Why do black people hate Trump so much?
Has Trump actually said anything racist against them?
Or is the media just so toxic in the US that they can manipulate the harambes like that?
Why do black people hate Trump so much?
Has Trump actually said anything racist against them?
Or is the media just so toxic in the US that they can manipulate the harambes like that?
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They're jelly
Because they're easily duped and will blindly shout that someone is racist if they get told so. That said, there's a decent amount that like him because he's a guy with money and they assume voting for him will make them rich too.
They're just that dumb.
Seriously they're supporting a woman who literally called them super-predators who have to be brought to heel because she's a Democrat.
Easily manipulated low IQ niggers
Non Americans won't understand but the United States has a very rocky and awkward relationship with its black folk. There was bullshit done on both sides but the truth is the black community finds itself in the position of having generations born under a lifestyle that isn't conducive to living well in society and in general is pushed by forces that only want to exploit their ignorance (nigger rich).On the otherhand our political and economic system favors incumbents over new joiners so when they got freed they had odds stacked against them. It's a mishmash of racial and political missteps and the current elephant in the room
He doesn't support BLM aka niggers nigging. But most of it is false rhetoric from the clinton controlled media, he hasn't actually said anything racist against black people.
Niggers are the bottom of the barely.
One nigger said he was racist and then the rest just just follows the main chimp
If niggers were 50% of the pop, Democrats would win forever
Because they're stupid. Lots of black people think they'll be sent back to Africa if trump wins
Trump is a threat to gidsmedat.
Blacks vote Democrat, and they recognize the name Clinton from when they used to listen to Tupac and Wu tang clan
I love how much of a game of telephone people plays with things he says:
>"Let's deport illegal immigration and put a temporary hold on immigrants from nations with known terrorist activity"
Except they don't remember this
They don't. You just don't hear about the masses of AAs who love him.
it's a direct result of the southern strategy
the republican party decided to doom themselves with black voters forever to gain a much larger group in white southern voters who were extremely opposed to segregation
the republican party has gained way more voters than they've lost since the southern strategy was implemented. it worked because the number of black people that vote just isn't that high
Nixon political strategist Kevin Phillips:
>From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.
This is so fucking true
That's actually quite scary. You got 13% of your population so easily manipulated to become angry and violent without any real reason.
I've watched a few youtube videos of black protestors who are so angry at Trump even though I've never seen him said anything racist against blacks. It just boggers the mind how dumb a certain group of people can be.
I'm starting to believe that the races are not equal in terms of intelligence now
Trump's campaign should be airing this in their ads. Would destroy Clinton's black support so easily. I'm curious why they haven't done that yet.
Most black people in the US would never vote for Trump because he's with the Republican party and it's been burned in their brains that the Republicans hate minorities, tack on that he's been called racist by a few media outlets and you've got a full on rejection from the black vote save maybe a thousand of them
Black person here.
Trump might not be racist, I don't know..I could see him being racist.
Sup Forums is abundantly racist and Trump draws out racist sentiments from his supporters. And would never seek to separate his image from these individuals either because he understands them, will do anything for votes, or simply doesn't give a fuck.
So I know who I'm *not* voting for.
Felons can't vote anyway
Case in point.
Trump isn't racist, but most racists are Trump supporters. If I help him win then I help you win. So, again, I know who I'm *not* voting for.
It doesn't even matter because elections are fake and the establishment always wins in the end anyway.
I agree Trump is racist lel XD, nigger here hate Trump fuck that rich Lannister asshat
Yes I know, Bush exploited this in 2000 and 2004 to suppress black voters.
True that I agree, vote for Hillary Clinton nigger she will bring big buxx for you ma nigga
>Why do black people hate Trump so much?
unfortunately, the clintons have done a great job of lying to black people, as has the very biased media.
>Has Trump actually said anything racist against them?
trump hasn't said anything racist PERIOD.
>Or is the media just so toxic in the US that they can manipulate the harambes like that?
yes, the media is indeed that toxic.
Fuck off, racist asshole, Trump will lose and I will drink your tears this november
same reason erryone hates hillbag.
she is a lieing cunt who is going to have another stroke, fall down some stairs and break her hip taking Hum A. Weiner with her.
So it's just a team sport and you don't actually care about any issues?
Media speaks the truth, you guys just afraid that a woman will win, stupid sexist retards. Cry more fucker
No she won't. The only way to get big bucks is to start a successful business. The only candidate that legitimately gives a fuck about helping black people is Jill Stein really.
Will you come pick up my tears?
I'm not shipping them all the way over there
You must be one of those educated, uppity ones. Congrats!
How is Hillary a lying cunt?
No proof of it happened faggot
Fuck off Hillary Clinton the best candidate for black minorities
0/10 shit bag
time for you to fuck off back to your safe space over at huff post, kid
because billy clinton is a real brotha, and if billy says drumpf is racist, that means drumpf is literally racist
Because Herpes and syphillus effect the mind.
62% of blacks aged 18-35 have herpes.
Because black people who don't support Trump are retarded.
They said that Trump said that he wants to send blacks back to Africa. I have yet to hear this from him.
>showing trump fuck you
>thinking he's contributing to trumps campaign
Just concede and let Hillary win, its easy that way
>there is no proof hillary ever lied
She told the truth when she said she only received and send personal emails over her work address.
Or she's just really fucking stupid and didn't know the difference between personal and top secret, but her being the dumbest cunt in the world is no proof that she's a lying cunt.
>Why do black people hate Trump so much?
Do they ? Mexicans hate him because they think he'll deport them, but not black people. Niggers are going to vote democrat fr the gibsmedats, they don't seem to care that much about Trump.
>butthurt this mad over troll post
Better kill yourself reddit trump shill
But the election is in November
Also, unrelated question, are there pirates in those waters around you and indonesia
This. German cuck speaks truth, you should let Hillary win, he will bring great changes to America
But user Trump hates blacks, his father is member of Ku Klux Klan, that racist hating blacks of a member
You must be one dumb nigger, aren't you? You know Clinton sold out Haitians during the 2010 earthquakes and let Haiti become worse than it was. To this day, they're still protesting the Clinton Foundation.
And she called inner-city juveniles (mostly blacks) as super-predators.
Yet you'll never call that racist.
Trump isn't racist, but his supporters sure are. That's what turns minorities away from him.
Abu sayyaf pirates kidnap people in borneo and there are some pirates in Malacca straits but they are vanquished by our superior royal maritime forces, don't ever fuck with us Murrica or pay the price
Niggers hate Trump because he supports police force and niggers hate police
Hillary never lied but is a retard. I would still vote for a retard than a racist billionaire any time
>Trump's father (assuming this is true) equals Trump
Nice logic, asswipe.
I fail to see how it isn't a team sport when one side gets their interests catered to and the other gets laughed at basically.
But yeah, are you telling me Trump isn't team white males? Sure I get you have your tokens sprinkled in but it's really the movement of disenfranchised white people.
You guys did a really bad job at getting me on your team, what with the nonstop unabashed racism and all. I don't know that you care, but just saying, you could have gotten the black vote if you really wanted it.
black people love mastah democrat plantation
everything free just gotta till da fields
Haitians should die more to be honest they are not contributing anything to the globalist agenda
Fuck off Trump is a racist man, he hates blacks and his father join KKK, so Trump would do the same user
Like father, like son
Sup Forums btfo can you refute this?
Oh there is an answer:
True that homie, also bernie endoresed hillary so it is free fo' all nigga
Because Make America Great Again means that they'd have to work.
The blacks never wanted Trump, a racist Lannister asshole never cared about this fucking gorrillas
Wow, how subjective.
America was never great actually user
Well well will you look at that. No refutations to all my post. Proof Drumpfkins will lose USA elections
Feels great my friend.
Thanks user, I take it as a compliment to my shitpostan skills
Also please more cents to my account for CorrectingTheRecordâ„¢
0/10 kid
time to take your own advice idiot lmao
>America was never great actually user
Says the Islamic American flag.
Black people hate Reagan because of crack and Trump looks like him
>butthurt drumf shill
That advice was meant for you, now stop being a pussy and shove that shotgun down your throat and pull that trigger
Soon Hillary will paste crescent and star on the American flag and that time I will be proud to be alive on this planet as a Moslemen
Wealthy blacks will vote for trump because he's in their best interest.
The majority of blacks are poor and so won't because hell reduce social welfare payouts.
I'm surprised so many neets on here are for trump. He'll reduce welfare for you as well.
And reagan died of methane overdose and was outlived by Hillary. Reagan died thanks to Moloch
I get why you're not voting for Trump, but how does it feel having an IQ of around 85?
they are genetically predispositioned to become angry and violent easily.
but don't take my word, see what one of the brethren has to say about it.
Yeah thatz why we hate trump nigga, no gibsdameat and also never forget $15 minimum wage I'll get if Hillary becomes president
Quads of truth.
They'll believe anything the media tells them. Look how many people actually believe Trump is racist. The US deserves to be nuked and they deserve Hillary in office.
Feels great being a retarded monkey friend, better being a retarded man than to lose gibsdameat under Trump's oppresive regime
>IQshaming is so ubiquitous user I mean its 2017 fagget
Nice. Keep regurgitating that propaganda fool.
Chances are American NEETs are leeching off their parents, not welfare.
Truth, This is the main reason trump will lose this november, screencap this and praise Kek
And most commies are Hillary/Bernie supporters, so what. Kys senpai.
Why is everyone forgetting that Trump has been sued for discriminating against black people?
Blacks make up such a minority it doesn't matter. Only women and Latin votes matter and Trump has neither.
Most countries are racist. Get over it. The US just takes the hit the hardest because they're apologetic about it. Other countries not so much and they don't care as much.
Well blacks+mudslime cousins make up a pretty big voting block.
True that goyim,now give me 0.02 cents in my account
That screencap is a lie. Leftypol forevah
Except Malaysia, a true politically correct society. Come here when trump wins
Good defeatist tactic friend, we will make sure they realize how disgustinv Trump is to minorities like us
You got it
Media spinning the wall thing and muslim immigrants into "Oh he hates every race that isnt white look he wants tchem out of this countrym the country that was build by YOU the black slaves and immigrants"
Thank you YG for being a retarded gang banger wannabe thug and falling for left wing propaganda about Trump
After every raper made at least one song about how they want to be like Trump
before the election
True that. No one likes Trump that racist asshole
Fuck off Pooland, you are irrelevant. Your words are irrelevant, slav shit.
Media is the truth and you should all bend knee for Hillary Clinton, one true PRESIDENT of United States first of her name, Lady of Fifty States and Protector of the Land
>no refutation to my post
>no argunent to refute
Kys sand nigger
>No one has an example of Trump saying racist things
>There are many examples of Hillary being racist
>Trump is a racist!
ITT: I the Malaysian poster btfo the Trump supporters and derailed this thread, shills rejoice your saviour has come to liberate Sup Forums from right wing hate and make Trump Drumpf again gdhahahgaha lol XD
malaysia buttmad because Trumps going to ban muslim immigration
what a limp dick response
i am laughing VERY loudly at your life right now you faggot bitch lol
How about you asshole drench yourself in sulphuric acid? Fucking racists just won't concede.
What example of Hillary being racist?
Wheres your video, docs or proof? None, so shut up and jump of an building. Pol btfo fuck off racist asshead
Photo on the right is a photoshop. NAACP ended up endorsing that man stating he was a paragon of reformation for former racists. Nice try though Trump Shill
>Or is the media just so toxic in the US that they can manipulate the harambes like that?
The media manipulated people, alongside pushing from the DNC, to create Black Lives Matter. That alone should tell you what kind of power the media has over the North American street ape.
Anyway, as they say, history is doomed to repeat itself. The Democrats created the KKK and that's a thorn in their side constantly now that we're in the information age and more people than ever know now that the KKK was a Democratic construct. Yet, instead of learning from history, after creating one stubborn hate group, they create YET ANOTHER hate group, as if this one will work this time.
And people want to vote these schmucks into power again. Sad.
Thank you for correcting the record
You will also be buttmad you muslim kike when trump bans your ass. Shut up this is muh safe space
There's a video of her calling young black males super predators.
Fuck off back to your hut and out of the internet cafe you barefooted mongoloid faggot. No one cares how much you shit post back and forth to yourself you sad sack of human excrement.
Based Swiss man, we should just let Hillary win, if only all Americans would think the same as him
Where is my shekel faggot?
I win you lose, go back to your echo chamber loser