Bravo Grodner Edition
HOH: paul
Veto: TBD
Nominations: TBD
Temptation #2 : TBD
previously on /bb/
Bravo Grodner Edition
HOH: paul
Veto: TBD
Nominations: TBD
Temptation #2 : TBD
previously on /bb/
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>yfw Josh self-evicts from being yelled at and they have to cancel this HoH because of so many quits
paul is the GOAT
fight me, /bb/
Elena gave 25 (TWENTY-FIVE) tickets to paul
stop making them before page 6. more threads is not better, especially when there's a few autists that will just spam the first 20 posts of the thread with the same images every time
>gets given an 8 person alliance with bracelets
>gets 3 week safety
>gets the same hoh comp you won and hosted
>gets tickets from all the paulfags
>win hoh
amazing work production
heres a (you)
Reminder that evel dick was a production babby and now he spends his days complaining about bb production and taking AIDS pills
thanks ;)
xmas hast to leave for surgery on monday
fish could have won with those odds
if Paul doesn't win this season, he is complete failure
Christmas is having surgery on Monday
and he loved paul last year but hates him for being a vet when dick was brought back as a vet anyway
who is this old paulfag?
>tfw spending my night drinking four loko, watching the feeds, and shitposting on /bb/
is my life bad?
>four loko
can't tell without knowing your age, occupation, dating status and health
these threads died when you started blogging. now you're gonna start a 2 hour long war on why you think x waifu is better than y waifu. fucking reddit
sounds nice
to anyone thinking
>maybe it will get better when paul's safety runs out
reminder that paul will be eligible for HOH again at that point
no. sounds comfy.
you could be posting on leddit so at least it's not that bad
>its been hard for me since day 1
>homie needs a break
paul is actually saying he's had it tough
really cant believe production let a person with 3 week safety win hoh
and when hes doing being hoh, hes still safe.
thats rigged as fuck.
>3 showmances
>Christmas bitching about all kind of stuff
at least fucking LNJ always would shittalk in one big group so there was always other feed to watch
Paul said he has had it hard LMAO
imagine this season without paul.
just think about it.
paul ruined everyone we liked
From a comp where his eight sycophants helped him win
>turn on feeds
>paul saying he'd spit in someones face if they called him a loser
>cuck mark and blowup doll
Jesus christ yes
Are you aware there hasn't even been caffeine in four lokos for years? There's no point to drinking them besides it's guaranteed to fuck you up, but so is drinking a fifth and I'm not sure which is more unpleasant.
honestly, I'll check in from time to time, I'll watch after evictions and vetos and veto ceremonies but damn this doesn't seem interesting at all.
everything is set up to come down to who wins competitions and isn't that survivor? nobody watches survivor because it's boring
elena and mark are disgusting
all of the paulfags except elena would be interesting players if they weren't sucking his dick 24/7.
elena is just a fat mopey cunt who fucked up her face.
are we really gonna have jeff interviews after the hoh competitions?
because that idea is so fucking bad
the julie interview should be enough
Everyone post your favorite Jillian memory.
Good times. rip.
>constantly talking about smashing bottles in people's faces
>spitting in faces
>sucker punching faces
>going to jail over petty arguments
>very short
doing wonders for the armenian rat stereotype
Honestly they usually cut to Animals for 10 minutes after a live feed comp ends, so they probably just use that time to do the interview
xmas isn't interesting desu. she just says she's a stronk woman all the time and then cries 10 minutes later
wow, bring the showfags back
this thread died
and when hes *done* being hoh, hes still safe.
wrote it wrong because im really tired but i really hope cody stays.
anyway see ya
I absolutely dont remember anything jillian has said ever.
Last night when she walked into a room and Josh was there alone. He wanted to talk to her and she ignored him and walked out of the room.
>tfw to smart for josh's mist
Jess calling Josh da fuck outttt
She always talked about loosing weight in Mexico.
Fucking smashed Josh DAMN
i remembered
favorite memory of jill is that time she sat in one place and made small talk with the non-key players
KEK The Pacemaker comment
holy SHIT josh just got BTFO
>do you think I'm stupid?
I mean... Yes I do.
Who /feelsbad4jessica/ here?
Josh back to house pariah
Whoa jess, watch the R-bombs
jessica calling josh a retard
Kevin misted the whole house.
jessica officially a villain
nice photoshop
Lol this is great
me. she's been honest with everyone. she doesn't act cunty to anyone except sometimes cody in private (which is normal girlfriend shit). when she's pissed at someone, it's always been righteous.
most people seem to hate her because she has a certain look that just looks cunty.
>victim noise
>you make victim noise
Cody bitching about victim noises kek
Feeds are lit atm bros
>living nice life in LA
>want to win big brother for your dead father
>get safety from paul
>get very close to the HoH, seems like a sweetheart who knows what hes doing
>get in a showmance with him
>he tries to put up one of your friends' allies without telling anyone
>start to think he has no fucking clue what hes doing
>be convinced you have the votes for things to go your way anyways
>people flip on them for personal reasons
>chick you hate stays in the house
>the guy who your boy tried to put up which ruined your alliance is now HoH
>you're gonna be a have not
>either you or him is going home
Xmas get out of the fucking room
well they are right about josh
based whistlenut
And I was just about to go to sleep
oh and i forgot
>cat ladies will endlessly berate you on twitter/instagram for being with a guy who said 1 bad thing about trans people
Someone explain to me how we struggle our entire lives to get a gf yet these guys have known each other for a couple days and half of them are fucking each other already
he was /our guy/
lol pao...
>josh what are you doing, backup
Josh is crying bros
Josh crying again
haha cody is a legit serial killer on the outside. fucking love that dude
wait what's happening, I missed feeds all day and just finished the live show. Why's he crying?
holy shit lmao ... Ravens sicknesses playing into the fights of the game
Because he's josh
Because he's a man-baby
everyone expect cody and paul are betas
>not a paulfag
this season is a trainwreck lmao
>raven making sure a paul cult member doesn't self evict
good girl
>mfw jessica is literally a house n-bomb coon jiggaboo that will literally be lynched when she exits the house
But why was Cody yelling at him?
Mark trying not to laugh kek
i think theres gonna be a fight in pauls hoh room