I have a blue pilled beta friend that says he won't vote for Trump because he's a racist. How do I respond to this?
I have a blue pilled beta friend that says he won't vote for Trump because he's a racist. How do I respond to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
call him a faggot
"Prove it"
If you still don't know are you sure you wanna vote for Trump yourself?
Ask him to quote. something that trump has said that would be considered racist
When he can't come up with anything ask him how he can claim that he's racist if you can't even come up with a single statement
Your friend is correct tho. Trump is a huge racist.
Do you honestly think Trump wants to "build a wall" for no reason?
>"You're a fucking retard"
call him a cuck for not being racist
When the war starts, you'll shoot him.
This isn't complicated, user. He's not your friend, he's your enemy, and the enemy of America.
this. 'where are the proofs?' is the best tactic in your arsenal
Call your friend a nigger. That will surely change his mind
How is trump a racist?
He's not trying to kick out legal immigrants. Unless you think it's okay for people to work here on a vacation visa and never pay taxes?
You can't respond. Your friend is right.
Tell him there is nothing wrong with being racist. He should accept others for who they are
Literally ask him why and he won't come up with anything to support his statement.
>Trump wants to deport all Mexicans
>Wants to ban all Muslims despite only 0.0001% of them being terrorists
>thinks all blacks are lazy
Ask your friend who Trump is racist against.
He'll answer, Mexicans/Hispanics and Muslims,
Respond that Mexican is a nationality, not a race. 30% of Mexicans are white. Trump wants to enforce the laws against illegal immigration against white Mexicans too.
Hispanic is not a race. It just means Spanish ancestry. People from Spain are Hispanic, and they're white.
Muslims are not a race. It's a religion. There are Muslims of every race, including whites. Trump wants to carefully screen Muslims of all races.
>0.002 has been deposited into your account
Explain how racism is good
This needs to be a banner.
tell him he is blue pilled, to get on your level, then call him a cuck.
>how is Trump racist
>Prove it
Here you go dumb fucks you can stop fucking asking that question:
It keeps Europe from collapsing in on itself...?
You're fucking retarded
>"I won't vote for a racist!"
>"I'll vote for a murderer instead!"
my responses would be
>wants to restrict access to america,
follow up with
>It isn't a god given right for foreigners to enter america
Also he wants to deport illegals you fucking dipshit
Glad to know you have friends that completed their GED
>Muh 0.000000006000000%
Nice job correcting the record
Ask him if he's ever read "To Kill a Mockingbird."
Atticus Finch, the hero to all liberals, is a racist. But, he's a racist that still did his job fairly.
Question how being a racist automatically makes you wrong. Break the conditioning.
>things purported to happen 30 years ago but never proved to have occurred
>white supremacist says he likes trump
Lmao this is really desperate
Atticus Finch wasn't a racist in the traditional sense you fucking Trumpkin.
>thinks blacks are lazy
purely untrue slander
only wants to deport illegal aliens, not mexicans
the fact that he's banning muslim travel for safety reasons and not because they're muslims only shows that safety of the American public is the reason he's doing, and that racism isn't the reason
really makes you think
Tell him you won't be his friend because he's a faggot.
>Proof that Trump is racist
>"Reddit says Anne Frank's cousin thinks that Trump is Hitler!"
You know you have to go back, right?
These two are a good starting point.
That's a Che Guevara quote you dolt!
I'm not clicking that shit fag
Atticus was a racist. You'd know this if a nigger could read.
Prove that post is wrong. I dare you
Ask him to quote one racist thing Trump has said then when he replies with "illegals are rapists" show him the stats that back that up and tell him Mexican isn't a race.
>wasn't a racist in the traditional sense
what the fuck does that even mean
oh wait, it basically means you got BTFO'd and you don't want to admit it to yourself that you did
get fucked, cunt
I think you're a boy-loving faggot. Prove that post is wrong.
Tell him to watch this
Nice cherry pick
So I guess you concede the rest of it is true.
"White" does not exist, the real name is Europeans.
"White" was created to cover Jews as if they were Europeans.
We Iberians have a lot of moor and Arab and Jew DNA, that's why we can't be as strong as a Germanic nation.
To be fair he did qualify it as the traditional sense.
I'll trade you 20 lazy blacks for every purple unicorn you you have.
>wasn't a racist in the traditional sense
What the fuck does that even mean? You're moving goalposts my nigger.
I read that book 5 times. Atticus is not a traditional racist just a man confirming to society but not necessarily bad himself.
> he won't vote for Trump because he's a racist
Good, Trump does not need a vote from a racist.
Promptly at 830am est. The shills have clocked in.
I answered that retard.
>not a single black person behind him
Hmm... Really makes you think.
I think that made sense in your mind but didn't quite come out right.
>that's why we can't be as strong as a Germanic nation.
i didnt know portugal is that much of a cuck
Shut the fuck up honestly, you're more mentally damaged than Hillary.
I've done my research
Mexicans aren't a race in much the same ways "youths" aren't either. This is Sup Forums, we don't have code our language. But Trump as a candidate for the Presidency does, unfortunately he's so hamfisted in how he goes about it that he can't pull it off like how Rubio probably could.
>attends KKK meetings
>denounces desegregation
>“Do you want Negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and theaters? Do you want them in our world?”
>H-h-he's not raycists, guys! He's just a realist! Niggers really are terrible! But that's not racism!
Liberals are desperate when a Jewish comedian isn't giving them notes...
Are you really saying that a highly disproportionate percentage of blacks in America aren't statistically shown to be unemployed or unconcerned with activities that perpetuate seeking employment?
>He spouts what everyone else at the time thinks
>If they don't think this way they get punished
>things Trump didn't say for 400
wew lots of shit there that I"ll have to read through but
>Trump thinks that muslims should wear "special ID badges", as well as having a database tracking muslims.
>Trump thinks that muslims should wear "special ID badges", as well as having a database tracking muslims.
already a huge red flag that its all pure bullshit. the "special ID badges" is completely false and its funny people still try to resort to throwing it around despite its untruth. its on the level of Sup Forums trying to prove how Hillary is unfit for presidency because she needs an epi-pen or some shit. just really reaching you know
So he doesn't want to ban Muslims? Hmm that's news to me.
>He spouts what everyone else at the time thinks
>If they don't think this way they get punished
oh, because its inconceivable for you to imagine that Atticus could possibly just have hated black people and wasn't "forced by society" to think that way. be honest with yourself m8
Would you rather them stay at home with Trump or drone bombed by Hillary?
temporary ban on muslim immigration from middle eastern problem-countries is not the same as banning all muslims from all around the world from entering the U.S.
banning muslims because of safety reasons is not the same as banning muslims because they are muslims. one is caused by concerns for safety and the other is caused by racism. and Trump is doing it because of the former
maybe you don't realize but there's this thing called ISIS...
Although the latter would be a very smart and reasonable solution
>Secure border with a shit tier country
No one wants Canadian fagging up their shit
Your former statement was to ban them for safety reasons. Can you honesty say that this is a bad idea? Jimmy Carter banned muslins on the same pricipal.
Trump mentioned ids when he talked Muslims you dumb fuck
Yeah because all Muslims are members of ISIS right? Holy shit you're so fucking stupid it's incredible.
Blue pilled friend of mine thinks Trump is racist because:
>He wants to throw out Mexicans
>He said that one Hispanic judge wasn't fit to judge the TU case
>Wants to ban muslims
>"Hates brown people" (my friend is a poo in the loo)
>"encourages racists"
>Made fun of a disabled reporter
He pretty much just believes whatever MSNBC tells him. How do I combat this? I've countered a lot (judge was in a la raza lawyer group, he used the hand gesture when talking about multiple reporters, not just the CP guy, etc.) but he just keeps saying that's false. It's like he's hopelessly brainwashed. How do I convince him otherwise?
Like hmmm let's say a stamp on their visa that indicated that they lived in a country or region that was not under current US immigration policies. Therefore, not allowing them into our country. Like an ID? Isn't that what a visa is for non-american travelers seeking to come within our sovereign borders?
no, he didn't.
look, even this leftist-biased site says he didn't say Muslims needed ID badges
He talked about registering muslims in a database, and I mean that sort of happens to everyone anyways so
IDK I honestly don't care about a ban on Muslim immigration to the US, its not happening in extremely significant amounts. Europe should be more worried about it
where the fuck did I say that, you insufferable child? Nowhere. Obviously not all Muslims are members of ISIS, its just the 5 or 6 ISIS members that do get through that kill 50 people in a single shooting or fly planes into buildings. I don't know about you but maybe its sort of simple to see that banning travel with Muslim communities means that you prevent those few radicals from entering the country.
I think they left m8 lel
>no family of mass shooters in the audience
Really stimulated my thought processes
Rape his ass until he submits to your will
people are just ideologically entrenched against Trump. there is little you can say to convince them otherwise, its just part of the polarization of American politics. they'll always see all the bad they can possibly see in Trump because he isn't on their side, the PC side. therefore, he's their enemy. therefore, he's the most racist Hitler-tier KKK member on the planet. even though its obvious that isn't the case.
I mean, disliking Trump because he's quite a bit of a loose cannon and brash is quite a valid reason, but disliking him because you think he's going to bring around the 4th reich is retardation
so yeah that's what I think about it, just wanted to say that so yeh
yeah.. that's happened to me a lot recently
I always wonder if its because I argued my side adequately and they got BTFO'd or if its because they don't think its worth their time to argue