
Daily reminder that you are white if, and only if, all of these requirements are met:
a) you were born in Europe
b) you are a christian
c) your country is christian
d) your land used to be at some point part of the Roman Empire

prove me wrong: pro-tip, you can't

>Roman empire


the Irish are honorary whites because they have the true faith

So if I was all above but became an atheist, do I stop being white? GTFO, christard.

>So if I was all above but became an atheist, do I stop being white?
>GTFO, christard.
take your tikkun olam up your oven-lit ass, faggot

You tell 'em, OP! White guys like us need to set some standards or we'll be overrun by niggers.

Pic related, it's me.

>person that is literally ruled by a nigger
pick one and only one amerimutt

c) Christianity is a mudshit religion.
d) the Roman Empire doesn't say anything about being white, since it even covered Iran and Northern Africa

This is some weak bait, but I still replied, so 6/10

>c) Christianity is a mudshit religion.
t.snownigger. You are not white, of course you would say something like that. Go back into your mudhut

>d) the Roman Empire doesn't say anything about being white, since it even covered Iran and Northern Africa
it is not the only requirement, only a necessary one. Learn 2 read snownigger

>This is some weak bait, but I still replied, so 6/10
not bait, just the truth

>American accomplishments no longer count towards the white race
>whites no longer own the moon
>whites no longer own Mars
>whites no longer own Jupiter
>whites no longer invented nukes, modern aviation, modern computers
>whites lost WWII now
Sure thing, Ireland, fucking retard