Finally, marvel and Disney are listening. We want to be represented. Our lives matter
Finally, marvel and Disney are listening. We want to be represented. Our lives matter
But Heaven forbid a character in Black Panther is turned white.
Why would there be white people in the middle of an isolated African kingdom?
Seriously though, why are whites so triggered by this? These are fictional characters. They are characters in movies. Somehow this really is so upsetting to whites, so much that they are on the border of suicide or mass murdering people.
>Suck my dick, Parker
What did MJ mean by that?
Sup Forums taught them to be constantly outraged by absolutely everything while claiming everyone ELSE is the outraged one.
Change to South Africa
Is it North Africa?
Why would you do that? That's kind of missing the point don't you think?
Theres a difference between being "triggered" and being annoyed at a supposedly dorp dead sexy girl being "that" in the case of MJ.
The only successful nations in Africa's history have been white (Egypt, Rhodesia, South Africa)
It's not a "white" thing, and I take offense to that. It's an "american" thing. There is no other nation on earth that gives this much shit about racial identity politics. Because without that belief, the belief that they are """white""" they have absolutely no culture, nothing.
she didn't say that
Why are racists allowed here?
Yo you gotta sort this out
Are you stupid?
>he doesn't like chocolate
They are very clearly doing the "attractive girl is all frumpy and tomboy" thing
you have never heard girls be rude before?
imagine if the next bond is white
>Black actor gets cast for a white character
What's the matter goys? A character's skin color doesn't define the character! It's all fiction anyway!!
>White actor gets cast to play a black character
Fuck this retarded ass shit and fuck the morons who parrot this double standard.
>be humble, sit down
hmmmmm where's this from
She wants Peter to gobble her girlcock
>the only majority black superhero film so far
There's a ratio you seem to ignore
Slavetrading shithole "kingdoms" don't count you dumb nigger
but he isn't
>three supporting characters
>all protags minus Panther still white
What did the triggered kekistani mean by this
Wow, you really are stupid.
It's a saying #woke blacks use even though their entire existence is devoted to flaunting themselves to the world.
no, he's right you retarded KANG
You too are amazingly stupid.
Black panthers people aren't normal Africans. Storm was often noted for her causasian features and Wakandans where not the same as other Africans.
>there is no X
>except for examples of X that don't count
mmm sweetie
Storm isn't from Wakanda.
You people should be gassed.
stay woke my friend
Wow you sure are proving us wrong with those zingers reddits
Here's a big secret for you
Movies aren't real
Wakanda is a fictional place you dumb motherfuckers. Stay triggered.
poo in loo flash thompson is totally a mtf tranny
I wonder what ethnicity could be behind these posts...
>/tvpol/ wants a movie set in 2017 Queens, NYC to be all white
I know people joke about you guys never leaving your house, but you could easily just google demographics.
t. someone who went to highschool in nyc
Never heard of Abyssinia? Mali? Songhai?
They're all Pajeets and Josés
This is actually a really good point.
I thought they retconned Storm and Black Panther being childhood friends.
>muh gold
still a dirt poor kingdom full of people too stupid to farm for themselves, much like modern Africa, where people that were never touched by colonialism can't invent the wheel. But hey, we wuz kangz after all
I saw the film she was actually Mute through the film, but the pacing of the comedy portion and it was subtle but good in the ending.
fuck off Faroq
Which is funny because Queens is literally all Pajeets and Josés
I don't know about that, but Storm is meant to be from Kenya and raised in Cairo.
The school they went to was suppose to be a good school. Asians and Indians I get but there where a lot of black kids in that movie.
Islamic slave trading shitholes that were basically mudhuts compared to Europe
Stellar acting
No comment on the other 2 since you seem so knowledgable?
No reason, they changed peter school, South africa reflect the current situation in africa better than Wakanda.
reminder that americans are such cucks that they are OKAY with BRITISH FUCKING ACTORS playing of the most iconic american superheroes ever - spider-man and superman
A fucking superman is played by a fucking brit
you have a problem with this, but not a problem with this?
Red coat scum.
did he rob them or what
"Basically" is not a word which makes truth turn into non-truths user.
Not him but Songhai is the exact same. Research it if you don't believe me. Don't know much about the other one but I'm sure it A REAL KANGDOM.
>"more powerful than Batman"
right, I don't think he's adjusted his currency to American dollars or the fact Batman has almost killed superman
>Don't know much about the other one
You dont know much about the other 2 either.
about as white as the average dc drone on Sup Forums
whats the problem??
is that a fuckin tranny
No lives matter in actuality
It's a tomboy ugly duckling who will turn supermodel in the sequel. You never watched Breakfast Club?
why would there be black people in asgard?