>Libertarian Waterslide
Libertarian Waterslide
that kid got REKT
He was supposedly decapitated
>Henry then called the ride "dangerous, but it's a safe dangerous."
you just can't make this shit up
The free market will fix it. Just as the water of the slide trickles down so will the wealth.
wtf I hate RCT3 now
Guessing on those cables on the left maybe?
I remember seeing a show on the Travel Channel about the building of this slide. They fucked up the first time and had to completely rebuild because test boats would fly off the slides.
It's totally fine guys (with these specific variables), we swear!
You think they'd factor in strap malfunction and the chance of weighting errors.
There's footage showing the empty raft getting flung into the air on the first crest.
>People dying
Something very unnerving about going down a waterslide that large with such small railings/edges
this is the future of memes
straight fall from the top. at a young kids weight, he wouldnt stick to the slide, he would catch air and his neck slammed on the side of the slide at the bottom
The Market is patient, and we must be too.
>severe neck trauma
That just shows how hardcore it is, because it's a hardcore ride for hardcore thrill seekers!
I guess his strap broke and he was flung into the fencing during the first crest, as he was small and light.
Said fencing ripped his head off (or mostly off).
Heh heh.. nothin personal.. Kid.
Jesus, you'd have to be a dumb fuck to throw yourself down that thing.
>you lived long enough for rollercoaster tycoon to become a reality
WHY have that second bump, if they're trying to slow people down a little make a spiral, how could you not predict people flying off that fucking thing
I fucking heard that shit on the news too.
I bet the boat stuck on on non wet area of the plastic and flipped over
rofl wow that looks really safe
Yeah it checks out
They caught air near the middle where those green "safety" harness poles are and THOSE chopped his head off.
I live 30 mins from there. Shit is all over the news. Park is temporarily shut down
>Marketing materials include the slogan "R U Insane?"
The adults got fucked up too
Caleb was reportedly riding the slide with two adult women, with whom he was matched on the raft. The women are from north of Hays, Kan. One suffered a broken jaw, and the other a broken bone in her face and had to have stitches in her eye. The husband of one of the women says they are also suffering emotionally. He says the women do not know exactly what happened because it happened so fast. One of them had her eyes closed. One described it as the worst day of her life.
sheeit! I live in OP mutha fucker
So what exactly happened
you can do better than that English teacher.
Kek sounds like park staff royally fucked up the weight assignments.
garroted by a jealous chick, what else
It's the kids fault and the fault of whomever he was with, the minimum age to ride was 14 and they obviously lied about his age.
That lie led to his death.
>Let's put hillbillies who didn't go to high school in charge of designing an amusement ride that's 150 feet tall, features a near-vertical drop, is covered in patches of sandpaper to slow the sled down, has railings that are 1 foot high, and let's make the sled have no rigidity and is prone to flipping when the wind gets under the flexible nose
It violated the NAP.
>There's footage showing the empty raft getting flung into the air on the first crest.
You niggers are pansies, I'd ride that motherfucker a compensate for the hill
>when you grew up in Kentucky and got to ride one of these death traps, several times, and had a blast
what the fuck is this picture shopped?
this cant even work in fucking RCT, how do you think it would work in real life????????????
Honestly knowing a kid died on that waterslide makes me want to go ride it.
They had a dream, user, to achieve the highest intensity rating they could.
some little faggot's family is bawling their eyes out right now and so am i because you gave me a hearty kek. well done leaf.
What is the Dutch word for Verrückt?
I always find it amazing how easy Dutch is to understand after learning German
welp I guess I'll be playing RCT tonight.
>action park
my dad went there and apparently you would hit your head on the top of the loop, almost knocking you out.
also, there wasn't a door at the bottom of the loop in case someone got stuck
You two should become friends.
the angle in that picture makes it look more "Verrückt" than it really is
top fucking kek
>tfw my friend help build this thing as a welder
>was gone for 6 months
>told me all sorts of stories about how unsafe they were while building it
I texted him "you killed a 10 year old".
I think the picture in OP is the slide in an unfinished state.
If you look at this you will see there's a wire frame covering the top part the entire way. I assume when the raft went back up it gained too much speed because he was so light and he flew into the ceiling and got his head ripped off.
Hahaha fucking hell, that's hilarious
even then, i'd put a tube on that down slope just so no one flies out. This is some fucking basic rtc shit.
Jesus, that would be so horrifying if you didn't have to momentum to make that loop.
oh... fucking hell that's brutal
Wait just a goddamn second... it's a waterslide... that goes down... then BACK UP again, and finally down for the last time like a fucking rollercoaster or something? How the fuck is that even possible? Wouldn't the water just flow downhill and pool up in the valley of the slide?
You're in a raft strapped down and you have to ride with multiple people so the raft is too heavy to fly out
Also the minimum age is supposed to be 14 so the kid wasn't even old enough to be riding it...
A big question is how he was even allowed to ride
There is none. verrukt is not a Dutch word.
Momentum carries you up the slope
The water that runs down would be sucked out at the bottom of the slope
Probably lied about his age and he fulfilled the height requirements
Jesus Christ
>Also the minimum age is supposed to be 14 so the kid wasn't even old enough to be riding it...
And what difference does that make? A 14 year old can be the same weight and height as a 10 year old.
A big question is why was your head the first thing to touch the ceiling when the raft gained too much speed. Even in the Youtube videos you can see how ridiculously dangerous this is. The raft, which is completely free to move, even gains airtime at the beginning of the drop.
I live in op
This was uploaded on June 30th. Look at the state of the guys seatbelt in front of the guy filming!
You can kill the peeps I'm sure
That thing looks great.
good point, i'm done trying to defend this death trap
>Wanting a government body to regulate the construction of water slides
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
>A family friend set up a GoFundMe page aimed at collecting $15,000 for funeral expenses. On Monday, the fund had exceeded the goal
Lmao fucking jews make money out of everything
0:45 why is there a gap
he probably hit his head on that gap
They are already regulated (building codes, inspectors, etc.)
>Setting up a GoFundMe for funeral expenses
>Implying they won't be getting fucking millions of $$$ in compensation anyway.
Kid never stood a chance
>The tragedy happened on a day the park offered lawmakers and other elected officials a buffet lunch, hot dogs and hamburgers.
>victim was in fact the son of a lawmaker for that state
>cap of $250,000 in kansas for such accidents
looks like they got owned by their shitty laws
They need to rebrand it as this.
If a certain weight is critical to the slide working properly, would it be so hard to have a scale up there?
Is this /news/ now? Who cares
top jej
$300k still ain't bad though.
Grim. Looks like there is blood smears all the way over on the left hand side of the pic, before the climax of the hump. I figure it must have flipped on it's side during the initial descent.
looks like the raft left the track
Emotive drawing, desu. Good job.
Did it smash through the safety net?
>raft fell on right side
>body must have fell on the left on account of the blue curtains
One thing is for sure is it was a wild ride Mr Bones would be proud of.
>Kansas Shitty
A place where the football team is better known for barbecue in the parking lot than winning football games.
yeah and your father could be your brother
>build tallest water slide in the world
>put a literal fucking ramp at the bottom
>act surprised when people fly off
Photo of the aftermarth
Pooled blood and blood streaks in the red circles. Blue circle where the decapitation likely occured.