLY had to choose it would be serbs, but it's really like picking between trump and hillary.
They're both shit for different reasons. Serbs are at least white.
>253 replies
Whatever, I'll contribute anyways
Kosovo is a region of mountain Albanians that are way more savage and poor than normal Albanians like myself. We have trouble communicating with each other sometimes, that's how bad it gets. They are very nationalistic and hate Serbs.
Because they are Muslim, Sup Forums hates them too, a large majority at least. They're probably the least Muslim out of all the Muslims in the world because they drink, eat pork and marry outside their religion literally all the time. But you're going to hear on this board that they are sandniggers from Saudi Arabia that fuck goats.
Everyone in the Balkans is this way, they have a very deep hatred for one another, but Serbs seem to hate Kosovar Albanians the most because of the independence thing. I think it could've been better handled and maybe it would've prospered (relatively speaking) if it was just an autonomous republic, still part of Serbia but independent on the local level. Many of my Albanian brothers will think I am a traitor to my cause for this, because muhh they genocided us.
Whatever happens, don't believe in any memes about people from the Balkans. They are all white and they share more cultural similarities than they'd like to think. You're going to see a lot of dehumanization in this thread, don't be fooled. There is no greater difference than a black man and a white man. Other whites squabbling over clay cannot compare even in the slightest.
It literally doesn't even matter anymore since the Serbs lost and will never get it back ever. But always support Christians over Muslims
Serbs are good for nothing bastards, they deserve exactly what they got. Don't let them make you think otherwise.
>needing Sup Forums to tell you what is your opinion
>Serb nationalists start protesting in Kosovo
>Milosevic visits Kosovo to calm things down
>They meet some of the protestors in a building while the rest is outside
>Inside of the building, fellow Serbs start complaining about local raping and murders done by Albanians
>Milosevic carefuly listens while the guy who represents Kosovo denies everything, saying that they are lying
>meanwhile outside the building, Serbian nationalists start provoking the police, luring them in a spot where they prepared rocks and stuff to throw on them
>They make a big mess and everyone hears them, milosevic with his crew goes outside to calm everyone and stop the conflict
>Serbian nationalists start blaming the police, saying they attacked first
I just want to add that this was around the 80's and that Milosevic wasnt a big deal then, and that he violated some rules of the communist party of Yugoslavia by meeting the nationalist and talking with them
>Everything got really complicated when Milo said that no one will lay a finger on the Serbs
>Serbian nationalism euphoria starts up, milosevic gets really popular
>After some time, Milosevic becomes the "president" of Serbia, he then replaces the "presidents" of the autonomous region of Vojvodina and Montenegro with his own people.
>Soon after, kosovar albos start protesting in Kosovo
>contra-protests start by Serbians in Belgrade
>Under pressure Yugo chief at the time was forced to agree to Milosevic's terms (he was outvoted due to Serbia,vojvodina,montenegro,macedonia and Bosnia outvoting the rest and due to the protests in Belgrade) to send out the JNA army out on Kosovo and make the protests stop
>Milosevic gets peace on Kosovo for a short while, removes autonomy later and imprisons Azem Vlasi (the before mentioned Kosovar guy who was in the meetings with Milo)
Anyways, this all lead to the rise of Milosevic to power, the rise of Serbian nationalism, the rise of nationalism in Croatia and the general fall of Yugoslavia.
And yeah, this was all around the late 80's.
Later after all the wars, especially the Bosnian civil war, Serbian and Milosevic's reputation was ruined, later the problem of Kosovo appeared again (which was just swept under the rug in the late 80s) and Milosevic couldn't do anything after the US started backing the KLA.
I do have to agree that the Kosovar Albanians were wrong by provocating the Serbian police and doing mass murder on civilians just to get a reaction from Serbia (which is the cause of the war), but this is all because Milosevic decided to get rid of autonomy of a region which needed it the most so that it could stabilise.
>Proto-Serbs come into the Balkans
>Conquer the area
>Build their culture by combining slavic to what they find in the area
>12th century
>Serbs use the civil war in Byzantium to double their territory
>fastforward to the 14th century
>Ottomans appear
>1st battle of Kosovo
>Serbs lose, become their vassals
>2nd battle of Kosovo
>Serbs stop the League of Lezhe from helping the crusaders
>The League of Lezhe devastates the Serbian lands in return
>Ottomans conquer Balkans
>Albanian mercenaries start spreading
>Albanian mercenaries gain positions of power, become landlords and ultimately Pashas.
>4 big ass vilayets next to each other, stretching from Presevo to Arta
>All with an Albanian Majority
>fastforward to the 20 century
>First attempt at Yugoslavia
>Borders are drawn, Albanians not taken in consideration
>Albania unites with Albanian majority territories
>Axis loses
>Borders reset
>Tito collects Albanians from allover Yugoslavia and puts them next to the mainland
>Serbs take control of Yugoslavia
>Douchebag starts tensions with Albanians
>Motivates faggots to kill Albanians
>Kosovo War
>Most flee, some remain
>War ends
>Kosovo becomes a nation.
Oh it is this thread again.
Balkanians are niggers of Europe, very ez and accurate description.
Burger san I think you should go and gas yourself.
Slide it and SAvaGE it.
>not knowing much about the conflict and looking for a 'redpill' on it
okay but you have to take into consideration that we wuz expelled in 2004 and that nobody cared for 1244 resolution of the UN
kosovo is full of albanians and albanians are disgusting filth
if you have to ask "Which side are we" you are a clueless meme
Kosovo is a travesty in every fucking sense and I say this as a Serb who's not that nationalist and who could accept their separation if it wasn't a fucking criminal organization masquerading as a state, and based on expulsion of all Serbs there, stealing of property and fanatical hatred of Serbs.
And now, they're getting radicalized more and more due to absolute poverty and Saudi Arabia and other fucks pumping in money.
If things go like this for a bit longer they will become a serious threat and we'll literally have to slaughter them before they start a Jihad.
Yeah, someone needs to take a look in all those mosques funded by Saudis that are popping up. They already had few fighters fight for ISIS from Kosovo.
Also, USA made 2nd largest European military base "Bondsteel" there, and took a shit ton of natural resources as they always do.
If you support Kosovo as a state, you're a bluepilled idiot
Sup Forums is on the Serb side. The Albanian side is the NWO and the Clintons
Serbs did nothing wrong, Kosovo is a Croat conspiracy
Kosova je sbrija
Had the true legitimate Bosnian President who won the election Fikret Abdic great Yugoslavia would have remained.
Alija was a Croat American Agent
It's an obvious ploy to take serbian land and have it be annexed by Albania, a muslim shithole, so what do you think?
>I do have to agree that the Kosovar Albanians were wrong by provocating the Serbian police and doing mass murder on civilians just to get a reaction from Serbia (which is the cause of the war), but this is all because Milosevic decided to get rid of autonomy of a region which needed it the most so that it could stabilise.
As a fellow albanian. If I say that I don't hate all serbs, I have one like you in mind.
>UN decides
Kosovo is like if Mexicans mass migrated to Texas, a quintessential American state, and then proclaimed independence as a pseudo-Mexican region. Similarly, the Kosovo region was historically an important part of Serbia. Albanian muslims mass migrated to Kosovo and then bitched about their culture being repressed because Serbia wouldn't tolerate their kebab bullshit.
Are yoy fucking moron? Because Bill supported kosovar scums doesn't mean we have to do the same.
Greeks will always stand for serbros and help them slaughter muslim gypo-subhumans of kosovo like we did in Srebenica together 21 years ago.
Look, the only way to have peace on Balkans is to kill every foreigner, Jew and Albanian.
And every politician too, because those faggots thrive on flaming the fires of chauvinistic hatred of Croats and Serbs.
Also, we need to kill off everyone who's not a Christian. Maybe in the past we have gotten along, but that's no longer the case.
Basically, ethnic cleansing is the only sane solution to our problem. After that's done, we can start working on making Balkan better for those that live here. You simply can't make any progress or improve life standards until you're rid of domestic traitors and foreign power agents.
Thread theme:
If you're a proud albanian, why do you live in Germany?
Did I say anywhere that I am proud to be albanian, faggot? You should be proud on things you have achieved on your own, not on things that have been put in your lap due to your birth.
babo would make yugoslavia great again
>UN decides
UN wouldn't be able to decide what drinks they should serve at a damn barbecue.
they got what they deserved
in the same manner (and worse with cleansing) they rekt bosnia and tried to fuck us
Kosovo is a puppet state used for heroin smuggling to Europe by the US, harvesting huge natural deposits in ore and as an American outpost in Bondstil.
The whole problem started with Tito who helped Albanians to settle this region. If Saudi funding doesnt dry up it is a powder keg waiting to explode
I wouldnt be gloating....last thing I heard is that Serbs are mass selling their land in Croatia to Albanians
im not gloating my just stating their hypocrisy if i were to be asked kosovo is serbia and bosnia would be split
So your argument is that nationality of the people should determine the country?
Does that mean you support Mexican state if Texas?
These are the hallmarks, these are the pillars.
I support Serbia.
All of Bosnia should re-unite with Serbia because they are all Serbs
>trusting a croat
Might as well trust a gypsy and albanian
no do u understand what im saying?
i said kosovo is serbia
same as Lika is croatia
u cant split naturally connected areas just by nationality
but hey look at the shape of my country
>they are all Serbs
Nah. There's a lot of Bosnian Croats living there too.
The problem is there's idiots who think "Bosniak" is an actual ethnicity, as something separate from Serbs and Croats.
Meni jos smesnije kad pogledam kako je Bosna podeljena.
Well, we agree on something
Serbs call us backstabbers although they are the backstabbing ones and always were.
I'd be backstabbed by a fellow Serb a thousand times before I unite with or surrender to fucking muslim subhumans. There is no country called Kosovo. All of it is rightful Serbian, slavic, Christian clay.
God bless the soul of Milosevic, a guy who knew how to handle the crescent clad threat.
All Muslims in Bosnia are Serbs it's been proven they can deny it all they want.
>Meni jos smesnije kad pogledam kako je Bosna podeljena.
ma nacioanlne izmjesanosti po podrucijma su fascinantne više niti neznam kak bi bilo posteno podijeliti
Milan the First should have been fucking tortured to death for what he did.
Fucking scumbag.
Nikako se te nece deliti, jer ne bi odogovaralu Zapadu ni Srbija, ni Hrvatska da dobiju ista.
There is a war that whole former Yugoslavia is fighting on the same side - and losing.
The $ war.
Former Yu was to strong economicaly to be allowed to exist. Now all that stuff that was produced by Yugo is made by someone else. Who? Look who benefited the most, and you will find the real puppeter of Yugo conflit.
If you guys are smart you would keep your distance but work together to get out of the shithole you call your countries
Bar nemate Neum situaciju, 100% Hrvati, a mi gledamo kak sagradit skupi most da spojimo peljesac sa kopnom.
>citation needed
in our fascist days they were accepted as croats but later it got important to create them as new ethnicity to divide and conquer
>Former Yu was to strong economicaly to be allowed to exist.
That's why it economically collapsed during the 80s when the Americans stopped paying the fee.
It was socialism, doomed from the start.
The reason why we're fucked economically now is that the factories were too big for new markets and there was no one who'd transform it rather than just buy cheaply and rob it.
And the socialist policies and the cancerous bureaucracy are stopping anything at the start.
JMO was Serb oriented their leader Spaho's descendants are members of Srpska Radikalna Stranka
I'm an Albo living in US currently and I have to say, some Albos from kosovo are more like Turks than Albanian. They do not look white; they act like they are living 200 years in the past and never left their village of 60 people.
Purge with fire
the Yellow House case
>war happens
>albos capture soldiers
>kill them and sell their organs
albanians are primitive, remember that
>1 mans opinion is defining truth
there were also other muslims in same organization who were more pro croatian
I'm curious. Besides the Albanian minority group that lives in Italy, are there any more groups of you out there that are Catholics and actually look white?
Worst part of that was when our side gave evidence of that to the Hague delegation, they told us it wasn't part of their mandate, and for years nothing has been resolved regarding that.
I've also noticed this, some Kosovars look more like shitskin than Albanians.
What the hell?
I wouldnt go that far. Yes, some of the stuff was funded without leverage, but there were good things too. Military industry was good, infrastructure and construction, textile, food...it was more atractive for turists....there was some good shit
Muslims from Travnik are were all Royalists oriented they were in the Cetniks during WW2
>it was more atractive for turists
It still is, Croatia and Montenegro are pretty much surviving on tourism.
Only during the war was it deserted (cities were being shelled)
Military had to be good, because it was an authoritarian, socialist dictatorship and infrastructure was built by "public works".
Yugoslavia was the best communist state (most freedoms) but only because it had USA and USSR bidding for it. (still doesn't mean much)
I mean you live in a country that is being fucked by the communist government, you should know what communism does.
Thank you.
Stupid merican sack of shit. Eather you want kebaps removed or not?
They wont remove emselves..
Everything I know about Kosovans I learned when Tony Blair dump them where I live.
>Only a few of them
>Completely white area, but people let them be
>Few more of them started coming in
>They start roaming around in gangs (not big gangs but big enough)
>Inexplicably find the funds to buy a shop
>Two women get raped
>School kids start getting attacked in the woods
>Shop gets firebombed
>Group of them get attacked hanging around where, coincidentally, the two women were raped
>Woodland attack man gets his shit kicked in
>Didn't put anymore refugees or immigrants in my area until just last month
They're scum. Plain and simple.
I am Orthodox. Most albanians I know/met in the states (NY NJ area) are christians. However the muslim guys don't act muslim at all (drink, eat pork)
But some of those guys in kosovo are straight up shitskins that I would purge myself.
I don't know what made the physical features (maybe aftermath of rape by ottomans?) But I will tell you that living in Albania, you, your parents, everyone around you - can distinguish a person from Kosovo simply by looking at their face.
Were you aware that Albanians from Kosovo unironically called their children Tonibler?
What are your thoughts on that one Albanian family from New York who are demanding 'justice' from Serbia for killing their sons who came here to fight for the terrorists?
Send over more Zastava stuff and there will be Americans that will help remove.
so were some croats and? cetniks started of as royal yugoslavian army
>Were you aware that Albanians from Kosovo unironically called their children Tonibler?
Fuck me, I just had to check that I'd never heard of it. I'm fucking disgusted.
Orjuna were Yugoslavs not Croats
Well, contemporary balkan people who are muslim are mostly ottoman rape babies. They were cucked a few hundred years ago and the seed of fucking Serdar the Rapistofhisownmother still lingers through their bloodline. It's aditionally enhanced by the constant inbreeding practiced by islamic eukaryotes.
That's why Christians throughout the Balkans have better looks than muslims, are generally taller, have better proportions and are objectively more attractive. Islam literally turns you int a nigger with all it's cons - ugly, short, brown, disfigured, violent, unable to think about anything more than acid in your wife's face and your forehead hitting the carpet.
kek, always gets me
>Falling for the serbian propaganda bullshit?
>Not a single "proof" has been delivered besides parroting; organ theft, bubrek merchant etc.
We albanians might be a bit stupid, but definitely not to that extend...
Why should we have captured soldiers and harvested their organs, bearing in mind that if it became public, we would have faced the biggest repercussions from the international community? UCK was fighting a "media"-war, not an allout war against the Serbian state. UCK never stood a chance against serbian grad missiles and fighter jets. More people die on the "autostrade 1" during a misty winternight then serbs have been zipped during the kosovo war. If we were so hungry for money, we might have as well sell these "bodies" from the autostrade and face like zero repercussions if it became public...
But hey, who am I? I am just a muslim terrorist kosovo albanian in Germany who is planning to rape all serbian virgins, steel your organs and burn down your churches... Would be happy if serbshits start to see that albanians are humans and that peace between two nations is possible...
I have a feeling that Muslim Albanians are scum but Christian/Orthodox Albanians are OK.
And also, Kosovo is filled with the Muslim ones and that's why they are cancer.
Can someone confirm?
Personally: Albanians around them should be ashamed and smash their heads in
Politically: They should be investigated for possible terrorist affiliation/sympathy
Call you guys to remove them.
Speaking purely from financial perspective - yugo was better of, nevermind the "donations"
If Macedonians and Serbians are going in vacation in Greece, that is money lost
If the Libya is not buying tanks from yugo it is money lost
If there is a foreign company doing infrastructure that is money lost
The flag that doesnt have satanic/secularist stars in it.
a two headed eagle is fucking weird, but at least it's not a satanic star.
Here's some redpilling:
Bill Clinton admitted that Soros had given him directives on how to handle the Yugoslavia situation youtube.com
In Soros's book, he reveals he was friendly with Warren Zimmermann (the US ambassador to Yugoslavia) books.google.com
Zimmermann was the guy who convinced Alija Izetbegovic to reneg from the Lisbon Agreement to partition BiH according to ethnic lines. Karadzic and Boban had already agreed to it and if Izetbegovic had not pulled out, it may have averted the Bosnian war. books.google.com
As for Kosovo, Soros (along with Albanian billionaire Sahit Muja) wanted the Trepča mines, which NATO troops seized for him. web.archive.org
Look at the percentage for consanguinity marriages around the world. The countries that have it the highest just so happen to be Middle Eastern and/or muslim-majority.
Siptara ima pun kurac u dijaspori. Primetio sam da ih najvise ima u Holandiji i Australiji. Ove iz Holandije zovemo Tonibler Kaladont.
>we would have faced the biggest repercussions from the international community?
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling with this?
The international community wouldn't say shit, because they want solely one "bad guy" side in the conflict and they made Serbs those.
>UCK was fighting a "media"-war
Bullshit. Civilians were being attacked so much that the police couldn't handle it on their own, hence why the army was called in the first place.
>Would be happy if serbshits start to see that albanians are humans and that peace between two nations is possible...
I don't know about the ones from Albania, but the ones on Kosovo aren't humans. I don't consider them as humans. Killing them is no different than stepping on a cockroach.
so are u going by self declaration of ethnicity of by heritage?
bosniaks call themselves bosniaks but are serbs?
and croats call themselves jugoslavs so theyr jugoslavs?
seriously creeped out here, I just got tripple 777s in my post on another thread too.
Fuck these gay odds
>Serbia dindu nutting. Albozergs bad! Kill alll albo cockroaches. Exterminate them!
That the thing with Serbshits. Every major country accepts a defeat and apologises after a while. 99.9% of serbshits still believe in kosovska je methojia bullshit. You know I try to find love for your country. Met many serbs in Mitrovica who were nice and enjoyable, but I have the feeling that the Endlösung for serbshits is JDAMs on belegrade until the last of you psychopathic fuckheads flies to valhalla
Kosovo je serbia, serbia has one gold medal
Shitpar diaspora detected
Btw bought my tickets to Prishtina yesterday. Will enjoy my summer on albanian clay and throw some stones on the remaining serbian gypsies who didn't fuck off with with bag and baggage over night after you lost the war
I have no idea why do some Croats congratulate shiptars?
Just because Serbs hate them?
Really, come the fuck on, shiptars are fucking dirty rats and sometimes they mate with roachs.
I never liked Serbs for our several hundred years of hate.
But I never had fights with Serbs that I saw or met. I was just "meh" always.
But I really hate shiptars with so much hate that my hate is a 3.0 engine and it needs as much fuel as a 3.0 engine needs.
Burn those demons back to hell desu.
> Action will make America stronger
> Action will fuck over (most) mudslimes and europoors
Why wouldn't I like this as a white American again?
And here we go.
See, when they're actually confronted with the truth, the shiptars from Kosovo just start frothing at the mouth. They can't stand the truth.
And this fellow right here, man, he is such a great patriot, all the way from Deutschland, he loves his country so much, he fucked off to somewhere where he can get social welfare checks.
Ne brigaj, dosta ljudi zna da to ili nisu Hrvati ili su neka govna koja samo hoce da potpaljuju tu vatru mrznje medju nama za neku njihovu korist.
Imam ja par prijatelja iz Hrvatske, Zadra i sl, mi smo jedno leto pre par godina nalemali neku stoku sto je pokusala da nas nesto zavadi.