Its a making fun of sjw scene

>its a making fun of sjw scene

Other urls found in this thread:

this entire show is about making fun of SJWs

man, animation was beautiful back in the day. what the hell happened to cartoons.

I love that audience.

Man, that was mildly arousing.

liberals and sjw's happened.

Nothing is as hand drawn as it used to be

I thought johnny was a parody of the average narcissistic meathead?

I never understood why girls would straight up assault Johnny in the retool.

A real comedy show is able to make fun of both sides

Johnny is a parody of meatheads. The woman in OP's video is a parody of bitter women. But OP is a retard and just wants to start a SJW hate thread because he can't keep his shit on Sup Forums.

>its a sjw pandering episode
>Literally nothing was learned in the end

>Strong womyn detected

>If he doesn't wanna discuss SJWs 24/7 then he must be one of them

Eat a dick, nigger.

>Waaaah he's from Sup Forums
Obvious SJW is obvious. Everyone hates your kind

Gonna need to put that gun on safety, SJW

He was a jerk, sellfish, idotic dork who still lives with his mom.

Why is so hard to understand why woman reject him? The show aways made it clear.

He always talks about himself, he tries to hit every girl he see and is almost aways sellfish and impolite.

If you think that jumping to hold a stranger and tryng to kiss her is a way to get a woman, you must be awkward as hell

>complains that I used the Sup Forums strawman
>continues to use the sjw strawman

Pepper spray, I understand, but they literally try to brake this guy's BONES.

It's a cartoon. Physical violence means absolutely nothing. Another episode has Johnny survive a plane crash with no damage whatsoever.

It's just a cartoon. It was meant to be funny. Why people today argue about political views on a cartoon that even kids could understand?

The girls where exaggerated, Jonny was exaggerated. The creators just wanted to be funny. Was not about propaganda of any kind direct to any group, just humor.

>If you think that jumping to hold a stranger and tryng to kiss her is a way to get a woman, you must be awkward as hell
Or chad

Thats the point, even a Chad would be slapped from a girl who is not a complet slutt by doing this. This is basic social etiquette since... Ever!