Let's get one of these going.
Paintbucket the World
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Of course you'd like Scotland but not England you massive faggot
rate my nonsensical opinions
Learn you geography guys, La Guyane and La Nouvelle Calédonie are French.
Yes we know. But we don't care one fuck about your colonies. Mainland France is OK, the colonies are all filled with nignogs.
They are not "colonies", they are "enlightened territories".
kys weeb
>Liking liberal Scotland and hating conservative England
what are you guys always so desperate to be white and Spanish?
Why do you love North Korea?
It's best korea. Sweden even has an embassy there.
Too much effort. Here's what I got.
>why does it trigger you that we are white and European?
Sup Forums meme was started by you spics too.
You like Best Korea but hate Cuba and Venezuela? (Two other commie shitholes)
We can be the bastion for your people, Sven. We'll give you a home if you ever need one.
Åland is also standing strong.
>doesn't claim Falklands
>Argentine failure fails.
Who needs a desert, cold and depressing steppe when you're the 7th largest country in the world.
>Being in charge of cancerous opinions
Why am I not surprised?
Do you want to take the syrian ((refugees)) after you conquer us?
This kike makes me ANGRY
The filename made me kek for some reason.
brazil and colombia got extra points for chicks, other than that shitholes
>t. Negro villero
Why is northern ireland ok but the republic is not?
hmmm i wonder why you love the USA. Keep sucking that teat, it's the only thing keeping you going
Have a (you) you poor, slavic bastard
We`ve already taken more in total and per capita, than any other country. And we wont take over anything. Look closer, there are borders. Although having confederation with Prussia would be nice.
Hm..the nordic countries are all marked with black
Really makes me think..
Also KYS kike
We love you too papa.
Yes, Scotland is Scandinavian and england is not.
Pfhahahahah Scotland is NOT scandinavian you bavarian monkey
Scottish and nordic history is incredibly intertwined, there is a lot of shared culture
Why the hate for the rest of Canada?
wtf are these colours
Why are there so many Russians in my city(Goa)? Why do you guys keep sending hot women. Please stop. I can't handle my spaghetti anymore.
Yup welp, they´re not. They can apply for membership if they wish to join.
wtf is that dialect. "I HAET AISLANT!"
Easy, what do you think?
Does every person in Sweden have the same accent? Sad.
Scandinavia is Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. Everything else is a claim made by someone from outside these masterrace countries thus completely useless and invalid. Its like the Gypsieposters claiming to be nordic; we laugh and pretend to make them feel a little better abut their true subhuman nature. Same goes for those who claim scandinavian descent.
Why isn't Israel marked green in any of the pictures? JIDF get in here
I think you know why.
Skin colour 2040
No (really) hard feelings edition.
Heh, mine above is right back at you, aus!
friendship ended with the uk. i love australia now
Oops I used wrong colour for aus and NZ
>tfw papa England doesn't love you as much as you love him
Congratulations on being the only non-shithole/irrelevent country in the middle east!
dude they're based as fuck
No I used the wrong colour! I'm sorry of course we love you.
Stay out of Patagonia kike
Fuck you slut
denmark is not scandinavia, only countries on the scandinavian peninsula are.
You disgust us all. Why invade Europe if you don't like us? Do you think you will be able to conquer every single country, let alone one more European nation?
You're like the Paki who begs to move into your country then hates all white people.
Eradicate Islam completely
Divide the world into 5 factions
1. North America
2. Russia
3. China+North Korea
4. New Holy Roman Empire (led by Spain and Poland, Puppet State: Philippines)
5. Cool Neutral Countries (Finland,Iceland,Japan,South Africa, New Zealand)
fuck off sweden. we don't like you. you started the cuck movement.
>Not a single mention of the UK
Sorry m8 you're another stupid chink if you think the UK won't have a major role in what'll be next. We won't ever be part of another Empire again hahah. Not sure about you though, all it takes is for China to change his mind and you're all dead in one second.
I'd kill myself now tbqh
You almost triggered me Sven
Also you´re the black sheep
actually it was america
and u guys hosted the disgusting spawn karl marx
You can fuck off too thinking you can call anybody a cuck, destroyer of Europe.
faggot, hang yourself.
we prefer the term "afro-swede"
why do you like china?
Stay away from my country cunt
Stop liking Scotland you retards.
They're literal fucking cucks.
Because he's a fucking idiot.
Doesn't look like you are though, I thought it was all of you.
least they're not importing muslims
They like muslims more than the rest of the UK you fucking idiot.
They want to re-join the EU to get their annual dose of (((enrichment)))
missed malta and the falklands, rip
To every Englishman, Scotland should be black -as they wish to become anyway.
Worst race ever. They're not even the Caledonians or Picts, they're the Scottis from Ireland lmao. Imagine knowing you exist because your brute neighbour to the south hung, drew and quartered your leader, and that we allow you to exist so we can rape you for everything you're worth, which is now nothing.
im sad for penguins :'((((((