>tfw your waifu stars in a short film about teenage sexual awakening
also it's a pretty cute and nostalgic little film
>tfw your waifu stars in a short film about teenage sexual awakening
also it's a pretty cute and nostalgic little film
Other urls found in this thread:
is hamburglar22 stealing all her burgers?
is that why shes still anorexic?
Does she wear open foot sandals in this?
>describes something as cute
>has an anorexic shit tier waifu
numale fag
giv skelington gf
>AOL chat
Is this the 90s again?
the film is clearly set in the 90s
Spooky skeletons don't go to heaven.
I would like to hunt down and murder whoever made this
y tho
catholic detected
>she finds herself suddenly obsessed with masturbating
>she finds herself suddenly obsessed with masturbating
>she finds herself suddenly obsessed with masturbating
>she finds herself suddenly obsessed with masturbating
>she finds herself suddenly obsessed with masturbating
the room with the computer in looks fucking max comfy
We can only hope for some close up toe curling shots
>This was cute and funny, but the beginning is pretty disturbing given that it's pretty much glossed over that some gross older online predator is sending a 15yr old nude pics. Not ok and super creepy, this film is kind of making it look acceptable.
Literally ISIS
fucking huwat?
well fuck
it's a 11m short?
That's barely enough time to get warmed up
I wanted a full 90 minute jailbait schlick fest fapananza
I thought that was just a fucking trailer link
I mean. It is creepy.
Only if you do it right
>mfw used aol chat rooms, limewire, all that old shit, but never saw or experienced any of the jailbait stuff.
Does she actually get naked this time?
>communion in the hand
PLEASE tell me we see dem tiddies
hi r*ddit
That was terrible.
afraid not
Sucks to be you, shelteredfag.
only non face on a computer screen and not her kind.
How the it starts (and the "MATURE" rating) makes you think there's going some lovely seedy stuff with her. But nothing more than a few seconds of seeing her hand go down her skirt, then her face going from "this is weird" to "wasn't expecting" that, then scene(s) suddenly ending.
If this wasn't a short, I don't doubt it would give us the goods eventually, but as it is, there's nothing there and your balls will go blue in wishing there was.
yfw you missed out on teen love
>It's a Jews use sex to attack religion and demoralize the public episode
yeah whatever
Jew detected.
>my waifu
She's a real person, so she is not your waifu.
>tfw you realized that pure teenage love, virginity and used goods are social constructs and they depress you because someone introduced and reinforced those concepts to you
>virginity is a social construct
t. roastie
How did the priest know exactly what port to stick the Ethernet cable in?
t. mgtow shill
What are some kino where people don't sexually awake as a teen or ever?
t. women in her late 30's who realizes she's undesireable but still blames a lack of "good men" for all her problems.
Life is a social construct.
back to /r9k/
wtf i love anorexia now
back to he fertility clinic before your eggs dry up.
40 y/o virgin
This is literal Cultural Marxism.
>In 1919, Georg Lukacs became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary. He immediately set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary. Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow. Lukacs launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters.
>Hungary's youth, having been fed a steady diet of values-neutral (atheism) and radical sex education while simultaneously encouraged to rebel against all authority, easily turned into delinquents ranging from bullies and petty thieves to sex predators, murderers, and sociopaths.
>Gramsci's prescription and Lukacs' plans were the precursor to what Cultural Marxism in the guise of SIECUS, GSLEN, and the ACLU--acting as judicially-powered enforcers--later brought into American schools.
>tfw the Jewish media has you convinced that there is no shame or lost in dignity when you date/marry a non-virgin
Back to your ice cream, cats, and romcoms
What does "sexual awakening" even mean? Is there a sexual slumber?
You always see movies about perverts and sluts acting out described as "sexual awakening".
it's funny that girls always have to have some "sexual awakening"
They should do the teenage boy version where he turns 12 and just starts immediately jerking it constantly.
I see, fucking kikes
giv me this skeleton gf
probably because female sexuality is more mental then male sexuality
that and they don't start popping random boners all the time
watched it on my CRT monitor in true 90's fashion. only 11 mins but comfy
Are her classmates supposed to be 15?
they all look so fucking old
she needs to get knocked up by a black guy before she hits the wall or dies from anorexia
So is there anything sexy in this? I can't go scrubbing through it right now.
>bites half a cheeto
>puts it back in the bowl
do you think she and lily collins are competing to see who can be skinniest?
would love to see how far they're willing to go
This is the most retarded premise for a movie that actually got made I've ever seen
>wearing identical school girl outfit from my old catholic high school
Based user
damn.. so close to a perfect nose. Can't jerk off now.
Do white people actually repress their sexuality like this? The fuck is wrong with people
>didn't make a webm of the [email protected] scene
I met some "female" predator playing chess online as a kid.
This is adorable. Post more teen angst kino.
>that chatolic school
Shit is so sad
can I get some recs for some quality short kinos on vimeo?
>he doesn't fuck 18 year Olds In his late 20s
>tfw missed out on tapping ass in high school
>tfw became a /fit/izen after college
>tfw getting tons of ass from numerous women
>tfw look better than the kids you went to high school with
>tfw the kids who fucked mostly became fat and balding betas of society
Best timeline
This sounds like a porno movie plot
why is the fuckin catholic priest sex ed teacher jewish?
isis made this? I figured it was your typical jew filth
Godly people are capable to control themselves, you animal.
Who /NoFap/ here?
PS: if you fap to porn you're a literal cuckold
this is nasty, sick, disgusting
why can't millie make us a nice movie of her barefoot roaming about the forest? there is srs a market for this, pls jews gib us a movie of cute girls being cute
She's a pretty girl but her face can look odd sometimes, very gaunt. I wonder how different her face would look if she wasn't incredible scrawny and put on some weight.
she had a little more weight on her when she was younger
this sounds hilarious. there's something hilarious about those early experience. i remember my first load being probably the biggest load of my entire life.
That was cute, thanks for sharing :D
Then you woke up
Is this a porn title? Sounds like one.