Today I will remind them
Today I will remind them
idgaf, she a qt
who thought it was a good idea financially to cast an ugly tranny? it makes no sense. people virtue signal but at the end of the day sex still sells.
You underestimate the power of tumblr.
I know people who will talk about MJ for a month because of her pandering.
Wow, pretty brave of James Franco to play MJ in this adaptation.
Of all the mary jane pics why do you fucknuts keep using the badly drawn ones?
I like the one on the right more. Don't care what race they are, bimbos are human trash.
he does look like franco...
I checked the reddit thread for this movie for some reason and it was all "lol that self aware credit scene with cap" "lol I was watching porn" "the audience literally gasped at the reveal" is it really that bad?
One of those is a fucking drawing.
Consider suicide.
will she become irongirl after avengers 4?
How about this one?
Why are there so many threads about this movie
Is OP a shill?
ginger genocide is real
not the same character though, so what are you reminding us?
yeah, we need more gender neutral characters instead
Imagine having literally nothing to define yourself over other than skin color so whenever a movie character has different skin you need to tjrow a hissy fit to silence the voice in your head that tells you to fix your shit.
This is the life of Sup Forums
The movie ends with Aunt May walking in on Peter still dressed up as Spider-Man and saying "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUU...." *credits roll*
THAT bad
"Oh shit someone on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board, you know the center of the film, comic and nerd industries, pointed out that the actress we used doesn't look like the comic character who's role she's filling! Guess we have absolutely no choice but to change it to a 9 year old white girl with bare feet and no sense of boundaries. You know, because literally all our income depends on about 50,000 Russian and Indian marketers browsing the board at any given time."
-- Sony/Marvel/Blacks/Women everywhere probably
i didnt care what you had to say until you said bare feet. now im intrigued
>different skin color
yea shes also a blockheaded flatnosed greasy brown person that has more masculine features than feminine.
>skin color is all they changed about MJ
This is the life of a shill
is it the mary jane character in particular, or just that it was a white chic that isnt white now? i mean its a fucking comic book movie, so it literally dosent matter anyways
yeah man it totally doesn't matter, don't you dare change a character that isn't white though
You just haven't met true bimbos. I know a girl who looks like op's pic's left IRL and she is so hot she drives men fucking crazy. If you haven't experienced that kind of lust and excitement in real life you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
then why is the main character white? and living in america ? and young? and straight?
you're social politics lead to a very dark path
you want to appropriate art for social agenda, you start making your own shit, stop pretending you aren't ruining the original piece of art
>ruining the original piece of art
Holy Christ everybody laugh at Sup Forumsddit
>my social politics
i didnt make the movie, i didnt approve, i just dont give a shit about kids movies
but they do though, you dont honestly believe its blacks replacing whites, and not whites replacing blacks do you?
vs. Watmarl
>whites replacing blacks
lmao reddit please
what is
>argo- ben affleck
>a mighty heart- angelina jolie
>othello- Sir L O
Girls with slightly masculine features are hot e.g. Cara Delameme, zendindu
my cousin looks exactly like this... he is 21 & part native American
you really want to play this game? There's more examples of shitskin-washing than that in Homecoming alone.
It's not surprising everyone agrees Maguire and Dunst are better looking than the frogs pepe couple
Literally how can you rage so much at a shitty kids movie?
Maybe, just maybe you should get a life
>moving goal posts
i dont recall the argument being about more of which, but just the fact that it happens. but you can cry more about white people having a rough time in hollywood if you want
There is no game. You made a smug claim because you never questioned r/pol's narrative and he proved you wrong
People honestly think the chic of the left is better looking then the one on the right? She is twice as made up and still doesn't look as good
>Face it tiger *rolls eyes* you hit the "jackpot"
that isn't MJs personality
>hating Toby and dunst
Fuck right off
she a man
It bugs the shit out of me, and I'm literally non-white and I don't even live in America (though I am a citizen).
I need muh MJ as a redhead, but you know even beyond her being Black I dislike how she played her.
MJ is supposed to the rad party girl 10/10 who Peter has no chance with except she's also a soulful moody girl.
This is not the MJ who will stay with Peter after their mutual friend dies and Pete says "Fuck you MJ bet you didn't even like her"
What the fuck is Chanel?
I thought that person was some tranny, but it's supposed to be a girl?
Why can't white people be attracted to white people of the opposite sex in films anymore?
because NY and America is more diverse, so they need to reach a bigger audience. It just makes sense, and I say this as something of a White Nationalist
It's a designer fashion label like Gucci or Kate Spade.
Daily reminder that this is your Scorpion
Black people and most Hispanic people don't pay for movies in theaters.
Hey [B]eter
Scorpion fucking sucks, I hope he wont be a main villain in the next flick
Nacho is cool though.
doesn't matter. They want to try and broaden their audience as much as possible. People like seeing their identities and people they can relate to on film, race is part of that.
White people have an identity and are a majority in the country, yet the films cast is primarily brown.
would suck the farts straight from the asshole of every single one of those girls
you are a man of refined tastes
>White people have an identity
they are the only ones that are asked to repress and to not consciously express it.
>are a majority in the country
Not in Manhattan
>the films cast is primarily brown.
the core cast of characters(Parker, Stark, and Vulture) are all white.
I don't like it either, but I understand why Sony would want to do it
Not watching this movie because Mary Jane is a white redhead not black.
>inb4 thats a dumb reason to not watch a movie
If Black Panther or Falcon had been white the movie would be boycotted. Mary Jane is a character, a WHITE character, I'm tired of all this political shit being shoved down our throats and this is as good a reason as any to quit Marvel.
Haven't liked any of their movies since Ant Man anyway
You should watch it for Keaton.
No. Fuck it I'm done.
How is it political you moron?
Not wrong, Garlfield and Stone had miles better chemistry than Maguire and Dunst. Also their characters' romance was objectively better.
>dude just turn off your brain lmao
What's the point? Why?
How the fuck is changing the race of one of the most iconic female chatacters in the comic franchise in a irl political climate of racist-trump and blm not a political statement?
Are you serious?
There is outcry when white people portray certain characters but not when white characters are portrayed by brown people. That is why it's political. But you knew that didn't you?
Andrew Garfield was a better Spiderman than Tobey Maguire, better actor overall as well.
Because its more inclusive to blacks and less racist? Are you racist or something?
Just the jew reminding the white man that his final hour is coming.
I think it just comes down to the fact that Maguire was asked to portray an autistic Peter Parker
>and straight?
>tranny chaser
pick one
Don't be a retard. They're pandering to tumblrinas because they haven't caught on yet that yt comments and blogs don't actually translate to sales.
The comics already know as much and flatly said progressives don't give a damn about actually buying comic books even when they're pandered to so they that shit is going to stop.
Maybe the movies will follow but who knows.
>*groans* could you just face it, tiger? You just hit the jackpot and you should check your priviledge
So with all the Blacked on Sup Forums everyone would want her to be super WW redhead
Do you know what political means lmao?
>cries out about black actress playing white comicdrawing
>there is no outcry
And that doesn't make a black actress portraying a white drawing political.
in a irl political climate of racist-trump and blm every black person is a political statement in support of this regardless of whether or not they talk about politics let alone HOW they comment on it
Your brain on/pol/
looks like chloe moretz and that valet kids lovechild
>Do you know what political means lmao?
Do you?
Vaas is the shit though. Great in Far Cry 3, also like his character in Better Call Saul.
This. She's no mary jane though.
But Mac Gargan is literally the opposite of a manlet mexican.
It's one of the reasons why the Venom symbiote left Eddie Brock and went to Mac
>because they haven't caught on yet that yt comments and blogs don't actually translate to sales.
They already know, but are still trying to force it
Mac started out as a pathetic manlet before he got jacked on scorpioroids
ya but I doubt they'll go that route with Nacho's Scorpion.
This is the same studio that brought us this Rhino.
Daily reminder that you should genuinely be excited for this
just proves that 2d > 3d
You are very poor.
I liked her character way more than Liz who was soooooo fucking bland. And what the fuck was up with asian manlet Flash?
he's literally a mayan from Guatemala
He's still too manlet to be the Flash. I liked him in Grand Budapest Hotel. Real odd to see him play a dickhead.