Merkel About to Introduce First Affirmative Action Act in German History

> "Due to the unexpected rapid demographic changes"

pls nuke us already

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we dont speak islam

what does it say Al-Hans ?

This makes me genuinely sad. Not angry, just sad



Oh boy looks like you're in for a good time.

>blow up a dam
>due to unexpected flooding...

Say it with me now: KEKED

> "Due to the unexpected rapid demographic changes"

They make a law so everyone who's part of a minority (or any trait that could be interpreted as a disability) can sue a company which chooses another person for a job.

It already has been said by her own party how dumb that idea is. It´s written by a Green member so what did you expect?

>or any trait that could be interpreted as a disability
or has any trait that could be interpreted as a disability

i'm so done with merkel and the new "germany"

you were warned. they said they wanted to force germans out of jobs for the sake of employing refugees

Mutter ist gonna freak!

What? That can't surely be real
That is to drastic



>unexpected demographic changes

No you aren't, sit down and shut up cuckboy.

Reported. These posts should have been typed by proud African-Germans.

defend yourself.
take it back

Well, you can always outsource your businesses here. :^)

calm down, ahmed

Sadly there's no Polish article but you could try Bing translate.

>open doors, let in 10,000,000 niggers and muslims
>well this is unexpected, there are 10,000,000 niggers and muslims here, better make laws to ensure they're treated better than the native germans
seriously lads, you have to get rid of her

the SPD supports the idea, and guess who's in the coalition with merkel's party in the parliament...

really makes you think

if Hitler could see that this is what the "master race" ended up being he would walk into the gas chambers himself

Read again.
The ADS (Anti-discrimination council) >critizes< that forced quotas, also discriminates people without a migration background.

They also critisize that people shouldn't be employed by the color of their skin, but on their capabilities for the job.

Good! Your children will have more rights and will have a guaranteed job, since you're becoming the minority. When

sounds like what has been happening here for a long time desu senpai

*They also mention


Ooh shit! Are you ready to get enriched by educated Croat?

> shilling for merkel
t. contortionist

Shouldn't that mean more Germans will get jobs?

Get it? Because you're becoming a minority in your own country.

See the positive side of it Hans.
If all of your companies have to hire absolute dindu tier managers, your retarded country will collapse even sooner.


The general equal-treatment-law forbids disadvantages only when they are connected to one of the following person-related properties:

race and ethnical origin,
religion and ideology (right-wing excluded),
age (every age)
sexual identity
sorry for the bad translation but I'm too lazy to look up the right words. used the first that went to my mind.

>"They'll help our economy!" they said

This is nothing new. I have friends at the employment agency here and they do have to try and send old people first. They usually know they are not going to get it.
And yeah employers discriminate a lot. You are generally fucked if you wear a headscarf.

But there is almost no way to prove discrimination.

You deserve it

And people say Sweden is worse then Germany.

People should be employed by colour of their skin, though. Actually, not just by that. They should be Germans as well.

Germany isnt is time to settle in Breslau?


> You are generally fucked if you wear a headscarf.
> But there is almost no way to prove discrimination.

>nuke us already
You need to first invade someone. Suicide doesnt count.

>"Due to the unexpected rape demographic changes"

If Hillary wins I'll do something big...

Trump is literally the last hope for western humanity. Europe is currently hanging off the side of a cliff by one finger and Hillary is the gust of wind that will blow us over.

You can't be this stupid, they could just hire a 13 year old German boy to do the work instead now

Why? It is the German elites that are at fault here.

same reaction

what the actual fuck

We would be better instead of black people were invited to Germany .
Themselves to blame you for their problems

>employers discriminate a lot
>But there is almost no way to prove discrimination.

>there's no proof but I know it happens! I feel it in my heart

kill yourself

But the jews' goal is to make all shitskins "German".

Just kill the jews and everything will sort itself out naturally afterwards.

Are Germans hardwired to not rebel against authority or something? That would explain Hitler.

I am starting to hope the happening on Sunday is real.
Fuck, how did the people that took on the Roman empire at its height end up like this?

Then dont wear "headscarf" you autistic nigger

>Right wind excluded

Legally proof you massive retard.

So it is just coincidence white and young people get employed more?

Back to cleaning my toilet

>Europe doesnt have free speech

>But they also dont have affirmative action

Wait what the fuck?

I feel like i was fucking cheated out of a fucking lifetime of a fucking career and scholarship opportunity

Fucking really? We're the only ones who do affirmative action, yet our fucking niggers are still whining about how they're being "systematically oppressed"?

Are you fucking shittin gme?

>everyone should be threated equel
>a doctor of goat hearding will get the job instead of a real doctor
we America now

>unexpected rapid demographic changes

Fuck off, you cuck. The Ameriniggers are the ones that wrought this upon us. I don't identify with Europe either, and neither should you, and it is even worse to identify as "Western". We are Germans, neither European nor Western.

Are you fucking nazi or what?
Embrace diversity faggot!

>Get it?

this is a legitimate question though

>"Due to the unexpected rapid demographic changes"
I can't find that in that article. Were does it say that?

Bitching on Sup Forums seems to be the height of German resistance.

So you have no proof but you know it happens.

How do you know it happens if you have no proof?
Fucking roach.

German elites are fucked.

To the mental asylum they belong. Bye-bye.

Merkel is running out of friends. Business leaders already said they don't want more rapefugees and they don't want the law tightened.

AD a gook I know first hand AA is the first step to killing off top scoring hard working talent in replacement for under qualified niggers. If you are German I either recommend suicide or not going to college

Seriously lads I can't figure out this shit
I simply don't understands...isn't Merkel a center-right politician?
Isn't the CDU some sort of (EU) EPP?

Why the fuck she brings on progressives/leftists politics?


>black people commit more murders

>this means cops are racist and they just leave white peoples bodies laying on streets and dont investigate anything

Literally what in the fuck kind of reasoning can you do to believe this

I see no difference between Somalis and Ukrainians. Both are the scum of this planet.

Does it mean that I can sue GE?


Deutschlandfaggen deserve what they get desu, bunch of cûcks

We do not clean toilets and work in factories . Toilets for the Turks and Roma are more suitable .

> raised up in eastern germany
> former high ranked official of the party

really makes you think

>Trump is literally the last hope for western humanity.

Elaborate. How will Trump help you as a German?


Are you assuming that every single person is equally qualified to do every single job?

Because I believe my friend who works there. I am white. She is white.

I am just sharing what I know. I do not understand why everyone is so triggered by it.

>I don't identify with Europe either, and neither should you, and it is even worse to identify as "Western". We are Germans, neither European nor Western.
You're an absolute idiot.

And it wasn't all Ameriniggers that fucked us over, mainly the Democrats and the Neocons. Trump is an isolationist capitalist which will benefit us and will stop much of the crushing policies that Obongo and Clinton unleashed on Europe indirectly.


please teach us what you accomplished against affirmative actions, senpai

why don't you cool germans move to South Australia?

we're pretty anti PC here, and we don't have jobs but we have a town called Hahndorf

Its like home for you guys, and honestly better than most of Adelaide and the best part is its too cold for arabs in the winter, they literally cant live there.

There's only one way, Wolfgang.

>raise an army of native germans
>gather all of the traitors in your government
>public executions are televised
>give all non-Germans 72 hours to leave the country
>gather all of the non-Germans who remained
>public executions are televised
>close the borders and machine gun anything that tries to enter
>gather all your citizens who have liberal views
>mandatory daily beatings/rapes
>long live Deutschland

Wow that was easy™

Did the article get updated?
I don't see "unexpected" anywhere

>> former high ranked official of the party

She wasn't though.

the hotel i work in has out of 60 people 54 ukrainian ladies and they do it

Merkel has no stance and no political voice. She basically always just repeats what she thinks most people want at the moment.

Stupidity say . We white people and do not like to fight. So what are you talking about slander .

Ebin! All german autists should start getting jobs now.
Win for the german Sup Forumsacks!

They are more able to do the actual work.
Therefore preferred.

Everybody who wants to force quota not ability based employment rules is fucked. You can try, history erases you.

This is not about muh feelings, this is about contributing to society.

hitler gave the jews too much mercy

I've added that as a comment but it's true. You can't just say: "They didn't hire me because I am a Nazi". There are no equal rights for Nazis in Germany. You are even not allowed to say what you think. When you are a Nazi in Germany that means you are wrong. The "every age" comment is by the original article but it's wrong. It means young and old. A medium-aged person cannot say "They didn't hire me, because they don't want medium-aged people." You are only allowed to say "because I was too young" or "because I was too old". The whole law is totally stupid and unrealistic. But it's made by Greens. What do you expect. Too much drugs and communist propaganda destroyed their brains.

The fuck is wrong with that bitch? It's clear as crystal the sandniggers are fucking up the ex-reich and she just makes it worse