Hitler will never be live again

>Hitler will never be live again

How do you deal with the feels Sup Forums?

Trump will lead us to someone as great as him one day. We have to hope.

Well, Stalin will never live again either. You take the good with the bad, man.

My grandfather and millions of other older white men of all colors are turning in their Graves. Your realize he is the reason self hating whites exist right? He cucked Germany, EU and whites from life. Millions of white men died for his stupidity. Now we are being out breeded by chinks and niggers. If he had not happened, the white race would be living comfortably without this SJW libtard shit

He is living in Merkel's cunt.


by 2020 hitler robot will come on line

When did Marvel get so based?

>inb4 Black Female Iron Man and Female Thor arrive, call Red Skull problematic and beat him

we all hail TRUMP now, problem solved.
easy as that!

Every day is a struggle, why can't he come back and save us? Why has he left us in the dark to rot? Why, why can't he send a signal, a message or a sign that he looks down upon us awaiting his return? Why do we have to live in this forsaken world which is worsening by the minute?

I only know rage and despair.