The absolute state of American """"""comedy""""""
The absolute state of American """"""comedy""""""
>makes a shitpost about American "comedy"
>posts a Britfag
This is either some next-level trolling, or you're legitimately retarded.
Trumpanzee detected
Lost the popular vote and losing 2020
>losing is winning!
It's a Britfag desperately attempting to do American comedy, but the style is definitely American.
>and losing 2020
This is what the liberal tells himself at night to sleep
Your mom hops up and down on the trumpoline.
so American comedy is fucked up and the majority of perpetrators are from a different country?....
>lol we should call him Drumpf because that was his name before his grandfather changed it.
This was literally the worst angle in all of late night comedy. They really thought this would be an effective and damaging meme.
While it's true there are very few conservative comedians, there will never be any liberal who makes successful memes.
Why do people say "the absolute state of"? How does the inclusion of the word "absolute" change anything? Are they just trying to sound smart?
The liberal is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a liberal and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
One cannot defend himself against the liberal. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense. Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the liberal wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the liberal really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock. So it always was in the past when a person or a movement fought the liberal
>american comedy is fucked up
Yeah no shit
>the majority of perpetrators are from a different country
Uh, no? Where did you get that idea?
>what is a meme
Get over, commie.
>the absolute state of American """""""""""comedy"""""""""""
Seems to have been effective, people still call him Drumpf here every day, even if it is only to bait his supporters.
Trump is living rent free in their heads.
>losing 2020
Nah, most of the alt right will be old enough to vote by then.
Can't wait to laugh at all the triggered Drumpfettes come election day.
>someone unironically took time out of their life to make this picture
>Seems to have been effective
You do realize he got elected, right?
Like, wasn't the point of this skit to prevent him from getting elected?
>even if it is only to bait his supporters.
His supporters are the ones using DRUMPF the most.
How have you gone this long without realizing that they've been ironically shitposting this skit for the past year?
>alt right pussies cry about literally everything.jpg
You elected a retard. Get over it.
Your two choices American comedy:
>unfunny and shrill white guilt, LGBTQQRTMSD, 'minority', feminist, anti-American, BLM material
>unfunny and shrill complaining about 'PC police' material
Granted, the first is more annoying, but comedy is not funny and hasn't been since BLM put everyone on edge ~2013 and everyone with a grievance started joining in with their own fad movements.
The majority of comedy shows on cable now are headed by immigrants.
That's why Norm is /ourguy/ for life.
what about the unfunny comedians who make fun of both sides while being "to intelligent" than either of them?
in 2017 idk any of those guys on MSM the only centrist faggots i see are on here
No one can touch Norm because he's just too funny and doesn't give a shit. The "pc police" or whatever will leave you alone if you don't respond to their taunting.
The best guys are the ones who stay the fuck out of it. I used to think Kurt Metzger was funny but his motor mouth and incessant need to insert himself into every issue ruined him for me.
Nick Mullen is funny. He appears to play both sides only because people like Amanda Marcotte declared him an ironybro and I guess that makes him pseudo 'alt-right'.
All the shitty centrist comedians are mostly youtube/twitter personalities and shitheads like Joe Rogan. All the best comedians just focus on jokes rather than current events, but this group consists of only a handful of people.
But it works just as well without the word absolute.
This guy makes millions making fun of trump
Meanwhile, the average trump supporter struggles to sustain 6 kids
>implying Mattis "Mad Dog" won't run in 2020
Course it does. Absolute is just a meme word like unironically or literally.
twinks like Pewdiepie makes million making fun of SJW and you all struggle to pay your student debt
I don't have a student debt because I'm not from a third world shithole
Sorry my man
You probably are being slowly replaced by a shit skin muzzie based on statistics of not living in the third world.
Your poltical habits mirror that of poverty stricken low iq niggers that belong there tho
Unlike this shitskin muzzie I actually have superior education
I don't think I will be replaced anytime soon
Enjoy struggling to sustain those kids
He is though
Kanye is set to run 2020, and he's definitely more popular than trump.
This video was insane, I have no idea what her marketers were thinking and thinktanks were tanking
>someone unironically took time out of their life to show everyone how new they are
I don't have student debt because I went to a smaller school chosen for it's affordability and being known for being a good school for the field I wanted and because I didn't choose a school based on how successful their football team was or how the party scene was
>spend millions in marketing, advertising, group psychology, etc to try and appeal to voters
>be out-maneuvered by a single old man with funny hair and a penchant for trolling
Why should I care ? Literally thousands of other people do the same
I can't believe foreign countries tried to influence our election!
Now let me sit here and let British and south African ((((Comedians)))) tell me how bad Trump is for 12 month
Hi, reddit!
that is a British cuckold.
Leftists stealing memes again. Why can't you lads meme?
>off by one
Sup Forumstards were so butthurt with this one that they made 2 to 3 variations of it
>bashing on the party scene
You probably struggle trying to speak to the cashier
they don't understand the art behind a quality meme
they are Pajeet PHP coders to our MIT C++ coders.
t. kike
Truly the king of the deal.
fuck drumpf
>this is what reddit actually believes
900 times you've posted that and no-one has any interest in it. It's never catching on
People still give angry replies to it
That's enough
It's miles better than that forced scoops thing
Not really because at least colberts shooped makes me laugh
Oh, but that's becuase you are a brainlet
The meme itself is low quality bait
>people still laugh at me and point out I'm on the internet 18 hours a day 7 days a week
Seek sunlight
Posting a picture of Colberts face and the number 2 got you a 300 post thread. I wonder why people were posting it?
Newfag, where do you think you are?
>he doesn't know the daily show's """black""" star is half kike
>unique IP's count never went over 30
Yeah, I wonder
And? A great time was had by all 30 people screaming abuse at each other. Fucking hell lad.
>You can only post ONCE! REEEEEEEEEE
>a Democrat, possibly even Hillary will run on the same platform of "I'm not Trump, vote for me or you're an idiot" and he'll win AGAIN
Hardcore liberals are pushing democrats to the center and centrists to the right. They'll defeat themselves
You don't follow current trends, do you?
Not to mention they are in the middle of a civil war with the old guard desperately trying to hold onto a form of non radical white leadership for the dems less lose the moderate white liberal and indie vote for good and the new generation of hordes of shit skins who literally dont believe whites should hold power in the party anymore and should move farther left.
they are fucked
Yea the trends where the old white vote and moderates got trump elected and your trying to elect a literal nigger gangster rapper.
Please run him
its obvious you dont
Hahaha I've never seen this thread on Sup Forums before
Because it's one person posting it that is here 24/7
They are laughing at you.
why? because you say it is?
Not him but kanye west isnt a gangster haha
Hes is to non faggot children and adults who dont listen to his music
This is the universal response of someone without a argument but was hurt by the theme of the thread.
>he's black
>that makes him a gangster
Embarrassingly linear mindset desu
He's a black rapper who gives no fucks. Assuming he is gangster isn't racist, he's not an Urkel.
Oh man, I bet those 5 seconds in MSPaint were seething with rage.
Hes a gangster the same way all these fake ass niggers are.