Tell me, how in the world does anyone of you support kikes?
Noone even cares.
I mean its so obvious now that media is controlled by kikes.
How does this happen?
Tell me, how in the world does anyone of you support kikes?
Noone even cares.
I mean its so obvious now that media is controlled by kikes.
How does this happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
there is nothing that can stop it. ill see you on the battlefield during the war to establish greater israel
Stay mad mudslime.
A country called Palestine doesn't exist. There's the Gaza strip, which is controlled by the Hamas organization, and it doesn't quite identify itself clearly as a country, although it claims all of the territory of Israel, Gaza Strip, and the West Bank as Palestine. There's the Palestinian Authority, which partially controls some areas of the West Bank according to the Oslo accords, which don't define the Palestinian Authority as a country, although the Authority occasionally does call itself "a country".
Whether this situation is good or bad and whether a country called Palestineshouldexist is a separate question. A democratic independent country called Palestine, which would control West Bank, Gaza and maybe some other areas populated by Arabs west of the Jordan river, and would have no wars with Israel, probably should exist. But the countries that do "recognize" Palestine now are saying this more to spite the US than to help this country get created or to bring peace to the Middle East.
I am not a muslim.
I was born in a city were the sun doesnt go down in summer.
I am also talking about the open display of world domination.
>pic related
Countries in grey are cucked by Shlomo Shekelstein.
If I can remember, France lately recognized Palestine
oh I forgot to post RT link
palistine was elevated to a equal position as israel by the united nations last year. obama didnt block it and neither did germany or the brits
it happened on the fall equinox of last year but they raised a palistinian flag on the 3rd of september in anticipation of the transition. israel flipped out and said it would never acknowledge a palistinian state
Why is Tel Aviv called Tel Aviv-Jaffa??
The goyim did this
That border is triggering my autism, it should have been like this.
I thought Palestine still only had 'observer' status in the United Nations.
Fuck off, Ahmed.
what the fuck is a palestine?
Israel/palestine is sort of like the south china sea dispute.
There is one BIG country dominating a little one. And that government will use all of its propaganda powers to suppress the little one.
Mehmet, seriously, Israel is like half the size of Denmark
If that's enough to trigger you shits and claim it signifies "world domination" then you slimes are even more deranged than I thought
Its funny how whenever you bring up the issue. The kikes suppress your idea because you are a mudslime and Palestine doesn't exist.
fuck Palestine, only leftists give a shit about them
So let me get this straight. Its OK to completely remove a people from a country with no compensation. And the reason why is because "you arabs have too much territory
>seriously wat.
is no one gonna answer me?
what the fuck is a palestine?
Israelis are based.
Palestinians are smelly mudslimes.
"With the internet ignorance is a choice"
"And people are still choosing ignorance"
>german flag
>not a filthy muhammetan
>oh look how small Israel is goyim
>we are inocent!
>how can such a small country controll so many :^)
I meant that no NATO country cares about this event.
Witch means you kikes controll all of them, or at least the majority.
Everything what this user said with the addition that all the areas that want it be recognized as "Palestine" should just be folded into Jordan when the time comes. Stop the idiotic kikery land grabbing and get some other Arabs to finally kill off Hamas and their bullshit.
lmao green is all the shitty countries.
I'll try my best not to kill your wife's boyfriend hassan when I join the IDF, hans
I stand with Palestine over Israel. Israel is a disgusting imperialist state. But it's not even a successful or effective imperialist state; instead, it must leech off the United States and the UK in order to survive.
The ONE good reason to be optimistic for the future is the increased support for Palestinian rights, especially among the youth in UK, EU and to a lesser extent the US...COMBINED..with the booming birth rate in Palestine...COMBINED...with falling birth rates in Israel and their growing welfare state.
In about 10-15 years, Israel is going to see the culmination of 5 decades+ of apartheid rule over Palestine come to fruition, and it's not going to be pretty.
fuck off Libya
you aren't even a real country
you are an weapons trading post for america
>fuck off Libya
>you aren't even a real country
>you are an weapons trading post for america
When will you ever learn.
We are all pawns in the grand scheme.
Just because you live in one country doesn't make you better than me.
It just makes you more ignorant to the injustices occurring in the world.
Jaffa is the Arab city directly to the north of Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv-Jaffa is the name of the metropolitan area that encompasses them both.
Murica at its finest.
I bet you still didnt google palestine....
And I want to get something straight in general.
I am not against Israel because they are the evil opressor or some shit.
I am against these fuckers because they are leaching blood out of everyone including the white people.
They couldnt survive 3-4 years without the help of the west.
If you think so much conquest is not ok to steal a land from a people, then give back all non original Arabic lands to the peoples they belong. Oh wait !
Fuck Palestine, only mudslimes and leftist support that little sandbox.
>send your people out to poison our wells
>w...well look, israel so small! n...nothing to see here goyim!
I see the shit in your post.
i googled it but it wasnt on the map :(
>stumped me
Conquest is inevitable and I do not argue against that. What is not ok however is israel playing the victim card to steal land from innocent civilians.
>I am against these fuckers because they are leaching blood out of everyone including the white people.
Because muslim countries in general aren't? Hell you have 1.5 millions of muslims in Germany just this year leeching off of you.
>Jewgle supporting Israel
Do you get shocked everyday you go outside and see the sky is still blue?
Why does jew media support Palestine?
Fuck off.
If you fucking savages just let Gaddafi live for 2 more years I could of went to school for fucking freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
dont confuse us with you
America is queen
you were a pawn when you had Gaddafi, Soros didnt like it and took your ass out of the game
why would we poison your wells
like what would we gain from that
world domination.
stop strawman friend. I never said I lke these.
But the kikes do it on a way higher level and they are also responsible for the refugees.
>America is queen
You really are a normal fag. Do you actually think you have the same amount of power as the US government. Do you actually think you represent the entire country of america?
I dunno Abdul, is it?
>he unironically supports the literal country of jews
Nice B8 white boy bill
Pretty sure you have your brothers soccer game to attend. And don't forget to drive by walmart and buy the turkey for thanksgiving.
Palestinians are Christians too. Some are Muslim and some are not.
Israel belongs to Christians but Sup Forums loves muh Jews too much.
how the fuck would poisoning your wells (need citation on that) give us world domination then
I don't really see the scheme here
>But the kikes do it on a way higher level
Not really, at least not for Europe. Only Americans spend millions of tax payer money for Israel
>they are also responsible for the refugees.
Such as? I'd say Merkel is far more responsible for what happened than Israel
Fuck Palestine, I stand with Israel
Please direct yourself to my other post Goldman Sachs owner.
>Google erases Palestine from gmaps
fuck those hadji faggots
Fuck off dumb shit. I have been to fucking ur shit country. WHY? Because my shit of a father is a shit libyan like you and I. I have been there before and after my boy Gaddafi got fucking got. TOTAL FUCKING CHAOS! Slimes like you and I are not fit to govern ourselves we need fucking dictators. LIKE LIBYA HAS 3 FUCKING GOVERNMENTS THAT CANT FUCKING WORK TOGETHER TO TAKE OUT ISIS A BUNCH OF DUMB SLIMES!!!
Fuck right off you dumb bitch its fuckers like you libya is the way it is now.
Merkel is USAs bitch, USA is Israels bitch.
USA gave some countries some democracy and now there is an exuse to flood Europe with shitskins.
I think your suburban white mother is calling you downstairs for tater tots.
You better run down those carpeted stairs jimmy.
>What is Jordan River
ITT: mudslimes hey angry when they realise no one gives a shit about them and even the stormfags aren't on their side
So it's never Germany's fault with all you wir schaffen das bullshit? Learn to take responsibility, you sound like a dindu
Kingdoms of israel and judah was around first mudslime.
Jews are scum but you muzzies are worse.
I think Nasser is calling you on the phone trying to see if you want to go to the local mosque to pray. You going to pick it up?
I would rather live in a typical white home than to live in a shit hole that is destroyed by dumb slimes.
Look im arab and I don't deny it. However you are white trying to act like an arab just to silence my ideas.
responsibility comes with might.
I have nothing to say in this country. Every reasonable movement or party are instantly called nazis.
How am I responsible for the mistakes of the traitor called Merkel?
I am white you peace of shit.
Why would you support kikes over muzzies when kikes directly threaten you and muzzies are just like niggers in the cases were they acctually harm you.
Whatever you say dumb bitch. I am glad you think I am white but the truth is you dumb bitch I am brown like you. You just keep living in whatever fantasy you are living in.
You are the reason why libya is soooo shit right now. Fucking stupid dumb arab slime. All of us are dumb and stupid. Always remember that when you wake up. You are a dumb arab that will never do anything in life. The only way you can get attention is to blow yourself.
Fucking dumb shitskins I wish I was white.
>when people start seriously trying to justify starting/continuing wars based on territory their ancestors held 2000 years ago
what a surreal world we live in
this shit is getting just a bit too silly for me
wow, I didnt even understand that he said that.
Thanks Britbro
nuclear waste
mind control
heath problems
medical industry
dont play dumb jew
rare flag
do you miss gaddafi
If you are brown then that is actually a lot funnier.
That just means you are a cuck for the white cucks. Thats hilarious its the funniest shit ever.
>it must leech off the United States and the UK in order to survive.
I will go with you on this one. Israel is a state that leeches off the US giving nothing in return. (which is just an insane amount of bullshit)
But guess who is fucking next in line?
No. I do not.
Why would I miss Gaddafi user?
lol, self hating peace of shit... you do realise that you are no better then these guys, do you?
i don't know. he seemed like a pretty cool guy. why would you be posting on Sup Forums?
It doesn't sound funny to me. He sounds like he's hurting. Like he's disappointed in his own people/race. That's no laughing matter. I've been here for years but I never saw someone (and I believe he is a libyan like yourself, he has no reason to lie really) actually say so bluntly they wish they were white.
It's sad to see you at eachother's throats.
To say the least he wasn't a cool guy.
Why are we all posting on Sup Forums
No I just see that we as a people are a waste of fucking life. We do nothing all we do is complain about western powers and "dictators". We can't even help our own people we are letting the west handle our problems. But you know what sure keep being proud of being a dumb slime.
Are you proud of being a part of the Arab race? Please tell me why I should be proud that I am brown and I am libyan.
You should be crying too. Your fucking people are a disgrace to your ancestors. Fucking you guys used to roll thru and take shit no questions asked. Now all you fags are just a bunch of dumb liberals that want UK to be super diverse. Fuck right off you dumb muslim lover.
I agree it is sad to see us at each others throats.
I am disgusted by my fellow muslims actions.
But instead of distancing myself from the problem. I try to fix it.
I don't hate my religion or my race.
It is who I am and I would never change gods creation.
Instead I try to change myself and my community.
user, you should never to try to change who you where born as but instead who you will become.
well i'm white so it makes sense for me. you say you're an arab, likely a muslim, there are tons of people shitting on you for posting here, it just makes me wonder why.
If you have been following any recent events about the UK you'll find that we aren't putting up with it any more.
Tons of people shit on my peoples actions.
But most will not try to shit on my ideas.
They point out that I am arab.
But most dont point out my ideas.
I am excited by each well thought response I get to my arguments.
I dont know why you should be proud of lybia, I dont know your history and culture. I was in Tuneisa though. And it was quite nice when I acctually saw some of their culture.
I am proud of my people because we are able to survive in the cold regions of the earth, that we have beautifull clothing,women, art. That even to this day a lot of people live together with nature instead of raping it and therefor also raping yourself.
Nigger you are never going to fix shit or do anything positive.
You are an arab and a muslim. We don't do shit to fix and help our own. WE ARE FUCKING LETTING WESTERN GOVERNMENTS TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN PEOPLE? WHERE IS SA? UAE? QATAR?
Just shut the fuck up you know this as well. Our race is a waste of life. We do nothing but kill and kill to get power from each other. Just look at Libya what happened after Gaddafi died? Just a bunch of dumb slimes running around with guns trying to power grab shit. Oh and remember when they had the elections and lost? All those political parties formed into militias and took over land and shit.
We are a dumb race and a fucking waste. Always remember that you dumb arab bitch.
A genuine arab muslim eh?
Let's end the small talk and get down to the real issues at hand.
The Jews are scum and they should be wiped from the earth if possible without harming anyone else. Israel is a threat to world peace.
Fuck off Mehmet. Israel should have wiped you a long time ago. Good for Google that they took an important steep ahead.
Its ok user. Don't worry everything is going to be Ok. You can cry its perfectly fine.
Remove the "Israel is threat to world peace" and stop being a hippy.
but else
>Jews are scum
Zionist jews are toxic but I think the majority of jews are nice people. I don't hate racial groups but instead social groups.
>Israel is a threat to world peace
Definitely. They should be dealt with immediately. They are damaging local peoples and are a sink on western economys.
No its not okay.
I have a question for you though.
Why are you proud of being a part of the Arab race?
Because all ethnic groups have a dark side user.
We should all be proud that we are all alive and well. It might look dark now user. But don't worry there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
When I mean they're a threat to world peace I mean that I think they're probably the most likely country in the world to have an autistic shit fit the second they begin to lose face and respect internationally in the western world, and resort to nuclear weapons. They can't handle the banter
I love a good old war as much as any, but a nuclear apocalypse is just cheeky tbqh
You are blind. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We will never rise up and work together. We will never leave Islam behind. We are doomed as a race. All I see is a race of people just only caring about themselves and not their people.
>Germany literally flooded with muslims, muslims kill your sons and rape your daughters
>boo hoo, these evil jews oppressing poor palestine ;_;
I fucking hate Germans.