Why are anime fans, furries, bronies etc. so drawn to white nationalism? You don't even like real women.
Why are anime fans, furries, bronies etc. so drawn to white nationalism? You don't even like real women
>furries and bronies
>white nationals
Pick one.
They really are only a fringe of their own fandom. Most of them are liberals because white nationalism shames them for their degeneracy
This right here.
These people are major fuckups.
They have nothing of value but their whiteness so they try to cling on to that ideology even though the rest of the white nationalists loathe them.
All furries are libshit.
>grouping anime with furry and brony
Are you sure?
>plus most bronies and furries nowadays are turbocucks. (See. Aids Shrillex and otherkin)
>just when you thought they couldn't get worse.
kawaii ^_^
Sorry, can't really the difference
This tbqh
Most are libs
Anime I won't deny but I rarely see a brony supporting trump (though them supporting Sanders is common) and I have never seen a White National brony in my life.
This is obvious (((clickbait))) jewing to try to add (((MLP))) to the trump campaign and rising national movements. MLP makes us look bad in comparison to anime because even normies underatand most anime isn't for kids anymore.
>no sign of anime fandom anywhere. Just furfaggotry and horsefucking.
>could be a shitlib cuck falseflagging as this to mock trump supporters.
The eyes make it.
I usually abhor them but this one look like a regressive plushies.
With a pedophile inside I'd wager.
I hate lowlives who drag National Socialism through the mud with their public displays of autism and degeneracy.
Or maybe people who like cartoons and comics are just interested in his personality? He has some cartoonish characteristics, just like Milo Yiannopoulos. Anime fans/bronies seem to like cartoons because of the exaggerated emotions. I think there is a connection.
Well, you probably have autism then.
This is now an anime thread.
Post anime.
The right's minorities are way better than the left's. With furries and bronies there's no fear of being decapitated for being an infidel.
How much black/arab anime girls have you seen in your life?
MLP also has this whole "be nice and friendly to everyone" mentality and lesson to it that is basically the core plot of every episode, so therefore it would attract the more empathetic crowd of people, ie. turbocucks, such as AIDS skrillex, and little girls.
If goofy faces are the case for them voting then why aren't they shillin for hill?
You really are making me to preheat those ovens.
Fuck off. Don't even talk about Milo Yinajewfaggot and Nationalism in the same paragraph. He is a advocate of coalburning, white genocide, and other degeneracy. He is a liberal zionist jew pretending to be a conservative toman cathaloic
How is it this easy to make weebs mad? Go back to your containment board.
This is true.
I fucking hate how everything has this message of "everything can be resolved peacefully and everyones can be nice if they try!"
Sorry bronies but war exist for a reason. Some people will always hate or try to manipulate you no matter what for no good reason and you can't fix that, it's either slap em on the wrist with a war or steam roll them to extinction if it gets severe enough. Though war and total enilation should never be a first reaction to every little quarrel because our empathy is what seperates us from beasts.
you mean Sup Forums as a whole?
Even though I dislike anime fags being out in the public with trumpfus, you do realize Sup Forums started out as an anime discussion board.
Just let them post their waifus here so it doesn't spill out and disturb the normies
>Implying you're not trapped in here with us
Pic unrelated
The answer you are seeking
does not lie far
They're lying to you! Do not believe the myths these fake scientists want you to believe. Dinasaurs never existed. Do not believe the Dinajew
>early era iguanodon
>anime; tells story of unity, friendship, loving your nation your loved ones, taking care of them, trying to destroy evil for the sake of human kind and justice.
I rather go to war with a weeb than a neo nazi or a alt right fag.
Surprisingly, a good amount of horsefucks hate jews, have guns, and disregard women, however there are also a good amount that are blue-pilled faggots who want shit like muh diversity.
There's another side though. All the characters are voiced by white people, and the friendship mentality is only obtained though hard work. It's very easy to get an all white paradise from MLP
And most anime is just nationalistic by default