France: 1 silver medal
Germany: 0
All of that after 3 days of competitions.
Does it mean something or is it just tough luck ?
France: 1 silver medal
Germany: 0
All of that after 3 days of competitions.
Does it mean something or is it just tough luck ?
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becasuse they had swimming and cycling. wait till the negroes competitions start eg athletics
You're overthinking it, i'm just glad Britain got some bronzes
Yes, it means we're raising spoiled kids. We have become socialist and self-satisfied in our socialism.
>Performance doesn't matter, life is one big great party. People are all friends, regardless of sex, color and sexual orientation or religion, we just need to get rid of the party poopers.
That is the generation we're raising.
I don't know, Belgium is not in a really better state and we have 1 gold and 1 bronze already
Swimming was France speciality during the last 15 years, pic related in London.
Cycling was Germany speciality too in 2012.
who cares ? it's a bunch of ininteresting sports nobody watch the rest of the year
I did this meme myself mate, you can't use it against me.
Your whole country is a living meme!
Yet Sweden is doing okay.
No, its a sign that we need to invite even more refugees who are all word class athletes into our countries so we can compete at the olympics again.
Lol fags, Europe BTFO
That's the feeling I have too.
I will not blame the athletes because they are real competitors but the support is really really weak, you feel that there is no might to crush the adversaries.
Even during the Euro, despite finishing in final and being the host nation there was less passion than during Brazil WC, no matter the fact that this generation is really likeable compared to the one before (not hard though).
I never understood how could people identify to someone just because he's from his country.
I understand even less when it comes from people that mock nationalism.
And it makes zero sense when the "countrymen" were imported from somewhere else.
Mostly just tough luck. We already bagged a few we weren't expecting.
I just hope our TKD competitors bomb as badly as the American muzzie, though.
They're our token durkas this go round, and they've been pushed a ridiculous amount in the media that had never cared about TKD before.
title says the german sport is still too white
The only good thing to come out in sports in France was based Zlatan
And the only reason he could pull it off was because he wasn't actually french
God forbid you actually thrive for success in this god-forsaken country
t. Karim Benzema
You had a good run, but it's over now, you blew it.
>replace ethnic germans/frenchmen with shitskins
>replace ethnic german/french athletes with shitskin athletes
>suddenly, no more medals
This is just what happens when you replace the aryan master race with semitic shitskin subhumans and monkey niggers
If they are old enough to consent to starting sex change therapy, they should be old enough to be able to consent to sex. allowing sex changes but not sex is all kinds of messed up.
>just because he's from his country.
Think of it as owner's pride.
You, your parents, your grandparents, and so on have all worked on and paid taxes into a system that brought a safety net and gave you the collective clout to achieve things for yourself and the others that paid into the system that you could not have achieved as an individual. That is what nationalism is. And if nationalist tendencies were followed, that system would have grown those athletes.
It's like the upkeep of your house. You didn't build it or design it, but you keep it in shape and you're proud of the shape it is in, proud of the trees and flowers, etc.
It makes a lot less sense in a globalized world where every poorfag in the world just specialises in sucking off the welfare teat, though and all great achievments are outsourced to the lowest bidder, I'll admit.
People that mock nationalism but still root for national teams are just evidence that tribalism comes natural to man, and they're suffering from cognitive dissonance.
Kek, Belgium already has a gold and a bronze medal. And they were both white!
Its clear that we need more Muslims.
Breschkai Ferhad, geboren 1963 in Berlin, ist Kulturmanagerin und arbeitet seit vielen Jahren im Themenfeld Demokratie und Toleranzförderung.
Germany in greater need of her 'expertise' than homeland Afghanistan
>My non-country is beating France and Germany
Feel good man
who needs medals when you have the gratefulness of refugees?
I could understand owner's pride for the olympics, even if I don't subscribe to it.
But for soccer, where the "national" team is actually a corporation, and the people that "represent" me are glorified advertisement vectors? Fuck no.
And yes, some people have very strong cognitive dissonance.
Obviously, the American flagbearer does.
>the people that represent you
These people are often not even from your country, they're imported from the third world or bought from other clubs abroad. Football has become a weird, sci-fi dystopian style corporate nightmare
>20-30 yo: compete as a male
>win a medal
>30-40 yo: change your sex and compete as a female
>win another medal
>be praised by the medias for being such a progressive athlete that you won medals in two different gender categories
>become famous
>make money out of it
Worst part is actually that niggers become totally overhyped the instant they have some technical abilities, see Pogba
they are just not "redpilled" enough, thats all
we just don't invest anything in sports. most of our athletes have to work normal 9 to 5 jobs. also there is absolutely no way to get into professional sports if you don't already have parents that are professional athletes.
I genuinely hope we wont win a single medal, might piss people off enough to vote AfD.
>Breschkai Ferhad, geboren 1963 in Berlin, ist Kulturmanagerin und arbeitet seit vielen Jahren im Themenfeld Demokratie und Toleranzförderung.
yup this describes Germany perfectly
Both nations won't be around for the next olympics anyway, so who cares.
Well since the Russians and Chinese are using drugs I don't mind
>mfw fucking commies
We don't use drug