I'm moving over to northern Finland. As a French nationalist I am used to conceal my world views because basically my country is 100% cucked and people will start shouting and calling you names if you mention the fact that maybe diversity is not super fan-fucking-tastic.
I've heard that Finland is different. How true is it? Are Finnish people based? How will they react if I mention that immigration is a fucking disaster in my country and Finnish people would better not allow refugees to swarm over Finland.
Pic somewhat related (this scene takes place in Norway but I want to do this with my young son when winter comes).
Are Finnish people OK with race realism
> northern Finland
You do just fine. Altough they might not consider you white.
Haha yeah I've been there already and the only people who had dark hair were filthy immigrants. Pretty much every Finnish person I saw had blonde hair. I have dark hair but since I shave my head every day people won't notice.
isn't the cancer spreading to finland through our political parties?
Dont reveal your power levels around young university girls, be a good guy, try to learn the language and just say that you respect our isolationalist ways and love our culture, this should get you on the good side of people. Eventually you will get shitfaced in a way you havent been before and admit that you value nationalist values and you will make a few really, rrally good friends. Remember, if you want to be with us, you have to become partly us.
Bonne chance, mon ami
Fenno-swedes and greens are the most multicult parties. Thankfully they do not have any ground in northern finland.
>people will start shouting and calling you names
The cancer is the jews and we must kill them all before they kill us.
Yes. Sweden still has a large influence over Finnish politics and the economy. Please, Swedebro. You have to spread the word. Get your family and friends to at least question the status quo. Make a change towards the right direction before you kill memeland :(
don't talk about cancer when ur history is u sucking danish dick
>sweden has a large influence on finnish politics and economics
I'm intrigued, can you elaborate a bit, friend? Like actual sources, not something that was posted on Sup Forums.
The biggest influence Sweden has on us is the snus-trade and the that fact people are happy for the swedish royals when they breed. Also Ice hockey, it's banter gold between us and them.
the problem is not that, the problem is that the only ones that care about voting are the ones that are indoctrinated
>northern finland
Well I guess it's fine if you enjoy nature and nothing else. Even if you move to cities up north like Oulu, the city centres are still completely void of any entertainment.
As far as immigration goes, most of Finland is racist, even if not openly. Only the richer parts of Helsinki and Espoo are liberal, but even if you consider Helsinki there are a few places that have no immigration and are against mudslimes but prepare for very high rents (800+ euros for 2 room apartment)
Minä opin suomea. Puhun jo vähän (mutta vain vähän). I am planning to attend some fighting courses like kickboxing or BJJ in order to meet manly Finnish fellows. (In France leftists are usually non-violent pussies.)
Yes I enjoy nature very much, I really want to do some walk and ski in the country side with my family. And pick up berries.Oulu is the city I am actually moving to btw.
Opit vai opettelet?
Well you have the edge when talking to people.
You are an outsider and their cuck-tier bullshit wouldn't go so well against someone "different"
>you have seen with your own eyes the disaster etc.
>you can't be called a backwards Finn either
People are not that much cucks as there are in France so it wouldn't be any worse at least.
Northers area would be with less niggers and niggerlovers anyway.
>wanting to meet manly men for BJs
Opettelen. Minulla on kirja "Assimil -- Le finnois sans peine".
Kek has spoken, welcome friend.
By the way, you have already immigrated better than the kurds
>800 Euro for a two bedroom
>Tfw paying $600 a month for a 500 sqft efficiency
Finland stop tempting me
Finns are generally racist. What makes you think that you won't be an outsider for ever?
He doesn't seem black though
You're racist, but you guys are generally antisocial as fuck according to my finnbro on Steam.
I just want to buy an acreage with a sauna and drink until I'm dead.
I have brown hair and blue eyes and people look at me as an immigant, I'm a native btw.
He's not a Finn, Estonian or Nord. He will never fit in. Meds out
>according to my Finnbro on steam
That's how yank basement dwellers travel
>this scene takes place in Norway but I want to do this with my young son when winter comes
You want to escape from the Baglers with your son?
Time will tell. I have no intention to stay in Finland forever though. Finland is for Finnish people and I will return to my fatherland at some point.
Stay out of Pori. We beat up non-local Finns for fun here, so you do catch my drift what can happen to Francois Dildo here?
>Finnish people would better not allow refugees to swarm over Finland
>I'm moving over to northern Finland
This is why I wan't to gas people.
the eternal swede has stationed its agents on our west coast to cuck us with mandatory swedish language
I can confirm this. Pori is the most hillbilly city in Finland after Lahti, after 6pm the drunkards will camp in front of pubs like Jussikka and you will either get your ass kicked or getting berated at the Tori-Hesburger or grillipori after midnight.
refugee != immigrant
>runs away from his country
Nah, you still deserve to get shot.
>Is here forever
>Lives on state welfare
>Rapes your daughter, eventually may marry some local girl and thus corrupt your gene pool
European immigrant
>Will leave
>Works and brings something valuable to your country
>Is married, has sex only with his wife
Whatever helps you migrate, nomad.
You're wicked man. Didn't Corneliu Codreanu (who is much admired and respect amongst French nationalists btw) spend some time in Germany and France? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and you are probably a gypsy for writing such blatant nonsense.
Based Vlach. Kill all gypsies, restore your glory.
>tfw poisoned a gypsy family
oulu? only thing you can do there is narc and drink
Nothing wrong with living here for a while with respect to the Finns. Everything wrong with settling here permanently, since you are not Finnic or at least Nordic.
Vittun faggots gtfo my isanmaa
>mandatory swedish language
lmao that shit is so cucked, although we'll have mandatory Arabic in school soon enough so I guess you get the last laugh
its o.k to visit but its Funland for the Finns.
He also held his ground against the communist horde and fought for his country on it's soil.
You are just running away from France. You are a traitor in the eyes of Codreanu. I guess, after all this time, surrender is still in your blood.
> tfw my fathers a Lahti native
Cant wait to come home
>$600 a month
Jesus Christ, where do you live? I pay $400 for that same size in a university student city, and It's considered quite hefty (our housing market was already fucked prior to open borders, now It's disastrous)
My rent was $540 five years ago but gentrification is raising property values.
You are home. Do you have finnish passport, speak finnish or have you ever stepped o finnish soil?
"As Jews, we demand the rights of all nations; chief among them, we demand the right to have our own villains."
- Ze'ev Jabotinsky
>current year
>not being a race realist in Finland
Northern Finland you'll be fine. Many of the largest cities are being overrun by Somalis for god knows what reason.
I have hope for France however. One day our immigration policies won't be head in ass retarded.
No, nigger. My grandfather and uncle were combat winter war veterans. My grandmother from karelia. My dads a citizen since he was born there and any children he had during a legal marriage here make them a citizen if the proper authority was notified. Now kys and dont ever question me.
>we'll have mandatory Arabic in school soon enough so I guess you get the last laugh
Is this like, actually happening?
Do you held the view that a Somali negro who was born in Finland, speaks Finnish, and has a Finnish passport, is indeed Finnish?
What he can do? The faster it will collapse the sooner action can be taken.
We will never take you for one of our own, mixbreed.
I am planning to buy a house in the country side and live as a farmer when I come back in France, probably in Auvergne. Many right wing people are doing this already. "La terre, elle, ne ment pas." I want a good life for my children. Europa will wake up, eventually. Remember Dominique Venner : "L"Europe est en dormition." We have to be resilient and to stay true to our heritage. Our time will come. Meanwhile, let's vote for Le Pen.
Thanks for being a lot better immigrant than the shitskins.
You'll probably even get mandatory quran study classes.
>What he can do?
Deus Vult the nearest mosque of course. Besides the lulz, that will expose the media bias to the common man.
Codreanu didn't ask himself "what can I do?". He just went out and shot merchants straight in the face,
No, he is a somalian who was born in Finland. You know the saying about a rat being born in a stable still isn't a horse?
Hahaha its ok bitch nigger. Im sure your grandfather was brought to a quarry in central finland and offed. Or was found hiding in the woods and met the same fate :) My lineage in finland shits on yours... Pretty sad for a halfbreed
No, Finnish people aren't based and outside of Sup Forums memes is just another carbon copy of a shitty Germanic country with flourishing SJWism. The only difference is their climate is also horrible and depressing which makes Finns exceptionally autistic even by average Germanic standards.
>800+ euros for 2 room apartment
That'd be a fucking bargain these days
I'm moving there too pretty soon. I'll keep a lookout for a well integrating French guy, maybe drop a few stealth memes to make sure.
I've to warn you that there is quite big population of dark skinned 'refugees'/immigrants in Oulu
I agree. So is a Finnish who was born in America, isn't he? Wether he owns a passport or not is irrelevant.
Just like Quebec and Cajun people are French people who happened to be born in America. They are still French people.
>let's vote for Le Pen
Are there located in some specific part of the city? I am in the process of finding a flat right now so that would be a very valuable information.
I guess this is the undeniable truth.
Ah, the age old Finnish technique of cushioning your shield with a child. Brings back memories...
Dont bother responding to him. Hes conflicted because his family were red traitors that got executed in the 1940s. Trying to sound like a national to save face value.
how do Finns feel about someone who was born in Australia but is Finnish, fucking parents moved here right before I was born.
I want to visit my true homeland
>Are Finnish people based?
my sides are in orbit, they are literally Autism: The Nation
My lineage is 100% finnish, unlike yours. You even have the temper and typing of an ignorant american.
>he hasn't even served in the army, even though he would be let to come here and serve
Topkek, doesn't matter what your daddy tells you, you are not finnish and never will be and even the people of Lahti would kick your ass for saying anything of that nature in public. No girl here would think you are finnish. Your grandfathers are respected but they would look down on you, disappointed for not fulfilling your """"finnish responsibilities""".
Btw, when I served, we had a SPANISH dude who wanted to come here and serve because his dad was finnish. Now shut up, John and keep trying to impress american girls that you are finnish
Immigrants to America from European countries were the bottom feeders, we should thank them for doing a service for their countries and leaving, but they should under no circumstances be allowed back
I take that as a compliment :^)
>he has never visited the graves of his veteran grandfathers or grandmothers of Lotta Svärd during kaatuneiden muistopäivä and paid his respects
Guess which two are the most autistic countries?
Das rite, neurotypicals just don't understand all the benefits
I guess it's time to upgrade Mongol meme to Korean meme.
Fennoswedes and Western finns created this country pretty much.
Hahahahaha im 30 you stupid negroid! With a 4 year enlistment done here in the states hahahahahah kill your fuckingself. What about the red traitors in your family you never replied about?? Im sure their carcass' are still rotting somewhere along the traintracks :) Grandpa was good for some of that nickel lead between the eyes.
The problem with that logic is that only his father is finnish but instead, he is a 50/50.
Slippery slope
[spoiler]Memes aside, there's been a lot of pushback towards multiculturalism lately and a type of "integrate or get the fuck out" mentality is becoming more and more prevalent even among cuck parties[/spoiler]
God I hope so
which one is you
And your mother? You don't speak Finnish, you are a mutt, you are fucking a yank. Fuck off, we're full.
Dude, chill he's never going to come to Europe. It's just idle talk.
Also, you're being incredibly rude.
The road outside my house is paved with good intentions, I like construction through, but for my people only.
This thing is also worrying me
"Integrating" these people would give them legitimacy over our lands
It's basically the current french wet dream, "it doesn't matter if there's no white anymore as long as their replacement people speaks french and sucks on the republic titties like good goys"
It would seem better for most people if strangers actually "integrated" as they wouldn't roll over them in trucks, but in my point of view none of these alternatives are desirable
Just want them gone desu
Whites and reds seized to exist after our civil war in 1918 and we were pretty much united by talvisodan henki when winter war came, excluding traitors like Otto Wille Kuusinen. Also, see :)
My point still stands, we will never consider you a finn and I hope you dont go bragging about that specops training when you get your latenight kebab because people tend to be pretty nationalistic when drunk
This desu. No reason to be mad, Johannes.
>incredibly rude.
>wants to visit and settle in Suomi
>thinks it's a problem
>How will they react if I mention that immigration is a fucking disaster in my country and Finnish people would better not allow refugees to swarm over Finland.
they'll probably tell you that you are the immigrant now
Integration of foreign people means desintegration of European people. It's a very good thing that they stick to their religion and customs. It makes it obvious that "they" are not "us" and that eventually we will have to kick them off.
If they start to act and behave like us then the only argument we can make is race. And most people (at least in France but probably the same in Sweden) are not ready to hear about race.
In my view interbreeding is not a big problem when it happens between European people but I totally respect different opinions.
I'm pretty sure he is one of these national guard killers
define social progress
I don't myself live in Oulu but in rich svennoespoo:) but quick search suggess that parts of Toppila, Rajakylä, Puolivälinkangas and Kaukovainio, meri-toppila and Tuira are quite enriched so basicly places where the rent is low and there is lot of students/people living on rent