Marvel. Always. Wins.
Marvel. Always. Wins
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I like both marvel and DC and I saw both. I liked Wonder Woman more.
Disney owns RT though
Yes. Yes. Yes. Fuck yeah! I'm so, so happy.
Wonder Woman was made up entirely of cliches and had some of the worst action sequences I've ever seen. It was an okay watch, but not remarkable in any way; most of the good reviews are probably the result of it being compared to the absolute shit that were the previous DC movies, and people trying to appeal to political correctness.
I haven't seen Spiderman yet, but it wouldn't exactly be hard for it to be a better movie. At worst, it'll probably be almost the same thing: a fairly generic comic book movie with a cliched plot.
You mean Sony.
>this thread again
Before the premiere, Wonder Woman was at 96% with 7.8/10 average rating.
The fact that Spidey went under 89% means that it'll settle there. There are 200+ reviews to go.
the actual reality is that WB partially owns RT
I think it was a little insensitive to include a scene where Wondy saves a young Adolf Hitler from a british assassin squad.
>If I have something negative to say it's Marvel, if not, it's Sony.
DCcucks truly are pathetic.
I hate all capeshit and I especially hate what it's doing to the standards of film. That Spider-Man movie is getting 93% fresh from that stupid fucking site just for being competent. A passable movie is now supposed to be celebrated. It's disgusting.
Thanks marvel
he's also retarded because Marvel Studios did "creatively" develop this movie even if Disney didn't make it. So its still Marvel
at least the wonder woman critic consensus mentions an actors performance. Why the fuck should a film get 93% for being fun and colourful
They could've at least chosen two good looking black girls for Valkyrie and MJ.
Mentioning fun and colors at least once in a review is in the MCU contract.
attractiveness is white supremacy
Even if they're black?
Yes, your standards of attractiveness are clearly influenced by white supremacy if you don't find these proud women POC attractive. Stay woke.
At least imdb has some consistency across the ratings. RT scored zootopia 98% last year better than pretty much any movie.
>mfw capeshit is only 1% below 2001: A space odyssey
Goddammit, that means Stan ain't far off now :(
>rotten potatoes
This. These capeshit reviews feel like a fucking arms race of paid reviewers now with even less basis in reality than before. Hollywood crash when???
>93 year old dying
>young daughter commiting sucide
I say Marvel's still winning
Shilled reviews, user
>Rotten Tomatoes
>Disney paid Critics off
What's 2001s average score out of 10?
>no user reviews
lmao so this shit isn't even out yet of course all the reviews are positive
DCUcks on cuckbwatch. Dark and gritty? more like dark and shirt lmao.
JUSTice League hahhahahahahah
>wow some guy offended me. i better start posting hat memes to preserve my safe space
>that turd of a score
perfection coming through lads
Mary Jane looks like shes drunk
that's cute
but how will the patricians rate it?
this is the kind of bullshit that gives me no faith in RT
>Homecoming average rating: 7.6
>2001's average rating: 9.1
Yeah man they're so close!
I wasn't exactly looking at that, I apologize. The percentage was still a bit disturbing.
At least you apologized, but this is why Rotten Tomatoes has such a problem. People think a 93% means everyone gave it a 9/10.
This looks shopped but I'm too lazy to fact check
I didn't bother seeing Wonder Woman because Man of Steel was shit, and both SS and BvS looked like shit in trailers (so I didn't bother seeing those either).
But I just got back from Homecoming and that was PURE shit.
At least the Cap and Avengers movies are kino.
it took 100 years to make you absolute pleb
>caring about reviews when capekino got a 27%
why isn't cam up yet
Avengers 2 was absolute garbage though.