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Nobody's voting for this fucking bag.
Shills BTFO
lots of niggers in Georgia
>He wonders why nobody voted for his meme candidate
goddamn, she's utterly destroying him
I can understand not wanting to support Trump, but that doesn't mean you have to support Hillary. Like, you don't have to stomp on that baby.
REMOVE HASPERAT remove hasperat
you are worst bajoran. you are the bajoran idiot you are the bajoran smell. return to federation. to our dominion cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bajor we will never forgeve you. resistance rascal FUck but fuck asshole bajoran stink prophet sqhipere shqipare..bajoran genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead kai..ahahahahahBAJOR WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget occupation. bajor we kill the first minister , federation return to your precious terok nor….hahahahaha idiot bajoran and federation smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE HASPERAT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. cardassia+dominion+pah wraiths=kill bajor…you will occupation/ gul dukat alive in cardassia gul dukat making album of cardassia . fast rap gul dukat cardassia. we are rich and have latinum now hahahaha ha because of gul dukat… you are ppoor stink bajoran… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
gul dukat alive numbr one #1 in cardassia ….fuck dominin ,..FUCKk ashol bajorans no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and planet. gul dukat aliv and real strong wizard kill all the bajoran farm aminal with pah wraith magic now we the cardassian rule .ape of the zoo presidant jarseh-inyo fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bajor wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of vole. cardassia greattst empire
What's with all the latest polls everywhere showing Hillary 7-10pts lead on Trump all over the country? This literally happened within a week. Shit like this comes off extremely sketchy.
>+7 in georgia
At what point do the American people wane up to the poll shenanigans?
Quark. Are you shitposting again?
t. Odo
Georgian here.
This is an absolute joke at this point and we all know it. If King Nigger can't turn out enough liberals and black voters to beat old man and Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton will? Give me a goddamn break.
>These polls must be faked
>This can`t be true
I think voting for Hillary is literally the worst decision you could make for both yourself and the world, but these tears are delicious.
Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation
EXCLUSIVE – Roger Stone: Don’t Trust the Voting Machines
>s a g e
I am now a McMullinMissile
Agreed. They nourish me so. If Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.
They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.
But none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president, a woman who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Trump.
I need to fap.
>Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation
What is a hopeless lawsuit? I'll take Retarded Fix shit for $400
There aren't many niggers in Vermont and Maine and they keep voting Democrat.
Explanation please?
Rare truth from Nazitown
Cumshot me baby two more times
Hillary is depending on the black vote, so the poll only focuses on the prisons surrounding ATL.
It was because of retarded Trump taking Hillary's bait
Trump's tiny hands will LITERALLY cost him the election.
You can print out a life-sized outline of Trump’s hand here, and see how you stack up:
According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.
>As do a third of women.
Can't make this shit up lmao
Because those are the states with middle-upper class white college educated liberals who "feel so bad" for them, yet probably have never been around a negro compound in their life.
She already received 16 million votes in the primary
but I guess you're right, no one with the name Clinton could get elected President
You haven't looked at his crotch, have you?
>be Germany
>turn country into Brazil
Come the fuck on dude, do you even read the news? Do you ever go outside and listen to what people talk about?
Trump attacked a Gold Star Family. Say what you will about welfare queens, the military is still the most highly trusted institution in America. McCain was a loyal Republican, so he didn't lash out after Trump attacked him, but the Khans are Democrats, and went on every talk show to remind people that their son died in combat, which tugs on the heartstrings of ever family in middle America
You have to be willfully ignorant to not understand how badly he fucked up the Khan story.
You just made that shit up lol.
You don't even know the number of inchs a hand would have to be to be in the 85th percentile scrub.
Whites are cucks.
The shilling is actually getting amusing
Everyone knows the polls are complete and total fabricated horseshit
Lmao he called senator Mic Kanye a fucking traitor and that guys was a Vietnam POW.
In terms of importance to Americans,
Vietnam POW> some muzzy family that lost a son
Cobb county here, you're retarded.
Hillary isn't gaining with blacks, she's gaining with the college educated. Folks up here have voted GOP for as long as they can remember, but the college-educated are pretty cool on Trump.
>New poll that oversamples Democrats by twenty points gives Hillary Clinton a 7-point edge in Georgia
No one gives a shit about a pro sharia sand nigger.
California is going to be voting for Trump this year.
You cant keep our malls stocked with Trump regalia cause that shits selling like hot fire baby.
Hahahhaha, she gonna faint soon. Watch!
>Trump attacked a Gold Star Family
what did he say about them?
if hillary wins, america gets nuked.
Are you illiterate too? I just wrote that McCain was a loyal Republican and didn't attack Trump for what he said, but the Khans went on the Talk Show circuit and kept the story in the news, making it look even worse for Trump
>Everyone knows the polls are complete and total fabricated horseshit
So say presidents Romney and Kerry
you got me odo
look, I have a permit for this copypasta, Quark didn't have nothing to do with it but helping me get approved for the cargo bay storage
>The p-polls are all f-f-fake!
It's a battleground this year, user. Buckle up, get /comfy/, and enjoy the shitshow.
Lol, by fucking who?
The post convention polls are 100% fake.
The only polls that matter are on Election Day
I cant believe im going to see a woman president in my life time!!! So excited!
>California is going to be voting for Trump this year
Lol Trump supporters are this delusional
Hillary winning in Georgia? Yeah, the media must be polling democrats only.
If you're so confident, put your money where your mouth is
Betters give Clinton an 80% chance to win, I'm sure you could find someone to fleece
and WW3 too, both at the same time!
I never noticed the Meme Magic in effect here. This is the will of Kek!
Can't wait! We're gonna crush Trump-o-nesia!
>yfw both pol and ctr are wrong about whos going to be president
The polls are being fucked with in order to discourage trump voters.
College educated Whites have the highest voting rate in America
Trump is losing them by ~1 point, no GOP nominee has ever lost this subgroup
>tfw Sup Forums doesn't know about the liberal Kek supporters praying 10x as hard to Kek for Trump to lose
I've even sacrificed frogs to Kek in the past week. Have you done the same?
> he thinks showing trump behind in the polls will discourage trump voters
Stop with your strawman arguments. This will only happen in a trump presidency.
>Long Room
The website run by an entirely fictitious staff?
Georgia 2016 Primary results:
>1,292,601 votes for Republicans
>761,218 votes for Democrats
Oh yes, it's definitely going blue this year! Just look at those results! Just trust our shill polls that oversample Democrats, ignore entire demographics and include as little independents as possible! Good goyim! Hehe.
>yfw Johnson isn't even an option
>yfw everyone is going to lose all their money
They admit they bias their sampling to democrats. Stop being willfully ignorant, cuckold.
>sacrificing frogs
he is a frog god for fucks sake ur stupid
Yes, you're supposed to sacrifice living frogs to fuel Kek's power with frog souls.
I'm tempted to believe that site is just somebody fucking with desperate Trump supporters
>You just made that shit up lol.
You're a reading-impaired faggot. The link is literally in the post you replied to.
>American education
>I've even sacrificed frogs to Kek in the past week.
Thank you.
>desperate Trump supporters
That's kind of redundant.
that's not how it works. you're just pissing him off by killing his cousins
He attacked them how? Thanks for correcting the record.
The left is getting desperate. To bullshit on this scale means there goal is to try to scare the GOP away from Trump. Nothing on this scale has ever been attempted so there is no telling the odds of success
Again, put your money in if you're confident
I've got around 3000 on Clinton, it's not politics it's just smart betting.
UK polls are shit compared to US polls. I've bet correctly on every election since 2008 just by looking at the polls and assuming them to be true. I likewise made a killing betting on Trump as the nominee by noticing that he lead in the national polls basically from day 1.
>The left is getting desperate.
lmao the delusion is REAL!!!!!
Not my job to spoonfeed you. Figure it out for yourself..
>mrw reading this level of denial
They picked a shitty sample to skew the results. Of course there are 100 or 1,000 fucking retards in Georgia who support Clinton.
These polls are not even remotely in touch with reality. The left has gone all out with their fixes. My only fear is that the entire voting system is rigged from the inside and they are preparing to inject the biggest fix of all time by manipulating the votes to follow the poll numbers. This is the worst kind of psychological warfare, without seeing the actual support coming through the polls most people will feel betrayed and will not partake in any kind of action against the illegitimately elected now legitimized government.
>I bet on Obama twice
It's illegal to bet on an election in America
Nice headline, too bad you can't post a source.
How's that class in Photoshop going?
you must have gotten rekt in 2008
>implying anyone denies slanted polls but the hillshills
Yeah, I'm North Fulton. People aren't happy about Trump but they will not vote for Hillary. Rubio won Cobb County btw and Trump took the rest of the state. Cobb has a pull but it isn't going to give Hillary the election.
We can only hope she suffers an attack during the debates and her diapers leak.
You have dubs, so it must be true, for it is the Will of Kek! Liberals are the true believers, and cuckservatives and edgy Trump fags are the most vile of heretics!
>He thinks facts will discourage trump voters
Fixed that for you.
Get everybody to vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. That way, you don't have to vote for Trump or Hillary AND you get to siphon votes away from both of them. It's a fun plan that ensures everyone loses.
I suspect it is far worse than that.
They are likely trying to show her winning polls, so when election day rolls around,
and they tweak the actual outcome of the election, they can say,' well gee she led
in the polls all the time, so of course she would win the election".
Do some research on voting fraud, especially Diebold machines. Not to mention
all the new immigrants they are importing, and no voter ID anymore. I don't see how it
can be stopped at this point.
I'd love to see Trump win, but with the current administration that is in place
and their track record, it doesn't seem very likely.
>CTR has a dubscript
Which 2014 meme will they dig up next?
whoa, you sure did correct that record