German State Media: Trump New Hitler
> Hillary is simply the best
I think it's good. Not like it makes a difference either way. But you can point to media bias to redpill people.
A lot of normies I know now say Hillary's worse. Surprises me actually that it's not Sup Forums-knowledge but actual knowledge
Merkel is a lame bitch-ass hoe.
Y'all outta do something about her.
You're just sad that Germany has an idiot for a leader and Trump rustles ya jimmies
Watch him take away 75% of the NATO budget if he gets in.
You lot in Europe need to pay your own way for defense. Either that or you die.
CNN is no better.
Saw today they were reporting the opinions of some random Nazi guy who said "Would be great opportunities if Trump won".
Every time I start to get disillusioned with Trump, something like this happens to remind me why there is literally no other option.
Well, I mean.. that's pretty much why we like him here, isn't it?
>state media
>accusing others of being tyrannical
Tax money is shamelessly used to shape German public opinion, but Trump is the bad guy? Yeah, OK, good luck with that.
Literally every person i talk to, regardless of their opinion of trump always say. "Hillary is corrupt I dont know who could vote for her. "
hitler was on his way towards making germany one of the greatest and most prosperous nations in the history of the modern world. gaddaffi was going to be the next hitler as well, that's why the globalists wanted him dead. if trump is the next hitler, that is great for america. globalists dont like Independence and prosperity. that's why ww2 started. ww2 started because the globalist realized they were losing power
even my normie friends won't vote for hillary
>Germany hates Trump
>Germany loves Hillary
That if anything is the best indication that Trump is the best choice
His enemies have done a great job of ensuring his landslide victory... and most of them are too daft to even realize it.
Who gives a fuck what Germany thinks? It's literally the worst Western country in the world.
>Trump says bad/stupid things and has an economic plan that in no way reflects any kind of state-run anything
>Hillary is constantly being tied to shady business, helped destabilize the Mideast, gave weapons to ISIS, runs foundation that's laundered millions upon millions of dollars and operates outside of its stated purpose and nobody really knows what it even does in factuality, defends a serial rapist, rigs elections against a fellow party member, stacks her own political party as personal favors, has the entire media machine under her thumb
If you just study a little bit you'll realize nobody wanted the war, and they tried everything to avoid it
I just keep getting more reasons to vote for Trump!
defense from what? I don`t think Russia is going to invade Europe the moment NATO collapses.
It`s amazing how much coverage trump is getting in the news media here.
> Trump says something controverse but true
>Clinton rigs the entire primaries, gets almost indicted by the FBI, corrupts the whole system, gets bribes from saudi arabia, sells nuclear codes to china,...
>"Can Clinton save us from THA NEW HITLAH?!?!?!?!?"
german media is such a joke and luckily most people don`t trust it anymore. Everytime they do another EBIL TRUMP article there are literally 300+ comments how fucked up the coverage is.
Thats why these pussies disabled comments on migrant articles. which never happened before.
Never change german media never change. Once the day of the rope comes you will die together with your false gods.
Everyone comparing Trump with Hitler will be extremely disappointing once he wins.
Have you talked to any other actual Germans who are getting redpilled or are they all still on Merkel's cock
It's alright guys, I know ebonics.
Uuga bogga nigga, How U Get In Her' PhaM?
many dislike Merkel but the problem is TOO many still are on her cock.
The funny thing is you dont actually vote for Merkel in person. if that was the case she`d get voted out im pretty sure.
The fact that she is the head of our most conservative media accepted party is the true madness in Germany.
If youre conservative here you will most likely vote CDU/CSU which means Merkel.
So you either go even further to the left to lets say the SPD for example. It used to be the Worker`s party. You will get a more left version of merkel if not merkel herself since the SPD is notorious for partying up with CDU/CSU to sit in the government.
Basically the fact that merkel is the head of our conservative wing is the reason we will be fucked until Merkel is gone. And even then she will be replaced by another puppet.
Haha. Just go fuck yourselves, Germany. Worthless fucking politicians, worthless people so willing to be raped, murdered, and have the economy just handed over. I give it 50 years and your whole national history will be destro... oh holy fucking shit. I wonder if this was the ploy
I don't know much about the political system there, is it parliamentary?
Hitler was abused. Trump never was or has ever spanked.
Hitler had no idea how to provide voluntary value, Trumps only knows voluntary.
>> anybody gives a fcuk