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That probably means they finished paying them off.
B-but goy I'm having flashbacks of the gas chambers inherited from my grandfather who was burned alive in Auschwitz.
Oy gevalt you anti Semites!
They have already paid like 90 billion $ in reparations I guess even Germans have had enough
Wait Germany actually give Israel money for an event they made up?
Have to give it to the Jews they're genius.
They can't afford it any more... by this time next year they're expected to have 2-3 million Africans on permanent state support.
dude they could have stopped paying them years ago but they voluntarily kept it up
no no...that was the plan dude...we take more refugees than jews really died in the holocaust and WE ARE FUCKIN DONE with that shit..
look at the metal plate in front of auschwitz 1.5 million..look at our refugees count ;)
sorry israel, but we need that money for our 6.000.000 refugees
This is the same Goymany that said "hurrr we are the evil ones" even with Benjamin Yahoo.com said "look Germany calm down dudes, your sadism is out of hand now".
They'll keep paying. It will be classified under a different name like all the other countries that pay Israel - foreign aid.
no the shit talking wouldn't have stopped
now..let some jew cry about it everything will turn against them the left the right the middle..we have other problems now ..
give it 2 years now and we can call them racists and faschists
germany is gonna snap soon right? I imagine once france cracks and gets the ball going germany is gonna explode and go full Reich Mode and fucking crush muslims and leftists and then go all peaceful like nothing ever happened
>once france cracks and gets the ball going
good one
France is recruiting muslims into their military. Guess who are they going to use them against? Pro tip: it wont be other muslims.
Gotta save up moniez for Islam.
Oh no I see france turning into a shithole. but I also see a couple of french dudes doing somthing that'll trigger muslims everywhere (burning down a refugee camp or some shit) then when retarded muslims go overboard in germany theyll just snap.
my money is on the happening to start in france and the aftermath will cause the real happening in germany
>but I also see a couple of french dudes doing somthing that'll trigger muslims everywhere
France is worse off when it comes to Kebabs than Germany and has been for many years.
If they havent snapped by now they never will
>I see france turning into a shithole.
Just for you, my friend
Daily reminder that we don't even know the true number in France it could be hundreds of thousands more because they banned census statistics under Napoleon.
So let that sink in, they really are fucked.
the final solution ain't final. the German warmachine gotta be greased with the blood of foreign elements. Angela Kasner aka IM Erika is not my chancellor. she is globalist marxist and probbaly polish as well :DD SIEG and HEIL not Wir schaffen das ok. Auf den Endsieg.
>Because they banned census statistics.
White people need to collectively get over the past and unite asap or we are completely done
>push for policies designed to islamize Europe and promote white genocide
>be surprised when arabic Europe now wants to see Israel destroyed instead of continuing to give shekels to them because you've felt bad for the last 70 years
Jews literally did this to themselves
It's true.
The EU is doing a lot to sew division between whites by creating a polarising figure in the image of Germany and creating rules based on ideals set by your people, open borders etc, it's causing anger and resentment, the EU has got to go first then relationships can heal.
Bit late for that, mate.
Look at the date you stupid niggers
I cant take it anymore.
Calm your tits
They asked for more money and was refused. The original agreement still stands
>tfw Jewish intellectuals are behind immigration to Western Europe in order to destabilize Western countries
>tfw immigrants are totally anti-Israel
>tfw with time immigrants multiply and spread antisemitism in Western countries while regular people don't give a fuck about Israel
>tfw for the short-term benefit of destabilizing Western countries, the Jews play themselves and we'll soon have people in power who will be openly antisemitic.
Oh boy, Versailles and holocaust reparations paid off in the same century?
Top kek
Germans will be guilt tripped into paying reparations as long as Holocaust survivors are alive....
Their great grandchildren will still be paying reparations
About fucking time!
Tho they are probably using the money for the "refugees" now
>They asked for more money and was refused
Yeah I know the funniest part is that they got the additional funding for the "survivors" in 2011 I think. But sshh don't ruin it for me :_:
>Survivors reasoned the original 1952 accord with Israel did not account for their unexpected longevity
>unexpected longevity
>Germans will be guilt tripped into paying reparations as long as Holocaust survivors are alive....
I can think of a solution to this problem.
Gibs me dat ooga booga
Is that you Abdullah?
>by creating a polarising figure in the image of Germany
Which i will never understand. We are technically still a occupied nation who got fucked for 70+ years. How did former allied forces like UK and France end so much worse in terms of white guilt and taking in shitskins
Why arent you burgers on the Streets taking back your nation? Your Country is about to elect one of the biggest Criminals ever who unlike Merkel is completely upfront about her open borders bullshit
Germany may have stopped paying us reparations, but you're still gonna have to pay your denbts
> Article is 7 years old
sorry Juden but we need to save up shekels so we can repay the sandniggers after the next holocaust.
>2007 was 49 years ago
Feel old yet?
>war was 71 years ago
>act surprised when agressor country tell you they dont pay reparation anymore
>Which i will never understand. We are technically still a occupied nation who got fucked for 70+ years.
Because people look at Merkel and think? Fuck you you fucking ugly German cunt, don't you fucking stand there threatening my country with financial sanctions because I don't share your vision. Also we've paid our dues why the fuck should you or I be collectively punished whilst the scummy Turks or the Ethiopians or the Saudi's and others that have had empires get away without having to be punished in the same way for their nations past misdeeds?
How is that fair? I want reparations from the Italians for what they did to London and St Albans. Cunts, pay up now!
I'm not here to Correct The Record(tm) on Hillary, but she isn't for an open border. She's probably said that she is by now, but she's said a lot of things. What you have to understand about her is that she will say and do literally anything to become president. If she felt like shooting her daughter Chelsea in the head would get her the presidency, she'd start a poll asking what gun she should use.
Hillary is actually pretty racist by all accounts from people who actually deal with her. It's like how everyone acts like Obama is secretly a Mexican, but he's actually deported more illegals than any other modern president. It's one of the few things he's done right desu.
>I'm not here to Correct The Record(tm) on Hillary
You want the receipt for that, yes. Make sure not a penny was wasted eh?
t. Björn Höcke
I hope you mean this.
Are you implying at some point you will stop holocausting them?
Disgusting. Germans, truly a people that can never finish what they start.
ben garrison really hates those remakes dosent he
I can give you a big hug bro.
and you guys said importing muslims was a bad idea.
top fucking kek
> < 0.1
see, even if it's a shithole, it's my own shithole without musli. Luv you Poland, stay the way you are
I don't think this is such a good idea!
All that needs to be done to wreck the Globalist Pride is to red pill all new immigrants on Central Banking and Money Printing.
Once they know that their masters are the real reason for their poverty, they will grow restless and become a threat to the big profits their masters depend on.
Spread the word!
Don't forget the supreme court statistics in the US. Half of SCOTUS is Jewish.
>Six million Jews were killed in the Nazi Holocaust of World War II,
[citation needed]
>mfw they'll give us 2 more free subs anyway
>they lived longer than expectet
yes because if we leave a few alive you will know why we did it. same thing with the Jews.
>Published November 22, 2007
really niga
We just can't afford them anymore because everything is going to ahmed and friends
It happened (or didnt) 70 fucking years ago, where the fuck are all these "survivors" coming from?