Dr. Pavil, I'm CIA.
Dr. Pavil, I'm CIA
fuck off nigger
He wasn't aline.
Uh, you don't get to bring freinds.
Tey are not my freinds.
Nice job asshole, you rined it.
you are a male person with above avarege height
>above average height
HELLO manlet!
>HELLO manlet!
sup reddit
The physical discomfort that I referred to earlier would in actuality be experienced by thyself, rather than me. I apologise for creating any confusion.
I think he's trying to avoid people's filters
Dr. Pavel, I'm-- AUGHGHUGHU
What did he mean by this?
>"But only Juan O'vu!!"
Which one of bane's henchmen was Juan? Why didn't we get a back story? I think it could work
He wasn't alone
He's a funny guy
Funny like a clown?
Like he's here to bring friends
Dr. Pavel, I'm dead meme
>tfw AGP
>tfw 6'1"
life is suffering.
Who would you have as your husband? Bane or CIA haha
Kek'd how?
>there are people on this board right now who filter this meme
>there are people on this board right now that filter anything at all
Have some fun you fucking niggers.
R8 my squad
Will capekino ever surpass this scene?
Hi I'm Steve
>You think the holocaust did not happen, man of spiders? Oh it did happen... just not how Jews tell it. The Jew say the Germans killed them all... but that is lie. In my homeland we knew what the Germans were doing... and we did our own extermination. I was barely a man grown and I was fixing the doors of Jewish houses... fixing them so they would stay closed while my brother set them ablaze. I can still remember the smell, the smell of cooking flesh and the sounds of feeble fists knocking on the door, trying to break it down. My brothers are all dead now... but I can still fix doors, and I will fix your door in time.
It already has
Can I get a quick rundown?
It's a guy named Steve