>Kurds are based.
>help them more.
Kurds are based
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Is Hungary trying to claim the sun?
Nah, I've met Kurdish reffos. They are whingy whiney fucks.
I don't give a fuck about anybody in the Middle East. I don't know why our troops are over there in the first place.
i will help them into their graves
>Kurds are based
Here's k*rdish man in his natural habitat, getting oppressed by Turkish state.
Bloody Turks. This kind of attitude is why we dismantled the Ottoman Empire. Pray we do not dismantle it further.
>le Kurds are maymay
Reminder that people said the same thing about Turkey
>oh look goy a secular Islamic country. So based.
These people need to be purged along with the rest of their kind. That or be sent to Germany and the UK
Ottoman was over, Turk roach you are nothing other than absolute roach, your threatening are not working today as everyone hate you and calling you palmetto bugs, Israel and Kurdistan, Armenia and Greek are on ambush to eliminate you and indignifying you to history. We make you be ashamed to hold your head up among us, knowing that you had suffered so humiliating and undignified punishment by Kurds, you will see that in and near future.
>Vlad was decapitated by the Turks as a trophy, and his head was sent to Constantinople, preserved in honey. Afterwards, the head was displayed on a stake as proof that he was dead.
try it cunt, we have enough land to bury the rest of you
Is this shopped? Can someone so apish exist?
Sure thing Michael.
Correct. The Greeks will retake Constantinople the very moment Turkey is kicked out of NATO. I hope you are enjoying life free from oppressive Ottoman rule, Jordanian. The barbaric Turks are unfit to rule other races.
>we have enough land to bury the rest of you
You tell people we bury you?
Time to nuke you all roaches
Muslims! The doomsday won't come until the war with is fought Turks. Their faces are like shields, their skins are thick…..they wear bristle shoes. ( Muslim, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Fiten/62-65, hadith #:2912; Abu Dawod, Sünen, Kitabu'l-Melahim/9 Babun fi Kıtali't Türk, hadith #: 4303; Nesei, Sünen, Kitabu'l-Cihad/ Babu Gazveti't-Türk…)
-If you (Muslims) don't fight with these little eyed, pug nosed, shield faced, thick skinned people , the doomsday won't come.(Bukhari, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Cihad/96; Muslim, e's-Sahih, kitabu'l-Fiten/62 hadith #: 2912; Abu Dawod, Sünen, hadith #: 4304; Tirmizi, hadith #: 2251; İbn Maja, hadith #: 4096-4099)
From the "KITALUT-TURK" ("WAR WITH TURKS") hadiths : “War with Turks will certainly occur.”… (Bukhari, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Cihad/96)
“This is a sign for the doomsday, too: You will fight the people who wear shoes which are
made of bristle and kill them. The fight against the people with wide shield faces is a sign for the doomsday. The doomsday won't come until you kill the little eyed, red faced, pug nosed, shield faced, thick skinned Turks.."( Bukhari, e's-Sahih, kitabu'l-Cihad/95; Muslim, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Fiten/66, hadith #: 2912; İbn Maja, hadith #: 4097-4098).
“You (Muslims) and the little eyed people, Turks are going to fight. You are going to run after them 3 times. Finally you are going to meet them in the Arabic peninsula. At first, *whoever can run away will survive. In the second time, *some will escape and some will be killed. In the third time, all of them will be destroyed.(Abu Dawod, sünen, hadith #: 4305.)
>go back to central asia mongols! we will kill all tu...
>greeks will take back istanbul
lol the istanbul police force alone could annex greece if they wanted to
Eh, our casualties were fairly even. We'll be back for another round one day, mate.
Use an English course and enjoy some life, before saudi genocide you.
Don't you have better things to do with your life other than spamming anti-Turk threads 24/7? I'm sure Jordan has very nice Parks and other attractions
he's just k*rdish
>implying I'm not waiting for the day so I can fuck k*rdish loli pussy freely
whats the difference between a kurdroach and a turkroach?
>Very nice parks
No we are all terrorists, never come here for a minute or we kill you.
We all hate Turks here and almost about kill someone who says I am Turk.
Turkish shill detected. Kurds are bro-tier.
Bji Bji Kurdistan, fuckTurks.
Nah bro, who says I am Turk shill, Topic please.
-no culture
-heavily religious
-talks big but escapes in the first sign of trouble
-lives on gibsmedat
-lives in the east or in large turkish cities
-never had a state of its own
-60 iq
-child of the empire
-knows his heritage and his family history for at least 200 years back
-built turkey up from nothing after ww1/independence war
-is not afraid to die for his country and his people
-knows his culture, takes part in cultural activities
-believes in god, does not take part in muslim/arab activities
-lives in western anatolia or in the coastal regions
-had dozens of states and empires in his history
-university educated
-middle-class or higher
-100+ iq
-crypto rum/armenian/kurd
-basically the same as kurd but believes himself to be a turk
Trying to learn new English words while I try to fuck him practically.
>child of the empire
>knows his heritage and his family history for at least 200 years back
built turkey up from nothing after ww1/independence war
is not afraid to die for his country and his people
knows his culture, takes part in cultural activities
-believes in god, does not take part in muslim/arab activities
-lives in western anatolia or in the coastal regions
>had dozens of states and empires in his history university educated middle-class or higher 100+ iq modern
And Saudi and Russia and Greek genoide all of you.
>child of the empire
Also, today people don't ask who are your ancestors, they ask what is your contribution to life, as Ottoman was over and you have no single fuckin contribution.
thanks for acting as my live demonstration
picture related
>Sultan my cock mosque
Are your retarded? Erbil citadel dates back to 2000 years ago, Turk roach.
Entire Turkey has not something like that..
I mean Ankara by "Turkey", other places are not Turkey.
kill yourself t*rkroach
Thanks for your uprightness, bro
this is the "great mosque" of the "kurdish" "civilization" the erbil citadel
literally built back up by turks because krg is a vassal state, origin is persian though lol
that is the blue mosque, not hagia sophia fuckwad
Fuck off, It's built by both Kurdish Med and Sassanian empire more than 8000 yearsago, while you never know where is middle east and still ffeding goats in eastern asia shit holes.
>Turks built
P.s: Turk mongols ruined most parts ofthe citadel in 1202.
And don't dare to call Russian masterpiece fuckwad, you palmetto bugs.
Yeah, Simply the pic
>Research more in /his/ before you spout out about it in Sup Forums.
>arabs destroying turks
hahaha keep on dreaming you filthy k*rd
arabs beat us and converted us once. look how they are doing now. the divine one is punishing them for their crimes against turks. i really don't mind all those westerners bombing and shitting on arab soil because that's what they deserve
turkey is the best country in ME, go figure how the rest of the countries are so fucked up kek
steal that history kurd because you have none
kurds were goat farmers in the mountains before late 19th century, they would still be goat farmers today if we hadn't tried to civilize you
Salah Al Din led armies and ruled Egypt 200 years before the Ottman Empire.
Last time I checked, the Turk people are pretty much just Iranian tribes that were raped by Mongols.
Those Mongol rape babies then invaded Constintanopil and genocided the original people of Constintanopil and the orginal people of Greece. Now whats left in the land is the retarded rape Mongolian babies (the Turks).
They're the Gypsies of the Middle East. Fuck them, I wish Saddam had wiped them out when he had the chance.
>Turk civilized us
Pic related.
That is enough to led all Turks kill themselves.
Kill yourself Turk roach, I like Kurds don't fight ISIS and let see terrorists genocide all cowards like you.
He had no chance at all. The Kurds are tough fighters. Toughest fighters in the region. I was reading history about the ME and Islam. It was all the Kurdish leaders that helped Islam and ME prosper and win battles. The Kurds (the Medes) people have history over 2500 years old.
Saddam had no chance against the Kurds, the Iraqi army would station under the mountains and the Kurd snipers will pick the soldiers off one by one, and bazooka all the tanks and oil trucks.
They tricked Saddam and pissed him off and made him use chemical weapon (the only way to beat the Kurds). After the use of chemical weapon the US and NATO gave Kurds air support and prevented anyone from flying over Kurdish zones and thats how Kurds sealed victory.
TL;DR no ground force in the ME cant compete against the Kurdish fighters. They don't have airforce so US gave them air support. Now the Kurds GG the region.
I'm an Anglo
>tfw no kurd gf
Fuck off, kill yourself.
*farts louder*
Weren't you the Kurdish Jordanian who posted here regularly few months back?
Rather than shitposting against turks and being keyboard warriors I suggest you walk the walk and do join the fight in syria.
inb4 bias, that goes for the turks also, most would do everything to skip military service but act as if they are commandos on internet.
Fucking hypocrites, I respect the kurd who walks the walk even if he would have kill me in my conscription far more than your ass, sitting on jordan and talking shit. Go join the fight or stfu.
Kurds genocided Assyrian Christians and stole their land under the supervision of the Turks.
>help them more
Fuck off. Our countrymen come first.
Wtf I just saw, are you a human?
more human than you fo sho
>have no idea about earliest k*rd records in anatolia
>meanwhile Turks fought on both sides as mercenaries of Byzantine and troops of Seljuks
>there are even records of Normans but no record of k*rds
>at 1071
let that sink in
Not true
The Turks were directly responsible for both the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides, the Three Pashas gave the order to Ottoman Troops to march Armenians and Assyrian Christians across the Syrian desert
Kurds are not responsible
t. genocide expert
Yeah dude, I only said help Kurds and somebody being butthurt.
I forgot anti-Turk posts untill I saw a Turk shitposted against Saladin as It's obvious he is a Kurd and is not disagreeable and questionable, everybody from Arab countries recognizes and thanks me for Saladin.
Thwn I just couldn't skip in my skin and stay silent from last month untill now I didn't stop a momment in posting, I know there are some Turks are better than this shitposters but more likely few of them are here.
I once posted my pic tbqh,
was there a worse Ottoman leader?
R a r e
he was kinda retarded, if anything he hurt us more than helping
I feel like you guys would worship him if we were christians and armenians were muslims tho
i-i love you bremin. i wait you on Sup Forums /tr/ boards.Sup Forums.org/int/thread/63230345
make sure you post here sometimes ;)
mate, Sarikamish was an unmitigated disaster.
>helping arabs
>ever a good idea
see: taliban, al quaeda, isis
filthy arabs have proven they're untrustworthy time and time again, yet it keeps happening
If all arabs suddenly disappeared, the world would be 6000000x safer and happier
The entire middle east needs to be nuked.
uneducated roach.
the Kurds have history older than the Ottman Empire by at least 1000 years.
The Kurds were the Medes people. Just because the name changed after Islamization and the term Kurd start popin up 700 years ago, it doesnt mean that the people didnt exist. If you had some education you would know the geographical location of the Medes and compare it with the geopraphical location of Kurdistan now and also the fact that both Kurds and Medes spoke the SAME language.
Portoguese were called Iberia or something, the name changed, does that mean those poeple didnt exist?
German changed their name.
Many countries changed name over the course of history or different names started popin up to them by different civilizations. Does that mean the people of that land didnt exist?
No, it doesnt. You uneducated roach. Now shoooo away before I spray you with a bug spray.
Thank you for your uprightness.
Accept my appreciating for being more grateful to your post:
Can you point me to the k*rdish equavelent of this?
Also can you tell me where were they when we were reking shit?
Someone call the cringe police. Kurd is having a field day here.
Didn't you set a date yet for blowing up yourself?
>field day
I have been here for more than a century even when I dreaming in midnight I am here, I'm nigthmare dude. :DDDDD
They are not Turks, prove me wrong.
Ye illeterate Turkroach, simply savior Saladin.
You are the one to talk about English courses, eh?
We have a Pakistani version of Kurds. They are called Balochis. Literally the laziest, dumbest yet the most pompous people you'll ever see. You people can't live without slavery or some form of subjugation. Just give up the "muh Kurdistan" bullshit and stop being mere pawns of the US and allies. Being good slaves will be the most you'll ever accomplish as a race.
That doesn't match what I read, but I will admit I don't know a lot about the subject.
>ottoman is over
you guys needed the british and french to help you defeat the ottomans
it probably refers to mongols, which actually happened
Former YPG soldier reporting in to trigger Turks.
>So I am optimistic you survive and gat education, where did you learn those English words :DDD In part of my life, I didn't realized If somewhere like Pakistan exists as George Bush also haven't, dude I'm not even waste a second on watching Paki people but If I forced to either watch a Paki or Poo, I actually prefer poo, if necessary.
Yeah, unlike you who would try to steal it.
Kurds are allied with Israel. So no, they are not based.
>That one (Rudaw) is Kurdish mass media TV website.
We even say apology instead the act of Turks.
>So I am optimistic you survive and gat education, where did you learn those English words :DDD In part of my life, I didn't realized If somewhere like Pakistan exists as George Bush also haven't, dude I'm not even waste a second on watching Paki people but If I forced to either watch a Paki or Poo, I actually prefer poo, if necessary.
>gat education
What did he mean by this?
Mah nigga
sure he may have been ethnically Kurdish, but he never spoke a work of any Kurdish language in his life, and mostly identified with Arab culture
Ironically if Saladdin was resurrected today, and carefully examined the situation of the middle east, and looked at every muslim country/group, he would have probably joined ISIS, because they follow the closest version of Islam that he followed during his time, and would have led campaigns against the YPG/PKK, as well as the Shi'ites
STFU Didn't you understand? you resemble a shit, I don't consider you as a human, your land is an insignificant piece of trash place on the map.
>Get education
Farmer nothing-known poo skin who shot Malalay because going to school, asks people to get education.
Next time I troll with starting Turkey
Here is your
A Turk himself.
No, just one who enjoys getting you RAAAAAAAAAAGE
Srsly why do you dipshits keep shitposting all the time? If you will defeat Turkey, well, uncle Israel will come and wipe you all over the globe.
Y'all forgot Yugoslavia eh?
Besides, some must be really retarded if they trust Israel as a MUSLIM. I mean, even for muzzie standards retarded.
I said:
I honestly dont like either.
But Turks are the only reasonable Muslims and have a democracy and normal rules so I am pro Turkey.
>uncle Israel will come and wipe you all over the globe.
It's not that much bad, even If that happened, holy shit, I chose to be fucked by Israel over than live amongst goat herder Turk roaches.
Israel is a column of Kurdistan house, It never stands against it.
Fuck off, Palestinian beggar.
Oh come dont you see dont you see Kurds are nothing more then animals.
I dont hate jews but they should really stop supporting them.
I was in Jordan recently. Amman was nice.
Fuck off, Palestinian shit, you nevere be a country.
Kurds are better than Arabs 10000000x, I know that since Israel fuckes you and Saudi doesn't dare do anything.
I enjoy to see it when Israelis spill blood of Palestinian childs.
You know what fuck you there is a reason you are one of the most hated Muslim countries In the world kike shill.
We should nuke Palestine and surroundings to start over a new greater ally in region between KURDs and ISRAEL.
>We should nuke Palestine and surroundings to start over a new greater ally in region between KURDs and ISRAEL.
That's right goy, we are your greatest ally.
Either you are a troll or really really retarded.