Tell me, if you are so redpilled and shiet, what is your excuse for still using Facebook in the "current year"?
Tell me, if you are so redpilled and shiet, what is your excuse for still using Facebook in the "current year"?
for organised mugging and begging, obviously
so I can show off how popular I am.
i find the underground raves are through private groups on faceboook
No one one Sup Forums uses facebook unironically (hopefully)
>Hi, Sup Forums. I'm taking a survey of what Sup Forums demographics use Nosebook. Would you like you participate?
because my parents pop on it every day just to see photos I post or a status update since I live really far away. I only post stuff for them now, they really look every day for something. :(
Only liberals use FB here
I don't.
But I don't.
I only use it to keep in touch with a few people from school.
Even then, it's only messenger
I never did
>mocking Ahmedinajad
>probably therefore a Jew Meme
well i forgive, Dracula. and no im not using Faceberg as its crap. switched to Twitter 2 years ago and for things i post there i would have been kicked off FB by now thanks to NEO-Stasi
Deleted it months ago
Exactly this.
I've had my account for 4.5 years now, only uploaded 1 picture of a bear as my profile picture, no posts, wall is disabled. Feels good.
Facebook is terrible.
Redpilling other normies.
what it's the current year, and you are not banned from that shit? Well or use it in the first place kek
this, actually effective
The sad part is the degree of censorship that's very illegal here actually,as we do have free speech. I'm doing some shit now, with the aim of getting the shit banned as a foreign agent who interfers with our democracy through censorship in political dialogue for fitting (((their))) narrative, spying on citizens.... kek it's going to take a while. One guy got TV gambling made illegal here, 1 guy, no lawyers.
>Sup Forums is one person
>inb4 that only works for shitskins
glorified messaging platform. I would switch back to old msn if everyone used it.
I don't and never have
>underground raves
Wow dude, you're so cool
I use it to masturbate over girls I went to school with. What else is it for?
I don't. If I did, I would just make troll accounts to piss off liberals and red pill them. That's the only thing I use Twitter for, before they ban my accounts.
>mfw some slut uploads pics of her toes after a pedicure
I red pill normies or at least rustle their jimmies
A lot is 2 words REEEEEEE
Using it only for pm-s is still bad?
I do this too
I also stalk my high school crush to get depressed
I have a fake facebook to troll with. It fucking tripped me out how so many people added me as a friend when it's just a made up nigger profile saying I live in compton and are a member of the bloods.