Give me some good reasons why Marijuana should be illegal while alcohol is legal. Oh that's right there are none

Give me some good reasons why Marijuana should be illegal while alcohol is legal. Oh that's right there are none.

Other urls found in this thread:

people on drugs have decreased productivity/ make more mistakes (from the degenerates ive seen)

Both are for useless cunts if you use them too much.
If used properly both are harmless.

Just becuase a drug is legal doesn't mean employeers can't set their iwn policy. Very few places let you drink on the job.

Make it legal, but make it impossible for anyone on drugs to drive / purchase weapons

Fucking statist.

Not many reasons . Cannibanoid hyperemesis is an extremely rare syndrome that some people get from chronic smoking that can be physically debilitating. It's very very rare though .


Yes it should be made legal
When you hippies produce a good way to determine if you are on high in that moment, not in the 3 days - so you couldn't drive high as fuck

It has a very retarded and dim culture around it, unlike alcohol which doesn't usually define your life.