So since this board is obsessed with polls

Wikileaks poll on twitter, Sample size 117060 random people. Not oversampling dems or GOP. Not a small sample size of '97' californians.

Shills, explain this

Other urls found in this thread:


Assange is getting too political, did he got redpilled about (((tribal establishment climbers))) thing?

Wikileaks is likely to be followed more by anti-Democrat members, who are more likely to vote Trump over the other 3 presented choices. You shouldn't assume this means Trump has 50% of the country behind him, BUT there is an established trend where Trump does better in online polls than in telephonic interviews. The anonimity of the Internet helps people present their honest views. As with Brexit, I don't doubt most of the current poll numbers for Trump/Hillary are wrong.

Johnson BTFO

how many of them do you think can actually vote in the election though.

I'm surprised Gary Johnson is doing the worst in that poll.

If Hillary is elected he's dead. Full stop. He knows that even his insurance file won't keep that from happening.

completely false in two ways.

>Wikileaks more likely to be follow by anti-democrats

Maybe, maybe not. Sample size of 117060 is pretty yuge though so it should compensate for that, if thats even true.

>Sample size 117060 random people.
The 117060 people aren't random and are not representative of the US population. Those people were
1. Probably younger/white/male/etc people that care about politics (since they use twitter/internet and follow wikileaks)
2. Are not necessarily americans (which is what matters for the election)
Online polls that anyone can participate in do not really make for good statistical data.

Im for Trump but desu it's all about the audience which is mostly anti-Dems since the Killary and DNC leaks.

>Sample size of 117060 is pretty yuge though so it should compensate for that, if thats even true.

That's literally not how any of this works. Holy shit are people actually this dumb?

holy Swedish penis enlarger

>little johnson

How tf did this weeaboo-ass word make it's way onto there.

thanks for clarifying those 2 ways bro wow what an insightful comment

lol no

I don't trust polls. they are too easily manipulated.

into the trash it goes

Came to say this. Thanks leaf.

A leaf made good points

I'll hold off on the insults today comrade to the north

Because it wasn't a random sampling you doof

>implying even half of those are Americans

And even if I am voting for Trumpc have officially lost all respect for Wikileaks. Too political. They can't play the revolutionary whistleblower role like they want and be partisan, because that leads to corruption. Soon 'documents' I'm sure will come up that those cucks are being suspected for forgery - and now I won't be able to fight against that claim.

Fucking thanks Assange.

Wiki leaks BTFO the Bush Administration back in the exactly do you think this is skewed?

>2. Are not necessarily americans (which is what matters for the election)
People outside of America are less likely to support Trump.
Just look at Germany, UK, France, Mexico, even Russia. Trump polls very low outside of America.

What you're essentially saying is that if the wikileaks twitter poll had only Americans post then Trump would have better numbers.

A sample of Wikileaks' followers is not a random sample of the whole population.

>mfw all of the scared little bitch shills ITT violently shitting their pampers in a fit of impotent rag


>tfw the Australian government will say nothing when an Australian citizen who has committed no crime under Australian law is murdered extra-judicially by the new Correct The Record™ Special Forces branch.

I hate my country sometimes.

meant for

What did he mean by this?

>this shill post
Underrated in its ability to tell us their next move.

They're going to release 'documents' discrediting wikileaks and saying they forged all the leaks

No doubt endorsed by everyone the leaks implicate

Are they polling the entire world or just Americans?

Yes but it shows the Internet hates Hillary.

It's not random, sadly. I'd say who frequents wikileads is more likely to be redpilled, so of course you're going to see this poll Trump-leaning. As much as I wish this would represent society, it clearly doesn't.

That poll was literally shilled and spammed repeatedly here on Sup Forums. Trumplets can't even win a poll without rigging it and stuffing the ballot box. Sad!

Think I know why. Stein praises Assange for the DNC leaks and McCullen was just introduced (and probably won't get any support).

Maybe people are starting to catch onto what the regressive Communist revolutionaries have in mind:

That's Will Smith calling for ethnic cleansing. He uses softer tones and language to create what the Leftards call a "dog whistle."

He's actually advocating the slaughter of whites and successful minorities. He is a Clinton surrogate, so you can see what the CF is up to: full communist revolution with killings and direct oppression.

These people have to be stopped, and Trump can do it.


>Only white people use twitter
Opinion discarded.

Shrinkage strikes again

>implying you will be employed CTR in November
we all saw the financial reports a few days ago, burning through those millions fast eh?

Do people not lurk here 24/7?

This poll was posted to Sup Forums shortly after being made. Before being posted Trump was a little lower than Hillary.

Made a lot of Bernie fags respond "the end is nigh"

Cliche video ending but whatever


>Holy shit are people actually this dumb?
Yes, sadly.

No I'm just saying that the poll is not randomly sampled and is not representative of the US elections.
Not saying only white people use twitter. Just it's more likely that the people following and participating in wikileaks polls are. And that just in general the demographics of a twitter poll from wikileaks will be very different to those of an US election.

Underated post. He wants all Trump supporters murdered. We need to spread this- get it out there. Norm is need to see this and UNDERSTAND Smiths words and context.