Is the sopranos ending the worst ending in tv/movie history? Seriously what a complete fucking cop out, grow a pair of fucking balls and bring the series to a conclusion. Open ended pussy bullshit. "The ending is whatever you want it to be." Well then why watch the show at all? Why watch any show or movie when I can just "form my own opinion" on the out come.
Is the sopranos ending the worst ending in tv/movie history? Seriously what a complete fucking cop out...
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the ending is sudden and unexpected because that's how life tends to end for men like Tony
I think the ending is crystal clear and conclusive. Literally dont understand why everyones fucking retarded about it.
This was one of the cleanings things in the show and easiest to grasp. I had problems with different things in the show.
Spotted the pleb
There's a scene in some episode where they described getting whacked is like everything just going black
I thought plebs were supposed to stop watching the show when they got to Funhouse
why does the ending for a show that has no plot even matter?
it's like dissecting the mad men ending, who cares
Why do people keep saying there isn't a plot?
Sup Forums is filled with normalfags and pleb teenagers.
because there really isn't, it's just the characters dealing with momentary issues that allow them to develop longer term issues, neither of which are impactful in and of themselves but contribute to fleshing out their characters/psyches. it is basically mad men with mobs and more deaths
occasionally there is the hint of a larger plot but it is purposefully dismantled and subverted in an anti-climax (richie vs tony, tony and his mother, tony vs ralph etc.) basically the showrunners telling you "don't expect a typical plot or any plot for that matter"
of course they do cave in later on with stuff like the war between tony and phil, I can bet good money that was forced by HBO
There's no plot though. You sure you're not a fucking moron?
I don't think it was forced there were growing tensions between jersey and new york for seasons.
every season had an overall plot
okay tell me what the buildup is to Janice killing Richie because she implied his son (introduced in the previous episode) was gay in a throwaway scene other than it showing that Janice has Tony's temper (again pointing to what I just said)? the simmering tensions between him and Tony (the leather jacket, the cocaine routes, plotting to kill each other etc) ultimately amount to nothing there is no climax to it at all. the whoie point of the show is that it is "all a big nothing" much like life is
of course you will BS me in response to this because you want to look smart, but really you know I am right
Well OP, what would your ending be?
>sopranos ending explained david chase
Believe me, you're doing yourself a favour.
>tony and Richie bump heads over power all season
>disrespect each other back and forth
>tension bubbling
>tension ends when Richie is shot dead
>this is somehow not a plot
You're a fucking retard.
it didn't fulfill the criteria you set it, it has no climax and the end has no buildup
no plot
You can literally sense early on that Richie is going to have to be killed in order for Tony to maintain his position.
Are you trying to insuiate the the only way for season 2 to have a plot is if Tony was the one who pulled the trigger? Surely you're trolling and can't possibly be this stupid.
I think it's a fantastic ending, because real life doesn't wrap things up neatly with a little bow does it? No.
No, it's deliberately inconclusive you fucking moron.
No, it's sudden because Chase didn't want to wrap things up neatly with a bow. He always wanted his show to reflect real life and this ending is an example of that. Stories don't end neatly in real life - instead, life goes on.
You're right there was, and there's no doubt they deliberately made the ending scene like it is to try and hint at that outcome, but it's also true that they deliberately left the ending ambiguous. Chase has said this many times. "It doesn't matter if Tony dies that night or another night" (something like that) is what he always says.
So anybody who says "TONY DIES IN THAT FINAL SCENE!!!" is lying.
Calling somebody a pleb while not having an argument of your own is the ultimate sign of plebdom. Why are they a pleb? What's your explanation? Because I bet you are idiotic "TONY IS DEAD!!!" idiots.
Let's see what Sup Forums thinks.
The point is to create discussion. And it works because spergs like you can't comprehend something that's not american Jewish morals.
Its a commentary on life not some soap opera box office ending
Livia's actress died prematurely, I have a feeling she was crucial to the plot and would have ended up being a main antagonist by the end of the show.
>american Jewish morals
Yes, american Jewish morals. Think for yourself for once you mouth breather
There was no plot
op go back to plebville
The funniest thing is that the creator of this show enters into a blind rage anytime anyone asks him about the ending. Even after all these years.
Sup Forums has rotted your brain out
Please get off this website before the damage gets worse
>Calling somebody a pleb while not having an argument of your own is the ultimate sign of plebdom. Why are they a pleb? What's your explanation? Because I bet you are idiotic "TONY IS DEAD!!!" idiots.
Just filter the word pleb. Anyone who tosses it in their post has nothing of value to say.
>deliberately inconclusive
Its really not you fucking retard.
You would call Independence Day inconclusive as to the intention of the aliens when they would cut it off at the beam charging over the white house, too I guess, you complete fucking retard.
I don't use pol. I just know how American media conventions work
I've always interpreted it as a crystallisation of the last happy moments of Tony's life. Considering the events of the last two episodes, there wasn't much left for him, and Meadow didn't exactly seem to be bringing good news. Whether he died or not doesn't matter
Matthew Weiner was an executive producer on the show for the last half of season 6 and wrote many episode for that season and the fifth. So how did his "American Jewish" morals influence the show and its ending?
Or maybe there isn't any such thing
Good way of putting it
Yeah it is, sorry that you don't understand it
The only patrician interpretation of the final sequence is that Tony passed out while slurping down onion rings due to excess stress.
>Yeah it is
Good argument, plebeian
No its not, sorry that you dont understand its really not inconclusive at all.
No, I'd say Lost was the worst ending in anything ever. The Sopranos at least tried to do something different.
>I thought the possibility would go through a lot of people's minds or maybe everybody's mind that he was killed. He might have gotten shot three years ago in that situation. But he didn't. Whether this is the end here, or not, it's going to come at some point for the rest of us. Hopefully we're not going to get shot by some rival gang mob or anything like that. I'm not saying that [happened]. But obviously he stood more of a chance of getting shot by a rival gang mob than you or I do because he put himself in that situation. All I know is the end is coming for all of us.
>Either it ends here for Tony or some other time. But in spite of that, it's really worth it. So don't stop believing.
It's inconclusive, that's the whole fucking point of it. But I guess you guys are so fucking stupid that you can't handle ambiguity. So you latch onto an invented narrative because you're so desperate for certainty and closure.
You're the sort of people who shouldn't even be watching The Sopranos in the first place. Chase said once that: "I think The Sopranos is the only show that actually gave the audience credit for having some intelligence and attention span. We always operated as though people don't need to be spoon-fed every single thing". But it seems you guys do need that. So maybe you should watch a show that's a bit nearer to your intellectual level. Game of Thrones, perhaps. Whatever it is that mainstream idiots watch these days.
How do I become as smart as someone like you so that I can enjoy the sopranos?
I dont need to latch onto anything you fucking cancerous asshole. But unlike you I formed an opinion about the ending on my own and without reading articles you fucking cancerous sperg.
>im so superior cuz i read all these articles after the ending left me totally puzzled
>look how sophisticated i am
>back off GoT plebs
get cancer, retard
>quoting articles
>being a judgemental, arrogant cocksucker
>nothing he says seems to be his own opinion
very smart
>going on an anonymous image board acting like you get to decide what other people should and should not do
>and acting like you are better than everyone else
noone likes you
If you're one of the people I responded to then I am merely dishing it out to you like you did to me, fuckface.
>unlike you I formed an opinion about the ending on my own and without reading articles
No that's exactly how I formed my opinion. Chase has always strived for a sense of realism in the show, and he's always avoided trite, cliched storylines and plot structures. He's always strived for the ugly, the real, and also the deadpan.
To me it seems stupid to think that Chase has been thinking all along "yeah, REAL fans will understand what this scene means. They know. Of course he's dead. Anyone who can't figure that out is an idiot."
No. I don't think so. I think he wants ambiguity. I think he deliberately wants it unresolved - just like the fate of the Russian in Pine Barrens.
>im so superior cuz i read all these articles after the ending left me totally puzzled
It's ironic because that's what all the "Tony dies" people say. I've read so many things where people have said "originally I thought it was ambiguous, but then I read this article, and now I KNOW that Tony DEFINITELY died."
And I'll repeat - I haven't based my opinion of the ending on these articles. My opinion is my own based on my watching of the show.
>get cancer
So you lack the intelligence to form a coherent argument then?
>repeating yourself because you're so buttflustered
Do you have an argument?
madmen. don was db cooper but butthurt producers ruined the ending to give the finger to Sup Forums who figured it out in season 3.
a real fo-ckin Brooklyn pi-zzuh
Sup Forums users actually believe theyre this powerful
>its a child not old enough to have been here since 2005
I've been here since 2009. Nobody outside of Sup Forums gives a fuck about Sup Forums
Also in an episode AJ says to his father "when we watch The Godfather you always say it's is your favorite scene ever, when he kills that man in the restaurant to avenge his family". In the scene in question Michael Corleone goes to the toilets, pick up a gun hidden inside, and when he comes out shoots the guy in the head. To me it was always pretty clear that the ending scene was a reference to that. We see the suspicious Italian looking guy, who has glanced twice at their table go to the toilet. It's pretty clear it cuts there because he puts a bullet in Tony's head from behind when he comes out. Boom Black.
>Open ended pussy bullshit. "The ending is whatever you want it to be."
the ending was extremely clear. anyone who didn't understand that tony dies simply wasn't paying attention. the amount of foreshadowing is incredible, just in the last few episodes. it's even clear why tony was killed and who was involved. this video ties it all together quite neatly if you're confused:
there is zero debate to be had. nothing is open-ended. the ending is as clear as day to anyone who watched the entire series and payed attention to the details. if you felt the need to watch tony actually die then i don't know what to do for you. i can only say that you clearly didn't appreciate the genius of the final season or the series in general
that wasn't really chase's intention but it's easier to just accept tony died than to try and figure out what the fuck chase was trying to say, i don't think he even knows.
he's exasperated by people asking him the question a million times. of course he's going to give a million different, annoyed, unclear answers. he's obviously not trying to help people understand, he would rather tell them to go fuck themselves. just watch the series and watch the last few episodes closely. it's all there and it's terribly obvious. the video puts it in a nice little box with a ribbon on it for you
and please try to notice how hard the series hammered home patsy's feelings towards tony. just how much it hurt him when philly was killed. the fact that he actually went to tony's house with a gun when he was drunk and was inches away from using it
>because real life doesn't wrap things up neatly with a little bow does it? No.
It's not real life, you fucking idiot. It's a tv show.
obviously. and what they about? real life
The point of the richie arc is the duality between idolisation as kids and becoming your own man.
Tony looked up to richie as a kid because richie was a tough badass, now tony is that tough badass is tony and richie doesnt understand tbe concept of "every dog has his day"
The Sopranos was a meme show.
There's something that's always stuck out for me. When Tony walks in the restaurant he pauses briefly followed by a direct cut of him sitting exactly at the booth that had his attention a second earlier. It's always struck me as an odd shot. It's almost like he walks in, pauses, stares, and has some kind of daydream or epiphany and everything that occurs after that is some kind of "possibility" in Tony's mind.
I'm drunk and rambling. Sorry. Here look at the shot.
I think it was a fantastic ending. I LOVE ambiguity. I never answer any questions.
I am an awful person to interact with.
Was this crossing the line?
For what it's worth, I agree with you. I don't think Tony dies, I don't even think that's the point. Not even the "the point is that he'll have to live paranoid for the rest of his life" explanation that some people like to blab about. I think that, like with so many examples throughout the show (like the one with the Russian you referred in a previous post), we are suddenly "cut" from the life of these people; we've seen what we had to see, time to move on.
>so no fuckin ziti?
What did he mean by this?
The Members Only jacket guy in the final episode was clearly a relative of Eugene Pontecorvo. He obviously kills Tony Soprano in the diner in order to avenge Pontecorvo's suicide.
There was a reason the same jacket was used. Take note that the first episode of the season where Pontecorvo hangs himself is titled, "Members Only".
And it makes perfect sense. Soprano is so worried about being killed by real gangsters from NY, or traitors from his own ranks, but a non-connected relative of one of his lower minions? He never saw that coming.
It works so much better, in terms of the unexpected, that it came out of left field like that.
Very telling that the guy, who never uttered a word, was actually listed in the credits as "Man in Member's Only Jacket".
Actors don't usually appear in the credits unless they either have a speaking role, or their appearance in the production carries with it some special significance to the story.
jews have always had a bigger mafia than the italians. the most nortorious gangsters in history were jews. it's just the italians that get the bad rap, because you're not supposed to criticise the stinkin jews.
nigga you dumb af
based user, remember when kids were still asking "what happened to the russian from the woods episode"?
jesus fucking people who need closure for anything....
What happened tho the russian in the woods tho?
He couldve climbed up a tree but how does one survive a shot in the head?
who cares. his outcome is not part of the focus of the show.
there's a hint tho in a later episode, where tony goes visit the russian again and all is fine so,...
>grow a pair of fucking balls
>pussy bullshit
Was a pretty ballsy ending to be honest, and a Numale like you couldn't do it these days.
absolutely 100% retarded
Like in the whole show, the writer doesnt push on you whatever any character is good or bad, you have to think and decide for yourself
The ending is undeniable genius. Fuck you.
the way the ending is directed and edited, the way it keeps you in constant paranoia for anything that could happen, and the music, the buildup taking your breath. only a black screen could end it!
wow , just genius.
Woke this morning aaaahhhhh hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa got your self uh gun got your self uh gun got yourself a beepdoopbeepboopdoodoowamp
I mean, on a technical level it is great, but emotionally and spiritually it really gets to me. Stuff like the music cue as Carm walks in and the conversation at the table about remembering the good times. It hasn't brought me to tears but it gets pretty close. And I've never cried at a film or any piece of media. It's really special to me.
your sarcasm is so retarded and misdirected that it truly did require the period at the end
swear to god i meant it honestly with no sarcasm whatsoever. it blew my mind off.
dont be malicious, man
yeah, and that moment where AJ tells tony that he has to focus on the good times, like how he used to tell him. that's the optimistic cue where you have hope for the show not to have ended with tony's dead.
I think the fact that Tony forgets he ever said it is either condemning him to hell, or permanent unhappiness and loneliness or whatever, or is just a simple off-handed comment on how we forget most of the things we ever say during the course of our lives. The juxtaposition of that with the "I brought something for the table" line, the perfect summation of benign everyday talk. It fucking kills me. Chase *got* it, he got the essence of life itself unlike any other writer I've ever seen.
>but emotionally and spiritually it really gets to me
Same. I can't hear that 'don't stop believing' without thinking of it.
>AJ saying 'right, focus on the good times' right as the song hits the part 'ohhhh the movie never ends, it goes on and on and on and onnnnn'
Really resonates with me.
>on how we forget most of the things we ever say during the course of our lives.
the final scene shows just how their daily and normal family life will be from now on, ups and downs but at the end of the day, a homely family in a diner. the ending shows the routine of their life from then onwards and that's why the story has exhausted its purpose and it needs to end like that to the public.
it's sort of like the end of the Big Brother reality shows.
to the "optimistic cue" you have to add and counter the memory of bobby and tony discussing that when you get whacked you just dont realize and everything goes black.
so is it or is it not?
the poetry and the ambivalence of these elements make it so great.
>Seriously what a complete fucking cop out, grow a pair of fucking balls and bring the series to a conclusion.
I feel like it takes bigger balls to end the show the way it ended than it is to give whatever "proper conclusion" you would want. That being said, after reading that one's guy essay I can say that there is a proper conclusion, the only answer that fits thematically and narratively.
>americans can't survive a shot in the head
Yes, you are.
It was mentioned earlier on that black represents death.
White too
I was watching the Pie-O-My arc again last night, and each time I see it, I realize even more that Valentina is one ugly cunt... both inside and out. At this point, she's almost as cringe-inducing as Carmella.
Whether you think Tony dies or not is not the point. The point is that this is the best show that has ever existed, and faggot shows like the wire don't hold a candle to the Sopranos' greatness.
all tony's mistresses are various representations of his mother, while carmela is the complete opposite, the typical wife that he should treasure.
Carmela is by far and away the best female-related decision he ever made, actually an uncharacteristically good decision considering who his Mother was.
Carmela is probably the least flawed and most level-headed character on the show
All her bullshit is just a direct cosequence of tony's neglect and abuse
Buzzwording a memeing aside, you are actually right. Sopranos subverts Hollywood's expectations.
>i will never have a girl like adrianna
why even fucking bother boyos.