Can anybody recommend me the best nature documentary. Like the ones with epic animal fighting and shit...

Can anybody recommend me the best nature documentary. Like the ones with epic animal fighting and shit. Like khoyaniskastsi but in the wild. Preferably no narrator. Pic related what I'm looking for

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did he died?

Hope so, wild hogs are the niggers of wildlife.

There's a longer video with sound on YT.



Monster bug wars and Animal face off are the two animal fight "documentaries." that i know of.

Disney really outdid themselves with the Jungle Cruise remodeling.

>epic animal fighting and shit
>epic... and shit
I got nothing for you faggot op.

Epic was around long before redditors began using it, faggot

Something more kino. The animal fighting doesn't have to be the main focus

People luring the poor pig close to the crocodile... What the fuck?
That wasn't even nature taking place, it was human intervention.


epic! epic post user! Epic for the win!! XDDD

I've probably watched Microcosmos more than any of them

>Outing yourself

Does it bother anyone else how fucking retarded animals are? it was right there in front of it's face for so long and it still got itself killed

this nigga gets it

yup thats what makes it fucked up

No, he's fine.

>pigs are smart

They destroy everything they come in contact with and breed faster than they can be killed, just like niggers.

Thanks user this is what I'm looking for.
Get better reading comprehension

The snail bit is cool but just a small portion of the whole thing. It's incredible how good the footage is especially considering it's over two decades old


It might have been the level of trust it had with humans. A false sense of security.


gators gotta eat too

gators a fucking shit

are you retarded?

>i trust these humans so much that i will waltz over to the alligator i dont trust and stick my head into the water right in front of it

>Wild hog
>Trust with humans
Lol no.


Wow an Apex Lion caught a baby croc.
That sure is a fair fight.

>best nature documentary
>epic animal fighting and shit
>in the wild
>no narrator

That's a fucking tall order, OP. Also,

If hogs were smart we'd be the ones living in cages and getting turned into tasty strips of smoked meat.

What kind of fish was that? Didn't look like a shark

is this from a movie?

what kinda fucking fish gobbles up a shark ?


it's a Goliath grouper

whats happening here does the birds bite cause autism

based bunny fucks up a snake

You know that saying "there's always a bigger fish"?

This desu. I bet they got spooked when it tore the hog's leg up, tho.

Probably bit its head off or pecked its skull open.

there's always a bigger fish

Take peace in knowing someone is actively trying to destroy one race of niggers. Now we just need to work on the other(s).

thanks user you saved me a few hours of fish googling

They taste delicious, though.

Jewfish (seriously)

Are you mentally inept?

>I'm starving and the humans are throwing free food, all there is nearby is a log in the water so I'm good, but just in case.

>that webm of the zebra being caught by the crocodile
>rips its belly open, its organs hang out
>the zebra feels the pain and recognizes the organs as the source
>kicks and forces them away with its legs
>it doesn't understand it fucked itself over by removing its own organs
Fug, poor zebra.


Oy vey the Jewfish stole muh fish

I think it's in a film called 'Population Zero'. I can't be sure though, I saw it a while ago. I can't say if the image is from that originally, either.

>Can't tell the difference between an alligator and a caiman
>Posts on /tv

Your Nobel prize is in the mail.


I hope whatever walking sack of SHIT baited that poor piggo into death suffers and dies horribly, preferably of something painful and humiliating such as cancer of the asshole.

RIP In Peace sweet piggo.

large reptiles need to eat

ever have a porkchop? Hypocrite.

I only eat meat I kill myself.

I'm a cannibal :3

Say this from time to time here, you idiots have problems.

Idiots like you seem to see and think about Jews non-stop, beyond most actively practicing Jews I know.

Dog shits in your yard? Bet you think Jews
Stuck in traffic? Let me guess, Juden?
History doesn't support your worldviews? Know the answer.

Before you call my attack Jewish, let me admit I am. Doesn't make me wrong though.

You'd probably love BBC's "The Hunt" OP
Its similar to Planet Earth, even narrated by Attenborough, but mostly focused on predators as the name implies

You have a mental illness.

poor snek

That's what that pig gets for living up to the stereotype.

Wild hogs are pests that should be destroyed.

lol stupid dogs

>that fucking retard who ends up getting the pig eaten desperately trying to rationalize it to everyone else who is now pissed at him for ruining their boating trip with the screams of a pig dying

What a faggot

liberal pussy detected.

It got away anyways you fucking faggot

>false flagging this hard

You're not fooling anyone.

Fuck off

Conservatives are actual hunters

And the hunt must be fair

I'd feed you to those fucking pigs, useless pussy scum get off my planet.

those are some big balls

It's eyesight isn't as good as ours and it doesn't know wtf a crocodile is. it probably just looked like a log or something.


You're trying too hard, shillboi

So it's a fucking stupid animal

>bird vs snake

humans are part of nature you faggot

no piggu nooo

pigs have really bad eyesight

really really bad. its smell and sound that they excel at.

t. pig hunter

thats like a full grown croc eating a leopard kitten

who gives a shit about an adult killing a baby croc?

shut the fuck up. who cares if its human intervention?


My friend almost died spear fishing a grouper, he didn't wanna lose the spear gun so he held onto a rock underwater for 5 minutes, on a stormy night with crashing waves. He got out and gave the fish to his friend, who stole the glory and got a picture in the town newspaper.

>You'll never ever be that cool that you let someone else take your prize that you almost died for

reddit needs to leave



>The one pig who got it down on his neck


hunts are anything but fair

the whole point of nature is one animal using its advantages to make it all the shittier for the other animal

where do you retards get this notion that nature is all about being fair?

god what a fucking nightmarish bird its like something out of a carpenter movie

>plato will call this a man

18+site, kiddo

why does it rotate instead of dropping? i dont understand the purpose

Yes, ignorant posters like you are rather dumb.

That's actually really cool.

kek @ all the boar orbitters itt

you faggots know the boar isnt going to fuck you right?

theres always a bigger fish...

Maybe so they can't lift it up.

>fair fight
>in nature
Holy shit how sheltered are you?