Recommend a good cowboy flick

Recommend a good cowboy flick.

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I always felt like No Country For Old Men was a western set in the 80's (or whenever it was set)

The Magenificent Seven
The good, the bad and the ugly
A fistful of dollars
Once upon a time in the west

Brokeback Mountain


The three amigos!

Midnight Cowboy

- The quick and the death
- Blind justice
- Tombstone

Johnny Guitar

Why in holy hell would you include a picture of a neocon white-hating Jew in a cowboy hat OP??

The subversion of white culture truly no bounds

3:10 to Yuma

my darling clementine

The Searchers

Lonsome Dove mini-series from the 80s.

Lil' Benji and the Big Black Hat


calamity jane is underrated cowboy kino

>The Magnificent Seven

You should be ashamed of yourself, who recomends a remake?

A man's attitude goes some ways. The way his life will be. Is that somethin' you agree with?

if your up for a series watch hell on wheels

All The Pretty Horses

No Country for Goy Men
McCabe and Mrs Millerstein
Once Upon a Time in the Gaza Strip
Moshe Cassidy and the Sundance Heeb
A Fistful of Dollars