Anybody else becoming increasingly depressed at the state of the world...

Anybody else becoming increasingly depressed at the state of the world? It's gotten to the point where if I'm not horrified or depressed over it, part of me is actively refusing to acknowledge it for that day.

>Orwellian surveillance state constantly expanding and tightening its grip; people's wildest conspiracy theories about it from ten years ago proven true by leaks and people are pretty much fine with it
>all forms of media so saturated with propaganda that it'd take hours to point out all of it in two minutes of a television new broadcast; it's so pervasive that it's not even shocking, and people either outright deny that it's there or seem not to care
>rapidly improving drone and biometrics technologies; what we're allowed to know about is already horrifying, and what's hidden can only be worse; technology rapidly approaching the point where any dissent could be detected and crushed almost instantly
>outright lies and false narratives pushed everywhere, with the near-guarantee that history will remember them as truth; history being rewritten and/or memory-holed right before our eyes
>entire elections rigged and/or manipulated, and people are just fine with it or outright deny that it's happening
>fucking supervillains running for office, with the cheers and support of the masses behind them
>wars waged under false pretenses, and it's been happening for so long that people here are fucking numb to it
>Europe won't even be European in a few decades, and people celebrate that
>fucking zombies everywhere
>people obviously pushing for WWIII

I'm trying my best not to let it get to me, but holy shit, this is soul-crushing, guys. It's literally my worst nightmare, and I wake up in it every day. We're living in a dystopian hellhole, and nobody gives a fuck because it's all shiny and happy.

>babby's first epiphany
welcome to the real world frank


I'm quite past the point of even caring anymore bro

just ride along with it

there's absolutely nothing we can do

this is an exciting time OP
orient your consciousness toward resisting the BORG -- you'll fail ultimately, but at least you won't go down like a coward pussy.


the pic makes it perfect.

Yea the government is way too huge and corrupt to continue this way. Call me a CTR shill all you want, but it might be beneficial for clinton to win just so everything burns down faster. The only way this government can be dismantled is by crumbling under its own weight. Which will hopefully happen soon when China wins the currency war

I'm just an observer

I've been aware of since I was a kid but I find hope in that people today can still wake up and realize things cynical losers always have.

>Instead of Jews ridding anti-semitism, the Happy Merchant becomes a meme
>Pro Trans garbage like that Youtube Music commercial and arguments pushing for Transfags to go into any bathroom they desire fucking trashed.
>After Orlando shootings parade everyone recognizes BLM as a piece of shit organization, exposing libs into how self centered and hateful blacks can be
>Media pushing for race war, people in general are still very kind or don't care.
>Black people are starting to see through being race baited and have their own thoughts such as supporting Trump

However those in power truly are in power, driving the narrative and the silent majority (as Trump says) can't do shit.

its the same everywhere OP
just let it all burn to the ground

Just enjoy the view user or become part of the nightmare and exploit to your pleasures content.

If you're smart and good looking, life has never been easier or as enjoyable before.

at this point im all for a Mad Max type world

Get off the internet. Its better then you think

Thanks user. I knew all these things, but I try not to think about them all at once.

Now I want to kill myself.

>Tfw just friend zoned by the literal love of my life
>she lost all romantic interest in me and just sees me as a friend
>world going to shit

I wish I had the balls to kill myself

Scientists are always surprised at the rate of global warming, and so methane leaks will probably make Earth inhabitable within the next decade OP. Best enjoy it while you're here.

I stopped caring about the time when I realized that the same people who choose to remain blind to the shit that's going on basically deserve to suffer from it eventually. I don't have the time or energy to even try to convince everyone that politicians are evil.

wtf I just lost faith in humanity now

just become a sperm donor

cheer up, there's other fishes in the sea

seriously guys...
why should i even care about people anymore?
i try to accumulate as much wealth as i can and try to be as much useful in "the grand scheme of things".

NWO should become a thing

just become a degenerate and go on welfare, it won't go anywhere in your lifetime.

I literally wanna kill myself even more this year because at least it will have been me who killed me and not some terrornigger.

That feel when I embrace the incoming suffering because most people need to feel it.

Why do you care? Our world is turning into something else but it happens for almost every generation. With Europe going through demographic shift a century and a half earlier than the rest of the world it was inevitable I guess. We all will have to learn to live in a society that is mostly shitskin and barely functions but for top 10% life will be better than ever, just focus on being in that decile. It shouldn't be too hard considering how most of the world population is already borderline retarded.

Well, you can redeem yourself from surrogate activities and all the artificiality of the modern society and pursuit real freedom

Or you can start to fight back


No OP, you're just advancing in your state of redpill.

can i get the tldr of the unabomber manifesto

I'm more depressed over that I have fear for everything and I cant get a gf
plus racewar and cuckenin

>not getting used to it
Most people in history lived and died in a period of unstable peace, with maybe a war or two.

We're on the dawn of a new era. Extinction or ascension, those are the only two options. We can not sustain the level of society we are at now.

Watch it man, just watch it. It'll be beautiful to see what we can do.

-Leftists are either opportunistic scums or oblivious useful idiots
-technology strips the man of its spirit
-woodcabins are d0pes