Nardole who edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Series 9 is objectively the closest Doctor Who will ever get to a perfect series
Nardie BEST.
>all those children are white
>you dont even need to see their skin you can tell by how straight and fair their hair is
I truly hope the left is happy, they've destroyed our nations.
>capaldi sings
Is /lbg/ /who/'s companion?:^D
I dont even think its racist to miss having a homogenous society.
Yet you could still get locked up for saying it in every western country except America.
Hartnell is the only Doctor that wouldn't hate Drumpf
Can someone give me the realistic ratings for series 10?
i honestly really liked it other than the endings to the monk and finale
>Thin Ice
>Knock Knock
>Lie of the Land
>World Enough/Doctor Falls
Dog's caked anus/10.
no that ruins the thread with a bunch of people posting their ratings as if everyone else cares
>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -
>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?
If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the second /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction.
/who/ did it once. Now, we're gonna do it again! Yet another entry in an age-old tradition of p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶f̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶i̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶i̶t̶i̶m̶a̶c̶y̶ / celebrating the magic of Who and the talent of a community.
There are no limits (except the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck).
>- Can involve any Doctor(s), companion(s), side characters, spinoff characters and beyond, as your heart desires
>- Can be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>- Can be about absolutely anything
>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)
Stuck for ideas? Try starting with your favourite TARDIS team (or for timeliness, 12/Bill “I'm a lesbian” Potts) and one of these authentic titles:
And free scenario prompts:
We are going to be starting an index on the wiki for the collection. Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
The rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin works well.) Due date is tentatively August 22nd.
Current Doctor who related thoughts:
Sixth Doctor getting stuffed with pies and Peri squishing his belly while making salty comments
Am I trash or am I trash?
tbqh I would move pilot to good because having it and smle the same rating irks me.
it may not have a good story but it is a great characterpiece
obligatory "Should I watch Classic Who in preparation for the Christmas Special?" post
Oh now that's just unfortunate
the funny thing is he literally said the words "never trust a hug" two seasons ago
Having a three tier ranking is just a dumb system in the first place
Moff isn't a writer he is a poet
>tfw jenna will never squeeze you like that
And Missy hugs Saxon right before killing him...
Sixth Doctor-THICC
Ninth Doctor-BARA
Tenth Doctor-Twink
Eleventh Doctor-also BARA
Any more?
10 is not a twink, fuck offerino with this meme
Was it a fitting end to 12?
yes he is
>you will never have a homogeneous nation.
Why live.
>shit doctor gets shit special effects
yes, it was a fitting end
Anyone else think Zach-user looks like Nardole if he had hair?
What the fuck are you on about? In what fucking upside down gay universe is 11, a skinny baby, bara, and 10 - a fucking 40something old weasel - a twink?
you are in no position to assess that
he always did hate hugging
Well Matt smith for some reason got swole after he left the show and 10 is basically a twink the more you think about it
>10 is basically a twink the more you think about it
No. Saying it again does not reduce its falseness. The fact he has a bit of a youthful face is not remotely enough to justify this assessment. Just stop playing with gay words you don't understand
Twinks are not just about being skinny or ottermode
You need a youthful or effeminate face to be a twink and tennant doesn't have that
Zach please do nardie cosplay
My favorite trip, don't tell the others.
>People are actually fighting about this
also as if that skinny scottish fucktoy would ever be anything but a bottom
Not even a week into off season and the threads are already absolute dog shit.
desu i always paired you and cloister
I ship Edge with Neo desu
Fanfic when
We'll always have MLP, Edgy. TooManyTime is a magical creature, like a photoshopping leprechaun occasionally leaving us little bits of gold like above.
shit trips 2: ship trips
What is a bottom, I do not know that term.
the person on the receiving end of anal sex
I'll let you guess what a 'top' is
Cloister answer me please.
the person who gets it in the butt, yo
I lost my Doctor Whooves shirt :(
The person who is giving the buttsex?
>Not picking the superior ship of Edge/Immigrant
disdain for plebs
Reminder that the Shakri will be the big bad for Chibnut's epic three part finale for series 11
That sucks. My favorite DW shirt got a hole in it.
blah blee blooh bleh blah THICC blooh blee blah forced meme blah blee blooh
I would, but I have to keep my facial hair.
I work at a haunted house and for our Christmas haunt I play the evil Santa. So keeping my beard is kinda important.
Also sorry for becoming a tripfag, but I figure this is the easiest way.
if he wants to succeed, he will steer wide away from that shit
I ship FNA and mrsinxist
But now that he's in control he can actually give them proper development. The "Time Lord Boogeyman" sounds cool desu
>he doesn't listen to earstories
What thread on McGannChan? Clever way of saying that by the way.
I'm really not interested in non-canon Doctor Who stuff. If I wanted that I'd just read fanfiction, there's far more of it.
Sarah Jane was qt as fuck.
Which Doctor follows the role of fuckboi to a T?
fuck off autist
dear fucking god I hope not
I will murder chibnall
5 and 10
You got that right.
choose your side
Okay but I pick Cloister
You're gonna have to hold my hand here Cloister I don't know what to put that link with! I just want to see some tits!
Yeah, you could easily make 5 your bitch.
>A finale that doesn't rely on a classic monster returning
I know better than to hope.
hell bent
>A good finale that doesn't rely on a classic monster returning
I know better than to hope.
It doesn't rely on that though. Rassilon fucks off within a couple minutes of appearing.
Here are yer tits