What if Elan Sleazebaggano is Snoke?
What if Elan Sleazebaggano is Snoke?
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What if?
look at this dude, bumping his own thread
look at this dude, bumping his own thread
Look at Elan Sleazebaggano.
Wow look at this fucking thread tho
>character named Sleazebaggano
>was a sleazebag
>Obi wan tells him to do rethink his life
>he becomes a bad guy
Yes, but he should have went with the name "Badguyano."
That's real? And he has a card?
Experience the saga of Elan Sleazebaggano.
Look look look look. My man. My man.
>"he rethinks his life once again"
He hit his head hard causing the Snoke scars and than thought about intergalactic domination thus becoming Snoke
>sci-fi universe completely separate from ours
>literally wearing 21st century earth clothes
Such is life as a Sleazebaggano.
Think again.
Shit, what if Padme did survive? We never saw her corpse.
Yes we did you mong there was a funeral scene in 3
Like I said. We never saw HER corpse.
Wait, this wasn't a stupid funny video, but a real fan synopsis? The EU had a place for him?
I may have to rethink visiting this Taiwanese metal working website anymore.
Literally every character from the films received some development in the EU. Some more than others. Crix Madine is a pretty notable example.
Did you just assume Padme's gender, you filthy bigot?
.............................................................The entire point of the post was that I did the opposite of that.
Yes, she's a girl.
Garfield is male. He has a girlfriend, Arlene.
>that dominatrix outfit
Garfield is male. He has a girlfriend, Arlene.
>not catching that leak about Snoke's identity last month
But Garfield is gay.
Just not on a physical level.
I agree.
Damn, Toyfare magazine? The one and only issue I ever bought was during the Phantom Menace release. I was all about those shitty toys.
Jesus Christ, Lucas.
What the FUCK kind of name is Elan?
I don't know what the fuck Lucas was thinking. Seriously, Elan? Come on.
Fun fact the actress that played the woman in red appears in the same scene
Bravo George
>so George what do we call this character that plays Darth Tyranus
>Count Dookie
>I was kidding he he
>Plageuis (the wise)
It's ridiculous. All the Darths are just slightly modified evil sounding words. Sometimes not even that.
Side note, there's also a Star Wars character named Savage Opress.
Savage Opress.