as well as growing vegetables you can not also sell meat in NZ
NZ laws
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post yfw in your life time, you won't be aloud to say "yeah nah"
so you can only eat fruit?
I guess only meat corporations can sell it. Pretty stupid considering how expensive meat is there, so the market is pretty limited and monopolized.
you have EU directives too, bro?
>New Zealand romantic getaway.jpg
Can you not grow and eat vegetables in NZ because it's cannibalism?
this is worse than having to ask 13 different tribes if you can replace a window in your building
Fungi too
Is that the hillsides where the ancient Maori didn't invent the wheel?
The hillsides created by whitemen because maori lived only in the bush
Only grow fruit, can eat vegetables if you buy them.
With a 15% goods and services tax.
>Live in mud surrounded by trees in every direction and birds that can't fly
> invent a boat.
Honestly man, fuck you and your sheep. I'm sure you do that daily as a cultural custom, Kiwipussy
>fuck you and your sheep.
>I'm sure you do that daily as a cultural custom
Mate I fucking wish I still could, sadly I saw an American couple once and now the shock of seeing a women twice as heavy as my Ute has forced me into a life of celibacy.
Be mad yank that you don't have a pristine landscape
Good answer. Good answer. I like the way you think.
0/10 bantz.
took to long for you to convey your meaning. Shorten it up.
>shorten it up
Just like your dick eh?
Don't be a retard, of course you're only allowed to sell meat that was killed in an abattoir. It's for health and safety, you fuckwit.
I now understand why your nigger in chief has to speak so slowly.
>It's for health and safety, you fuckwit.
what is shitposting
why are americans so fucking embarrassing
Good to see the state justifying its existence. I love paying 33% fucking tax.
You can eat all the infected tumour meat you want, I'll go for the shit that's guaranteed to be of quality.
you do realise the whole thread exists to perpetrate memes about nz not actually about the article
>tfw John Key will win next election too
When does it end
Hello M8
How are ya M8
Doing well M8
So, buy meat you want and let others buy the meat they want.
Stop interfering in people's lives.
Who took the rapey ball gag outta your mouth?
Coming from a country that can't say 'black paint' and instead has to say 'Tyrone, please paint'.
Don't tried on snek
>Stop interfering in people's lives.
libertarianism is just a jewish theory to divide and conquer society so that us whites won't stand together
M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8
so many kiwis
so little bants
It's too late. IT IS TOO LATE. Most whites see other whites as a threat to their earning power.
As such, let me live my life and everyone can fuck off. In return, I'll leave everyone else alone.
Then don't post an article next time, post a collage of shitty memes.
I'm not interfering in people's lives, genius, I'm not MPI. The standards exist for a reason, governments are meant to take action to protect their people. Something people seem to be forgetting seeing all the governments in Europe are intent on letting their people get blown up and all the ruling class in America are intent on letting their people get raped and murdered.
>5 Different kiwis.
I know your country is experiencing severe depopulation at the minute what with the purge and shit but 5 is barely 'so many'.
Anyway don't worry, come our holidays and some woolen sweaters and we can help your country replace the loses in no time.
you are the sort of guy who would not understand pupinia
That retard girl with FAS?
>Something people seem to be forgetting seeing all the governments in Europe are intent on letting their people get blown up and all the ruling class in America are intent on letting their people get raped and murdered.
Because the GOVERNMENT let refugees in and the GOVERNMENT interferes with vigilante action.
The STATE is the problem. Why the fuck do you care what decisions other people make if it doesn't effect you/you didn't cause it?
This kind of legislation is so dumb
How the fuck are they going to know if some random innawood hippie is growing some salad in his backyard?
the same way they find out if someone is growing weed
your wall of text did not make up for the lack of bants.
You're too busy trying to disagree with me to make a valid point or acknowledge mine. I don't care, I'm not the government. They put it in place to keep the populace safe, MPI handles it. If I disagreed with it, I'd take action to have it repealed. Meanwhile you're just being a bitch about it. "It exists but I don't want it to, better do nothing about it"
>Implying we're not all mongrel crossbreeds
There are lots of ways around the abattoir rule. You just have to sell whole animals.
>You want to buy my cow
>I sell you the cow
>I home kill and butcher your cow for you
This isn't news you limp wristed Wellingtonian faggots.
Farmers union employees toughs to go around (no warrant needed) and smash up peoples gardens if they're found to not be commercial growers.
This however does not apply to fruit, as due to some high profile cases back in the 80's people's 'decorative flowers' got targeted, particularly powerful people who took offense to having their cherry trees ripped out and killed. So any instead any flowering plant is automatically considered decorative and exempt from the normal garden laws.
>The STATE is the problem
Watch it mate you owe allegiance to her majesty
Your sex trade doesn't make up for your lack of relevancy.
You're not making any sense, but whatever
>smash up peoples gardens
you got proof mate
Ignore the extra any.
Sure m8, whatever makes it easier for you to keep living in your fantasy world where things aren't the way you want them to be, but they should be.
>the next king
Never had a garden?
Wait, you're saying you can't grow your own veggies in New Zealand? Did I read that right?
They're trolling. Hard.
do you also think the same about Lawrence of arabia
Holy shit, to think I ever considered moving to your 3rd world country. No thanks.
t. avid backyard gardener
>writes in his book about being raped by a Turk
i have 800 m2 of garden
It's only veggies, plus getting a commercial growers licence is easy as fuck.
gmo fruit (and veg) injected with the sperm of maoris not joking lad check out their national shithem
I have a glasshouse and vege garden, they're full of shit.
Sadly we just can't compete with the high quality nigger cum your team receives.
>Your sex trade doesn't make up for your lack of relevancy.
our sex trade did not even help your lack of sex
>even help your lack of sex
we have evolved past women here when the best is a 4/10
Can you own guns ?
good to know, this was ruining my idyllic image of NZ
There's nothing like fresh homegrown vegetables and herbs. People that haven't experienced this don't know what real food tastes like.
really made me think
You pathetic subhumans not only allowed this law to come into existence, YOU ACTUALLY OBEY IT.
You are fucking pathetic.
1776 was the most beneficial darwinian event any whites survived in modern history. All other white bloodlines are 100% trash. You and all of Western Europe prove this beyond any doubt.
>Implying Filipino girls go for your pathetic manlets.
Pfht sure, we've got slutty Maori chicks and 6 sheep for every person. We're set for pussy.
you can have a full auto if you get the write license
There's a huge process, but yeah
I have no idea where the meme that we can't grow veggies came from, but don't worry, it's complete bullshit.
The louder the better.
Most of the "New Zealand" team is made up of foreign born Samoans and Tongans
Semi automatics with 5 round magazine capacity.
i'l have you know that maoris are not niggers but Aryans
Add to that: Our women are some of the sluttiest in the world, with an average of 20.4 sexual partners.
I hate these fucking sluts.
Well, get our gardens uprooted. But yeah, in essence.
I have found very little to complain about.
Wife is foreign so a lot less slutty.
You can sell meat you have to get it stamped first to make sure it's not fucking diseased. Take it to a registered slaughter man they inspect the offal and certify it.
>Implying English women aren't massive sluts
Filthy sluzzas, can't stand the lot of em
Nah, Welsh.
I feel sorry should I have a son. He'll get so much shit due to being a Welsh New Zealander.
It's common for people to own guns and hunt with it ?
How are you so fucking stupid as to not realise that our figures are massively inflated by hyperpromiscuous Polynesians and Maori?
Plenty of decent women out there. Stop making excuses for your own unappealing qualities you filthy bottom feeder.
Very common. Bang Bang Bang every fucking day during duck hunting season.
Only in the rural areas. Gun ownership in cities is not common. If you knew your neighbour had a gun, you'd talk to other neighours about it.
Or just to own.
Possums are cheeky cunts, made lots of cash selling their pelts as a teenager.
Depending on your area, fuck yeah.
I'm not coming across any decent ones. All just sluts acting like niggers. Tell me where you find decent women with conservative values
Yeah but that's just the Chinese not understanding our gun laws so of course no one in the cities have them.
a shit ton of people do
the chinks i know just bought them illegal
It's not hard to buy a firearm without a license it is hard to get ammo for it though.
Met my wife at pig hunting competition weigh in at a pub. Her dad actually introduced me to her.
Think outside the box. Move out of the city and away from the degeneracy. Embrace your hobbies, interests and career. Decent women like men with purpose and direction.
they are not residents they are just on student visas so they can't legally buy guns
New Zealand was essentially a command economy until the mid 1980s and a few of the institutions still exist, like the TAB and NZ Rail among others. There are also institutions that are derivative of older ones like Fonterra, the govt owned corporation that buys virtually all of the milk in NZ and exports it and to my understanding it is illegal to export privately in significant quanitities.
NZ was pretty much a pseudo-communist country in many respects
>inb4 "implying any 'communist' country wasnt pseudo communist"
>NZ was pretty much a pseudo-communist country
It was. Political scientists often called NZ the most communist country in the first world. And it was paradise m8.