trans female here. I always here about this board as a containment zone that hates the LGBTQ+ community. I come to you as an ambassador to the LGBTQ+ community to learn what's so hard to accept about our lifestyle.
Trans female here. I always here about this board as a containment zone that hates the LGBTQ+ community...
Other urls found in this thread:
>what's so hard to accept about our lifestyle.
Everything in that picture, for one.
We actually have a large crossover population with /lgbt/, so in general most tolerate gays and also dislike trannies.
>trans female here
so you are a man...
>That pic
Keks will be had when his male pattern baldness kicks in and he kills himself before reaching 50 like every other one.
>please accept my mental illness and create laws to give my mental illness exalted status
>trans female
Do you have a feminine penis? Of so go to Sup Forums they like your kind.
Trans woman.
Does that mean you are a woman acting like a man?
Or does that mean you are a woman that had your pinkie cut off and sewn to your crotch so its supposed to be a penis now?
Wait.. wait.. wait..
Trans women are just lesbians?
So do I call you "him" or "her"?
Screw all that I'm just gonna call you "fag" and leave it at that.
I feel bad for gay people who get lumped in with mentally ill people. How are sexual orientation and body dis-morphia similar?
Half of us here are LGBT m80.
Nothing is hard to accept about our lifestyle, this board just does not tolerate the victim mentality unless it's the white man who is a victim.
This board also doesn't tolerate identity politics, believing everybody should hold views based on their worldview, not their identity. "Blacks, Hispanics, gays all vote Democrat" is unacceptable because it turns a demographic into mindless zombies without ever focusing on what good that party will do for the USA.
I assume you're trolling and this is bait, but if you're not don't feel bad. Sup Forums doesn't hate the LGBT community, Sup Forums hates everybody.
... Well, everybody but Trump.
If i cut off my penis, can i enter woman's boxing or judo? I'd probably win 90% of all tourneys.
If you say no, you're just a sexist pig. i identify as a woman, you regressive.
>trans female
if you're a female just say you're a female
if you're a "trans female" just say you're a man
>that image
Holy shit, that delusion.
You're a guy, you faggoty ass degenerate.
theyre not. OP and like people just want attention so that it gives legitimacy to lawsuits in the future
but everything in that picture is false, except that they do not have male privilege - male privilege doesn't exist so that one is true
Show us your banging tits and huge veiny dick.
What does the + mean?
lgbt includes t
I identify as a woman. I just use trans woman for your convenience.
perhaps I had a mental illness before my reassignment surgery, because I felt like I had the right mind but was in the wrong body, but now I feel like myself. I finally feel like I'm in the right body. Who are you to deny me of this and poke fun at who I am?
>41% of trannies kill themselves
>They literally desecrate their bodies, cutting off their dicks and stabbing themselves with knives to convince themselves that they are something they're not
The fact you are here, knowing the audience, flaunting your special faggot club is the exact reason we hate you cunts. Keep your degenerate mouths shut. Keep your dangerous opinions away from children. You should be shunned and kept in the dark not paraded around where people can see you.
>pic related
Is your sickness seeping into the normal world. As an ambassador it should be your duty to keep your kind away from people who want to live normal lives without encountering or considering your illness.
>perhaps I had a mental illness before my reassignment surgery, because I felt like I had the right mind but was in the wrong body, but now I feel like myself. I finally feel like I'm in the right body
that doesn't mean you're not mentally ill, it just means the "treatment" worked
You can't /thread your own comment medpack user
>banana with "apple!" written all over it.jpg
The sole purpose of women is to have children, you were a broken man and now you're a broken woman. Congratulations.
some antitank fuckery afaik
I think as LGB people are becoming more widely accepted, and as transfolk are slowly making the walk to acceptance, slowly, you're going to get tumblrinas who complain that they're oppressed. After pointing out that LGB aren't as oppressed any more they invent all these weird additions to better suit their "new" identity. That's what led to Facebook's 50+ options for gender after male/female.
Trans women are real women?
>No, you were a male and decided you wanted to be female.
Trans women are women-born-women
>Had to stop there, see above
No wonder the Gays hate you lot.
>I always here
>I always here
I always hear
You're not a female, that plastic cunt will never pass as real when you get your cock loped off
Sorry you are to weak to live life a male but I don't have to accept your degenerate lifestyle
I hope war comes soon, it will put an end to these sicknesses
Here's what you'll never be, pic related
Why does this string of letters keep getting longer and longer every time
>Trans women are women
Woman: an adult female person.
Female: a person bearing two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei and normally having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries, and developing at puberty a relatively rounded body and enlarged breasts, and retaining a beardless face; a girl or woman.
If you don't have the chromosones you literally aren't a "real" woman
>Trans women are women
>Trans women are real women
>Trans women are women-born-women
>Trans women are female
>Trans women are female bodied
>Trans women do not have male privilege
Yes they do
>Trans women are not male
Yes they are
>Trans women deserve access to women-only spaces
No they do not.
>trans women deserve respect
No one deserves respect for no reason.
None of what you claim is backed by science. Only by your fee fees.
So go chop off your balls don't FUCKING COME TO ME WITH YOUR MENTALL ILLNESS.
Stop asking ME for validation you stupid fucking faggot. Go validate yourself. Fuck off. Kill. Your. Self.
>I identify as a woman
I identify as the divine emperor of the world, tell me man, believing it makes it real?
perhaps transsexuals kill themselves because of intolerant people like you
this is me attempting to understand your point of view, and I can see it is one of blind anger. I will pray for you
The LGBTOMGWTFBBQ acronym gets way too long, so the plus stands for all the extra letters they can't fit in to make sure they're included
Reprogram that brain
The plus is for all the other sexual mental disorders like pedos, furries, zoos, democrats, adult babies, bronies, etc
And checked
Yes I can, see Are you a biggoted emperorophobe?
>what's so hard to accept about our lifestyle
You're sick, and instead of getting treated you indulge your sickness.
Perhaps it's because of "tolerant" people like you.
>No one deserves respect for no reason.
I absolutely disagree with this. All people should be given a level of basic respect that is neither earnt or rewarded as part of common decency towards each other. Obviously those who do things to deserve more respect will get offered more respect, and those who do things that lose respect will then lose their inherent respect.
I'm poking fun at who you pretend to be. Much like laughing at a clown.
Killing yourself would be an improvement in the world
I completely support your choice to AN HERO
I encourage the entire trans community to an hero
Well, suicide helps culling a disease. That's how nature stops that shit from spreading.
It's not blind anger. You serve no purpose in society. You spread disease and lack the ability to procreate. Why is that so hard to understand?
Tolerance isn't respect.
And in this sense tolerance means not smashing your face in with a rock because I feel like it.
WTF i hate trump now!!
Wow America, when I said you need to cut your dicks I just meant circumcision.
>come as an ambassador
>can't handle conflicting opinions
Really? That's it...?
>pray for you
>is an abomination
Aww, you chopped off your fem penis? That's no fun.
If transwomen are women, why do you all cling to the "trans" like it's some super special club?
>I'm a transwoman
>So you're a woman?
>Yes, but also trans
>So you're not really a proper woman?
>OMG Yes I am a proper woman!
>So why do you call yourself trans?
>Because I was born a male
>So you're not a woman?
>Perhaps transsexuals kill themselves because of intolerant people like you.
Because if you ever tried to fuck any of us we'd chop your balls off for you.
Your entire existence DEPENDS on our validation. You seek validation from others and that's why you will never, ever ever be fulfilled as a person.
The entire path to self-confidence and self-acceptance is learning to not give a flying fuck what others think.
Yet, if I go to /lgbt/ I'll see a dozen fucking threads filled with trannies trying to "pass" as women.
You want affirmation and you will never, ever have it.
So you will do one of two things.
1: You will realize that you need to not give a fuck and accept yourself, and not depend on the acceptance of others
2: You will realize that no one will ever accept you as a woman, because you are a Man with a cock and balls. The depression will sink in and you will kill yourself.
Trans people, just like everybody else, need to work hard to earn respect. Chopping up parts of your body to feel better about yourself is neither brave nor worthy of respect.
Be trans however the fuck you want just don't expect people not to give your strange looks when you're literally a man trying his best to be a woman. Do something worthy and stop your bitching.
>trans female here.
on /pol?
You're basically a heroine addict overdosing on heroine. It's treatable but the mental damage has already been done.
Because you are either a mutant or mentally ill person.
Who's being enabled to spiral deeper into its problems instead of being treated.
Because truth is, oh so unpleasant to deal with.
No amount of surgery will change the fact that you have XY chromosomes. Or vica versa.
Ergo, you are a man. You should accept that and be happy with it.
I identify as a Barrett M82A1. Every time I climax I make gun noises. I don't do it on purpose, its just the way I am. I'm saving up the money to get reassignment surgery and have a gun barrel where my filthy penis is.
literally makes no sense
how nice
>serve no purpose to society
I work a good job that reaches a lot of people. I enjoy my life on my own terms. Why does that offend you?
Oh my, a dissection is in order!
>Trans women are women.
They have XY-chromosomes and are born with a penis and balls. Textbook male.
>Trans women are real women.
Even when disregarding aforementioned, they are not real women. Real women get pregnant.
>Trans women are women-born-women
Hermaphrodites are more like women than trannies and they've got a cock and all.
>Trans women are female
>Trans women are female-bodied
>Trans women do not have male privilege
Mostly because male privilege = white male genocide.
>Trans women are not male.
They're deluded, enabled by an environment with a keen interest in destroying the features that make us great.
>Trans women deserve access to women-only spaces.
Just like men then. That's what they are, after all.
>Trans women deserve respect.
They deserve nothing, just like everyone else. Credit is earned.
they have to tell you.
it's required now.
mostly to explain the trainwreck downstairs.
and the constant depression
thoughts of suicide
anal leakage
>Who are you to deny me of this and poke fun at who I am?
If we want to poke fun at you, then we will poke fun at you, and there's nothing you can do about it. Or, rather, there would be nothing a weakling like you could do about it if it weren't for the government and police.
As for the disgust towards trannies, well it's a natural human reaction. Sorry. *shrugs*
when it stopped being about "accept our lifestyle" and started being about "learn our pronouns and let us use women's bathrooms or we'll imprison you"
>The study revealed that beginning about 10 years after having the surgery, the transgendered began to experience increasing mental difficulties. Most shockingly, their suicide mortality rose almost 20-fold above the comparable nontransgender population.
That is, suicide rate for transexuals goes to 20x1=20% after 10 years of sex change. That is more than depression, bipolar and schizophrenia. Transgenders are sick people that are treated the wrong way.
This. It's all about being a special snowflake. Why can't you just pick up an interesting hobby instead of wearing high heels and putting lipstick on then sucks dicks.
Its a mental disorder far beyond a fetish. Like other fanatics such as bronies. Its in the same part of the brain. If you talk with a medical professional and work with them for 6 months to find the right dosage to balance the chemicals in your brain, you will realize how fucking off you are, or have been this whole time.
Its the same mentality that people who have mental disorders believe - nothing is wrong and they don't need treatment. Take the time and go through this process before you fucking ruin your body.
pol will say they hate your guts, but what they don't realize is the fact your a fag is because your mothers nutrition while you were in the womb from weeks 3-7 was awful as shit, because this is when the pre optic hypothalamus develops, and this gland (sort of like the operating system being written) determines what your sexual drives are and who you lust after. you can't really change the operating system and that's okay m8, just stay away from pushing that shit onto my kids, and realize the unfortunate nutrition of your mother was the doing of the jews because our soil in america is enzyme and mineral deficient to do out dated farming methods and regulations. live and let live, and gtfo if you ever push your MUH RIGHTS fag. have a good 1 m8
>Trans women do not have male privilege.
So that's how they get rid of their Original Sin. Now I just need to get rid of my white privilege and I can be treated equally and fairly by social justice warriors.
Fucking white males.
attack helicopter if you look at it from the top
You happy now medpack?
to be fair, a similar rate is seen among real women who can't have children
As a gay man id like to persoanlly tell you to fuck off.
after years of hard work by the Gay Lesiban and Bi community, we finally are starting to get accepted as normal people.
However that absured tag LGBBQT+×ôÇÄ└ is un-doing it all, now we normal people are getting tossed in with you fucked cunts who want inside out hot dogs for vaginas or ballons for dicks.
suck a dick faggot.
Post panty bulge por proof
>literally makes no sense
It makes just as much sense as your statement. You make claims but have no arguments.
Why do you want our validation? Why do you demand our acceptance? If intolerance is what kills people then you need to get thicker skin.
Inner peace does not come from worrying about whether or not people accept you. If you teach people to cry every time they are disrespected, they will cry all the time.
Look at tumblr.
>perhaps transsexuals kill themselves because of intolerant people like you
Or because some people who wanna be the good guys lie to them and say they're female.
LGBT is a mistake.
To elaborate, LGB parts and T part aren't equal and one shouldn't be forced to accept or reject the whole deal.
Trans* acceptance is a whole lot different from acceptance of other groups. When a gay person fights for acceptance, he wants to be accepted as a gay person. When a dysphoric male fights for aceptance, he does not fight to be accepted as "male that wants to be/feels like a woman" - but to be accepted as "a woman" - see your picture. Particularly funny is the 17-genders bill in USA that includes "transmen" and "transwomen" which spectacularly misses the point.
In essence, primary/secondary/tertiary gender characteristics are reduced to nothing in face of simply "self-definition".
A male is whoever defines as male.
A female is whoever defines as a female
But when you gender to simple "self-definition" how is it different from a mere label? What T movement is dissolution of a real gender category that holds importance, primarily because of masculine/feminine biological differences predisposing people to different branches of fulfillment; instead changing it to a simple feelgood category that holds no meaning whatsoever.
You have to admit it's a bit risky for trans women in certain areas of many Western countries to use male bathrooms.
Citation needed.
>I come to you as an ambassador to the LGBTQ+ community to learn what's so hard to accept about our lifestyle.
You are more mentally ill than a paranoid schizophrenic. You encourage people to believe that they are something that they clearly are not. You claim gender is a "social construct" but instead of devaluing the concept you over-value it and force everyone to cater to your concept of gender. You encourage people to mutilate and sterilize themselves as a mental health measure.
You deserve to be lynched. Burn in Hell.
Post boypucci
Basically also this.
Why did you start your """"transition""""" after you discovered, or started getting on the Internet? I'll keep asking this until you see the light.
Fuck off mentally ill faggot.
Disgusting whore. What have our women turned into
come back when this one is true you fucking degenerate
>I can decide other people's opinions for them
It's not a lifestyle.
It's a mental illness brought about from faulty genetics and hormonal imbalances.
You're not special, you're defective.
Just imagine that five years ago the check my pronouns shit was a internet joke and now they teach it in schools.
In another five years this shit will be completely normalized and we will be the "weird" ones.
Game over man game over
>You're not special, you're defective.
oh the irony
We don't hate you, we're actually indifferent towards you. That is until you start acting like an attention whore special snowflake with a persecution complex then we consider you absolute gutter trash that belongs with the rest of gutter trash. If you get hatred from this board it's entirely your fault. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
No trans female
You were born male
Maybe you don't act as man
But would that make me Napoleon if I acted as one?
Would you call me Napoleon and thought about me as Napoleon?