Any dads on Sup Forums?

Afternoon Sup Forums,

Any dads here?

What's your take on being a dad these days?

My boy is 7 weeks tomorrow and he's great.

What's not great is how this experience has so far illustrated the lack of support for dads.

She's had countless appointments with nurses, midwives, health visitors, doctors. She's had leaflets, free books, access to support groups, information about everything pertaining to having a baby.

Everything has been provided for her, and that's great. She also is receiving housing benefit, income support, and child benefit.. which all adds to up enough to pay her rent and a good portion of her bills.

I've been given literally nothing. None of those professional visitors have ever asked me a question or barely looked at me.

I'm not butthurt about it, but it is a little surprising, and I think ultimately terrible that men, fathers, are pushed to the side while simultaneously expected to pay up / be responsible / support the family.

Sucks bros...

Good that the little guy is cute as fuck though and I'll be able to raise him to be a stronger man than I am.

Just take it as a sign of men being hardy and women being soft

Did your Saxon forefathers go to classes to learn how to bath babies,?

Have I done too much psychedelics/LSD because opening that picture makes all those horse psychedelic paintings "alive" kinda like those optical illusion pictures

I have not done acid in 2 years, but still have these very weird pattern-style vibrations

That's how I should see it. Gets frustrating I suppose when she, or her mother, or anyone, talks to me like I'm Homer Simpson though. Women with, or around, babies seem to think they're suddenly geniuses.

Drink more water bro

>What's your take on being a dad these days?

What do you want to know?

So you must be unmarried and don't even love together?

U did too much but it gets better

have an infant son, im dreading sending him to what we call schools in this country. knowing he will subjected to daily indoctrinations is pretty rough.

Raise your son to conquer Europe.

>babies seem to think they're suddenly geniuses.
fucking hate all that baby jargon they use.
anyway, how old are you?

You took too much man.

Is his mother not okay with homeschooling ?

I have a 6yo sister that I have been steadily redpilling for the last year. Does that count?

So be the balancing force.

3 kids here but going to bed. Make thread again later and I'll contribute

Too young. If she decides to grow up and hate you, she might deliberately attack and subvert what you taught her out of spite.

That's what my dad told me. Everything is wonderful up until age 5 and he said that's when you start to lose them because someone else starts filling there heads with there own ideas

>father of 3, soon to be 4 reporting in.

My wifes' son is pretty cool. Think his hair is nappy, but that's about it.

Private school. Better education, less indoctrination.


Don't worry lad it'll clear out of your spinal fluid in a few more years :^)

I've started off small. Pushed her towards using the european names for places instead of the abo ones they teach in school, that boys are boys, girls are girls and that cant change ect.

we both work, modern america

i grew up with my dad ranting about niggers and the clintons at the dinner table every night. used to argue with him when i was in middle school. in time i saw he was right about everything.

wife and plan on moving for better schools soon, the district we a re in right now lets hood niggers get bused to white schools.

his uncles are leo and/or former combat army. they have agreed to help me teach him to shoot, hunt and fish.