where does one go to watch free movies without having to download anything?
Where does one go to watch free movies without having to download anything?
Other urls found in this thread:
girlfriend's house
Look out for kino clubs around your city in museums or cultural events or whatever.
>Hipsters and libshits all around
>Not very popular or oldas fuck movies being screened.
>A classroom or living room turned into kinoplex.
>No popcorn allowed, let alone a Robert to serve them.
>Little to no entry fee.
You should try The Golden Age Collection. It's an offline digital media library containing a wide array of films, television shows, music, and music videos in the highest fidelity possible all available for free. All you need is the hard drive space and you'll be able to open a branch of the digital media library. You'll need around 21TB, so it's usually best to go with a RAID or a NAS and then run Plex or toss the files in iTunes to share to Apple TV via HomeSharing. For more information about the project, you can visit my website about it: goldage.org.
I am the Jonny Appleseed of high-quality DRM-free digital media and want to share my plunder with Sup Forums.
Fuck off, kike.
>he lives his life in an eternal state of butthurt over "jews"
The internet
Nah I live in a state of obtainable movie content without your scam.
local library
I fully respect your decision to hurl a racial insult at me, but my only inquiry would be why? I'm offering a solution to OP's problem and rather than think critically about the solution I suggested, you jumped to calling me a kike. I'm not judging you for name calling (it is the Internet after all) but I don't know where your aggression comes from. I'm just a dude who loves cinema and cares about his fellow Sup Forums brothers and here you are just bringing hate to the group and we just don't need that kind of negativity around here.
If you have any disillusion or disbelief about my collection, it's understandable but I would be happy to provide proof of its existence or field any questions about it.
I'm so glad you mentioned that because that's exactly what I am: a digital version of your local library, only with better titles like ones from Criterion. Kino Lorber, Shout Factory, Arrow, Twilght Time, and other rare and niche labels. It's your local library in a box that you can stream to any Apple TV free of charge with no internet connection required.
>I would love to advertise my site further guys. I'ts no trouble at all ;^)
But that's the thing: it's an offline library. The website leads you to my email address for us to exchange information about the transferral of the digital media IRL. The point isn't for me to direct traffic to my site. The point is to raise awareness to a new option to consume media. An offline digital media library. When you have one installed and realize the full potential of having access to titles across the span of film history at your fingertips all for free is pretty great.
i really really like questionably-ironic shillposting, one of my favorite things
It's only endearing until you realize it's entirely sincere. Then it becomes sad and pathetic
I know it's Sup Forums and your BS radars are set pretty high, but behind this number above me is a dude who loves films and television shows and hates to see the sad state of affairs that is our current media paradigm. Bandwidth caps from Comcast and other ISPs mean the streaming services will be limiting and offline digital media is the way to go. No current digital media outlets sell DRM-free digital media. If you know digital media, you'll realize what a pain in the ass that is. What I've done is transcode optical media into a DRM-free file and tagged it with impeccable metadata. This allows the titles to serve as a meta-art (art about other art), since I hand crafted each one of these 2,166 films and 7,100 TV episodes across the span of the history of recorded media. It's a kind of museum through time as you can see super old films and TV shows alongside new ones.
no, thats part of the charm. you never REALLY know, and if the fella is unironically plugging his service either for shekels or for a deep-seated passion for televised media thats pretty funny to me too
"You take the good, You take the bad, You take them all and then you have The Facts of Life.
The Facts of Life!"
>behind this number above me is a dude who loves films and television shows
Confirmed for not being a Sup Forumsposter. None of us "enjoy" television or film, this board is a thinly veiled ruse for distributing black on white porn & accommodating Sup Forums runoff
I've used megashare.at and putlocker. Usually if it's pure kino I buy it afterwards to watch again in HD.
number above you checking in --- Like you think you know me? Fuck off reddit.
In all honesty, I have no agenda to push. I'm simply offering everyone on Sup Forums a slice of the pie that I'm already eating. I built this library over the course of 6 years, meticulously adding metadata and backing up to avoid data loss. I've hand crafted this thing and I get to enjoy it daily: it's like a personal offline Netflix in box. I have no need to tell any of you about it. In fact, the more I open it up to people, the more likely I open myself up to the legal ramifications implicated in the creation of such a library. But I'm willing to take on that legal risk because as I mentioned before, I am like Johnny Appleseed of HD DRM-free digital media. I do it out of the pleasure of me collecting media and the distain for the lack of viable DRM-free options in the market place. Don't even get me started on cheap ass studios like FX and Comedy Central, taking great shows that are shot in HD and compressing them to shit to fit them on an MOD DVD and expect us to shell out $29.95 for that shit? No wonder everyone pirates shit, because no one sells digital media that's worth a damn. I'm just offering a new type of home entertainment and it doesn't cost anything other than hardware on your end. The files on my end took me years and much money to amass but I actually enjoy spreading the wealth and giving everyone a taste of the richness.
number above checking in again --- I'm sorry....I'm drunk. I love you.
>deploying your secret weapon Call him Reddit this early
Oh my, but how are you supposed to continue this "conversation" now that you've blown your load?
I predict there will be a few "cucks," "newfags," and "autists" in your impending replies
>I fully respect your decision to hurl a racial insult at me, but my only inquiry would be why?
I'm howling with laughter at this and I don't know why.
I apologized.......you don't really mean this!
Bumping for self-interest. This digital media library is more revolutionary than you guys realize and when you realize what you're missing out on, you'll be kicking yourself. This is me offering to fill up your hard drives with DRM-free HD media like the digital gas station I am. Why wouldn't you want to look into it? It costs nothing.