I just finished watching Empire of Dust. My god this chink is fucking based.
Empire of Dust, niggers in charge of infrastructure
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I genuinely wonder what he's up to now. Did he get assigned elsewhere? Is he still there?
>he could be taking a shit in your mums mouth at this very moment
I hope for him they rotated him back home. Maybe he has a wife and kid who miss him. He can forget the nightmare now. It was genuinely sad to see a good man like this, who only want progress for everyone struggle under the reality of black people
Was there ever a better protagonist in cinema history than Lao Yang? I don't think so.
Also this made me audibly chuckle. Almost looks like the nigger actually believes he has the capability to be control. Great documentary showing realistic Africa, not this leftist pussyfooting we usually see
>They need to make a follow up documentary about Lao Yang
Honestly, if this is the face of Chinese neocolonialism then maybe I can reconcile with it. Dear China, just make sure when you decolonise you don't invite them back to your country to ruin it.
Thank you Lao Yang
China is going to make great use of Africa. Whites just keep fucking feeding them
Too late, they're already bringing back African wives because China is literally running out of women to fuck
Kickstarter this shit! I don't care where he is, I want a sequel. Even if he has a office job back in China I want to see it. I want to meet his wife and family.
Eddie's pretty cool though, even he looks like he's frustrated with his fellow Congolese at times. I mean he speaks Mandarin so he's been educated at some point.
I'm down for this. I'm sure Sup Forums could raise $100,000 to get a Lao Yang documentary
>Make Lao Yang great again
This. We are Soooo inferior but they need our resources and our women? This is considered based? Wtf sorta world am I living in. The fact is the superior west literally NEEDS Africa to survive. Where the fuck do you think the metals in your computer come from?
This scene is so great because the black guy initial misunderstood and thought the question was, why haven't you developt post independence. But his question actual was why didn't you learn from being colonised
China, they have the largest deposits of rare earth minerals.
>Needs Africa to survive
What pray tell do we exactly need from Africa that we can't get elsewhere?
Black People.
rewatched this a few weeks ago. so fucking good
Is this the Chink Werner Herzog?
Why is he such a fucking dick. I hate this chink so much.
Found the nigger
most chinese are dicks in general but he's been exposed to all kinds of horrible people for extended periods of time
its understandable
ooga booga
>T. Jamal
>t. Tyrese
its not a phase tyrone, this is the way chinks are
The problem with Eddie is he was more often than not, on the side of the other Africans, instead of fighting for his employer
Are there more movies from that? Or is this the only one?
I showed it to a chink and he loved it.
This isnt basketball, j-rock.
You'd probably smile out your ass if you were surrounded by incompetence.
> FIghting for his (((employer)))
Good goy.
nigger alert
It's basically a retelling of Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
>Lao Yang is Charles Marlow
>Eddie is his helmsman on board the steamer - a "product of the new forces at work"
>The railway is an attempt to finish what H.M Stanley intended to do.
ayyy lmao
Well yeah. They are paying him money. Eddie should be trying to get them the best deals but instead he helps Africans maintain a monopoly and slows the job right down
Shut the fuck up faggots. He's acting like if chinks aren't as subhuman as niggers. This pissskin has no reason to feel superior when he would be eating dog in Shanghai if it wasn't for whatever boat that took him to Africa. Europeans used to treat niggers like this when we had empires and the mode of capitalism was more savage and oppressive. Chinks have no reason to treat Africans this way. If white people weren't dead as a race we would have colonialism 2.0 in Africa again and it would be good, human and Christian like in Rhodesia.
>bringing back African wives
Not even once. They won't degrade their genes and they are very wary of non-Chinese like people. They usually get their wives from Vietnam.
t. pure-blood Chinese but at the same time a SEA monkey
>be generically disadvantaged
>"how can you be so genetically disadvantaged?"
>"idk I was just born in this body mane"
>"you know you and your entire people suck compared to me right? Why didn't you pick Chinese when you rolled your Earth character?"
>"idk mane I wanted to see things"
>"like your lack of infrastructure?"
you would become a dick too if you spent more than half a year and nothing has been done to progress your work, having to hang around in Africa.
He's Chinese so he's had to deal with much worse people all through his life, the Chinese are vicious, always looking to get one up, so he'll have no issues just saying what he wants
Chinks are known not to give a shit when tens of millions of people (even their own) die all of the sudden.
More times than not, its them who are doing the killing.
If they manage to do something in africa, anything good for themselves, with giving niggers roads and other shit they cant make themselves, good for them its a win win
If the niggers chimp out (hopefully fueled by some islamic tendencies) the chinks would have absolutely no problems losing a million of their own troops while massacring millions upon millions of useless sick skinny niggers and enslaving them.
Not only would everyone else shut the fuck up and not do a goddamn thing about it, they would be doing a favor to the world, also would get their troops some actual military experience after surviving cannon fodder brigades.
Plus they get almost everything valuable in africa.
Sadly we would see the extinction of many species of animals.
>Europeans used to treat niggers like this
>Chinks have no reason to treat Africans this way
So you did it before but we can do the same now?
>He's acting like if chinks aren't as subhuman as niggers.
At least China is strong economically now. Pretty impressive stuff considering that they basically have no culture after the cultural revolution.
At least they have something to show.
Culture isn't necessary to have a hive mind society where everybody is just working and slaving away for the """greater good""". Culture frees a man and opens new views, culture stimulates intellectual growth and with that you begin to have problems with the whole drone in hive mind lifestyle. That's why its beneficial for the chinks to have no culture whatsoever.
The resources of a land doesn't have anything to do with the superiority of a people.
I'd say not being able turn them into to anything says a lot about the inferiority of a people.
This is what niggers actually believe. Tell me again what disadvantage, other then laziness, do niggers have that makes then unable to work? To maintain infrastructure? To behave in a civilised manner?
How is telling the truth a dick move?
I thought westerner are more straight forward and Asians are the one who always talk in codes?
Well? Is anyone here going to make things happen? I'm genuinely interested in a sequel
Because European imperialism switched from supremacist to "white man's burden" at some point.
>wah so mean!
Why are you such a faggot?
How'd we start a kick starter? I genuinely believe Sup Forums could raise enough beenies to make a sequel.
>Implying the Chinese aren't snakes
Obligatory reminder
I work with a bunch of them, and... well... let's just say they don't live up to the hype.
Your mind is narrow, like the opposite of your asshole.
You gigantic faggot.
would kick in 5 shekels
I'll bite.
The years of colonization divided sections of Africa up not by common tongue or culture but rather by whichever European country could assert dominance over the region.
Whilst in control, the POLITICAL infrastructure(guaranteed property rights, encouragement of entrepreneurial activity) for native Africans was completely lacking. Contrast for example the political and economic system set up in the Belgian Congo with that of Belgium proper.
These two facets (countries built in such a way that inter-ethnic strife was inevitable & the lack of the political culture that leads to economic growth) are explanations that have far more evidence than saying "muh lazy niggers"
They dont want western civilisation, who the fuck are you to judge
Black lives matter!!
Are you okay ? ...
I guess we would need to contact the original maker?
The credits say it's a guy called Bram Van Paesschen
I hate everything kickstarter is but I would definitely chip in for a sequel.
That's a really long, convoluted way to say caveat emptor.
So you are telling me that the people here calling that Chink a dick are all SJWs?
Top tier b8 m8
Do asians have a lazy nigger sensor?
So a man breaks in your house, beats your ass and rapes your wife. In return, you devote yourself to learning everything you can from him.
>I just wanna do my job but this guy is holding me back
Yeah, we sure are fucking dicks. You probably live off welfare and haven't worked a day in your life. Maybe the guy values productivity and the people around him are the exact opposite.
Well the alternative option would have been never allow them in and achieve rapid technological advancement natively, like Japan did. But I just don't think niggers have it in them.
Why can't the white people on this board seem to grasp that the Chinese have just as many idiosyncrasies as white people? Look at how varied your cultural expressions are across the US. Now, realize that China is even larger than the US. HK people look down on mainlanders. There is a group of Chinese that interbred with Jews called the Kaifeng. Mainlanders have been under the oppression of communism for a looong time. Are you really so arrogant as to believe that if you and your people were subject to being oppressed by a communist regime, for decades upon decades, generation after generation, that the resulting generations of people aren't going to be just as fucked up, morally? If you truly think that, you are a fool.
The whites that hate the chinks the most are Canadians who have to deal with chinks buying out property in their cities making it really expensive to live there. The rest is from other Asians who hate Chinese.
Imagine China just decimating Africa. One day, one day...
Likely a Belgian. Belgians have a thing about the Congo.
Chinese outside China are naturally redpilled:
>hate Marxism with a passion (but now actually able to say so without being killed)
>racist, but view whites as equals
>usually Christian, less often non-fedora secular
>able to out-jew Jews but uses skills for good of community
>traditional and conservative
They literally think "I'm superior to you so if I scam you, you deserve it"
I was so disappointed when I started working in a lab full of chinese, I really thought I'll be working with super smart, motivated people.. instead I found they are just nignogs, they work at a glacial pace, half the time not even coming in. It's almost like they're just scamming to stay in the states on visa while doing as little as possible.
Shoulda gone to work in the white lab, those guys are motivated as fuck.
Speaking of work ethic. Did I fuck up? I had a skills assessment with a possible employer today but got fucking absolutely no sleep I just couldn't fucking sleep not 1 minutes worth. If I fail the skills assessment I won't even get a job interview. Didn't want to go in and fuck it up because of no sleep. I rescheduled and the lady was nice as fuck about it. Was it the right thing to do ?
....and here's the difference between niggers and everybody else.
You tell a nigger what the cause of their problems are and they don't do anything about it except bitch and whine even louder. You tell virtually any other type of person what the cause of their problems are and they will try to take care of it.
> ... 100 years later
>" The yellow men exploited our continent, we never had a chaaaaance (and want reperations!)...
We need to make this happen. I can imagine Lao Yang is now some baller industrialist back in China now
im betting that they will say that shit , they just complain thats all they can do , africa will stay a shithole forever and they will always reject the fault on other peoples
His twitter
Hello fellow nip
Would you stop being retarded for a moment and not save high resolution non-compressible picture in .png?
t. mobile user.
Like you said. "If".
>You tell a nigger what the cause of their problems are and they don't do anything about it except bitch and whine even louder.
He was directly answering a question you fucking mong.
So much this, I have lots of Asian friends, they are all bro tier but chinks are the most based.
One friend of mine straight up told a black guy that was begging for change that his people are naturally lazy and he should be ashamed of himself for asking a second generation immigrant for a handout.
Yup. And by that time Brazil and Latin America will have risen. And it will be their turn. And niggers will say "the red man is keeping us down". Meanwhile Europeans and East Asians will be colonising Mars and leaving this rotting mess behind.
>Having African cellular infrastructure
Am I suppose to be surprised?
wtf I hate china now
>NEEDS Africa to survive
Africa, not Africans.
what about detriot
Africans are going to miss European colonials when they get a taste of the Chinese. They don't even care about each other.
>if China invades Africa we will see the extinction of many animals
Niggers live in the USA too
>Are you really so arrogant as to believe that if you and your people were subject to being oppressed by a communist regime, for decades upon decades, generation after generation, that the resulting generations of people aren't going to be just as fucked up, morally? If you truly think that, you are a fool.
Using muh ancestors as an excuse right before you post ? Comical lack of self-awareness. You are either a dindu yourself or a chink.
Some say his search for gravel continues endlessly
there should be a movie starring lao and eddy
like rush hour or lethal weapon