You may hate me, but I love you. We support a Canada and a world that is progressive, tolerant inclusive for everyone. Join us!
You may hate me, but I love you. We support a Canada and a world that is progressive, tolerant inclusive for everyone...
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love Trudeau
You're gonna have to redpill me on caring about other people first.
People are great. Our world is a diverse world, and people have emotions and people matter. You are part of an interconnected, diverse species. So join us and be a part of something progressive and big!
He's a bitch anyone who voted for him is retarded, the amount of debt were spiral in into makes me wanna cry
Didn't he say Honor Killings shouldn't be considered barbaric?
I voted for him.
Yes. He meant that we need to be progressive, and understand that people in different cultures do different things. Not hard to understand.
Shut the fuck up faggot! You're only making us look bad!
If that is even possible at this point.
Trudeau supporter and proud
Then I guess your retarded
Proud of stupid policy decisions and out of control debt?
>a world that is progressive
That's the problem, most of the world outside of the west isn't progressive, by being liberal you just open yourselves to danger and allahu akbars
He supports Jews, Muslims, gays and living in caves. What's not to love?
You are just hurt. It's alright. Right-wingers ruined this country - and Justin Trudeau will restore our NATION!!!!!!!!
has anyone got some statistic regarding the economic impact of trudeau's leaf rampage? I am aware of not so good unemployment % and shitty handling of the oil sands fires in Alberta.
why? honest question.
criticising and fighting against tyranny and barbarism is how societies evolve and stay protected. Trudeau is a trojan.
You have to be trolling because you honestly can't be this retarded
>Our world is a diverse world
Yeah, we want to keep it that way. Leftists want every country on earth to be equally shit.
Oy vey! So progressive, so tolerant.
IIRC the quote was taken out of context
he meant "don't insult Muslim beliefs because they're peaceful and will kill you if they say they aren't" not "honor killings aren't barbaric"
>tolerant inclusive for everyone
So you support being conquered by 7th century throwbacks who intend to make slavery common again? You're just like your Prime Minister.
>but I love you
dirty talks?
This has to be fake.
It not,
which would change the second line of the anthem from "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command,"
Just fuck my country up
>a world that is progressive, tolerant inclusive for everyone
Except for yourselves.
>Look at how level headed and polite I'm being, this'll show all the bigots and racists just how wrong they all are.
Your country is run by an effeminate, leftist coward, who literally makes comments about how defending your country and culture is morally wrong.
"If you kill your enemies..."
Being brainwashed for years in Jewish backed education institutions is an excellent measure of political intelligence ;-)
Cultural Marxism has been dubbed "the greatest cancer in the Western world" but few even know what it is. Cultural Marxism is Communism by stealth who wants to destroy white civilisation.
Definition of Cultural Marxism:
Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism." Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable.
Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites.
Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries.
Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children.
Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology. Critics of Cultural Marxism have maintained that Cultural Marxists intend to commit genocide against white people through mass non-white immigration, assimilation, transracial adoption and miscegenation.
Step one: Find the family of Robert Stanley Weir (original author of the english translation of O Canada)
Step two: apply for an extended copyright on the anthem
Step three: sue the canadian government for copyright infringement "it's only one fucking word off. Clearly infringement"
And now they can never play the shitty revised national anthem again.
If you can hold a copyright on the "Happy Birthday" song, I bet you can hold one on a national anthem.
I am not trolling. I am right.
Trudeau is the hero we need right now.
Not true.
Here's what the Left breaks down into (The left is filled with women and weak men):
1. Clueless cucks. Your average middle-class white suburbanite Bernie Sanders supporter who thinks Marx is cool because, like, you know man, Facebook said it and stuff. These are the types that have no understanding of the impact of the things they support. It just ~feels~ good to them, and so they support it. Classic definition of "useful idiots". These are the majority.
2. Wannabes. These are the turbo fedora vegan atheists who play dress-up and shout slogans on Youtube trying to be edgy and cool. They're typically unemployed and unemployable, yet they falsely believe there will be day be a Marxist revolution and they'll be safe from the purges because they'll somehow miracle their ass into the inner circle.
3. SJWs. Insane frothy-mouthed morons who practice double-think as a daily devotion. Worse than the other two categories as they're typically too stupid to realize they're stupid.
4. Genocidals. These are the type of good goys that get paraded on TV. They tell you diversity is mandatory, multiculturalism is good, Islam belongs in your country, and that if you disagree you're a xenophobic racist. These are their talking points. However, if you push them long and hard enough, they'll be cornered by the truth: That if they get their way, then whatever they love about their country's "tolerance" will vanish too. Which is when they hit you with their real thoughts.
They know. And they don't care.
The loudest voices for socialism come from academia, particularly middle/upper-class college students getting degrees in arts, humanities, and social science.
It won't be your nation anymore when mudslimes take over.
>Cultural Marxism has been dubbed "the greatest cancer in the Western world"
By literally who?
I can dub apples "the greatest cancer in the western world".
Doesn't make it true.
Go do some yoga, faggot.
Fear mongering.
I actually did about an hour before I made the thread :)
Justin, is that you? We love you man.
Don't tell anybody. It'll be our little secret. I'm spreading the message of progressivism to Sup Forums!!!
Keep up the good work duder. You show those guys what's what.
>a world that is progressive, tolerant inclusive for everyone*
>* except for people that disagree with our views
Gender neutrality sucks. My Uni changed our alma mater from "loyal sons" to "loyal heirs" and it just isn't the same.