Should they be banned?
>dey din do nuffin
>its the owner not the dog
>Muh pibble would never heart my baby here is a pic of it sleeping with my toddler
Dog Licenses for Powerful breeds?
Dog war now gas the pits?
What is the most superior dog breed?
What is a pitbull?
Powerful Dog Breed Discussion aka Pitbulls
>Government should ban everything to keep us safe
Sup Forums is the truly /cuck/ board
>remaking this b8 thread
Inb4 edgy italy
Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.
Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time i'm getting the dose right
Like a fucking clock
Wew lad, called it.
Ive eaten enough hooks for today though, ciao.
It should be taught to people that pitbulls are a breed bred for fighting and you should not get one. Especially if you are an idiot.
Nice bait toxoplasma phaggot,
I intentionally set small traps that are lined with poison, to stop cats using my rear wall as a shortcut.
Just dump them in my recycle bin.
See I can make stuff up as well.
Doing god's work user. Cats deserve death as well
But they were also bred as farm and hunting dogs so your teaching people a lie?
there it is!
>Breed is specialised in fighting
>because that would be useless on its own it is also bred for other stuff
>this means it totally wasn't bred for fighting
Not edgelord italanon
but you guys remind me of that time when i created a facebook page that would translate in english as "dog's sucks", after creating it without posting nothing a wave of death threats and dindu noffin posts arrived in minutes.
most dog owners are troubled.
Romania is back. With romania logic. Its no wonder you haven't advanced very far.
Make a bait page. Trigger retards. Get retard results.
What did you expect
Exactly. You usually get the same kind of replies when you talk about legalizing rape (there is a shitload of femanons here on Sup Forums, they are all batshit crazy and their tears are abundant and nourishing).
But doglovers take the fucking prize, amazing how much anger i can cause with a few copypasta and 5 minutes
>Norwegian smugness strikes again, no arguments just smug
I fear for what will happen when you run out of oil.
I wonder what happens when you make similar posts about shit like Parrots.
>I fear for what will happen when you run out of oil.
The summer raids will start again.
But the countries south of you will be even more fucked. There will be nothing to steal once rapefugees are done.