Trump got BTFOed by two muslims

>Attack hard-working harvard law school graduated lawer and his son who died for United States of America
>Trump's policy was 100% BTFOed by only two muslims

I keked so hard. racists always lose at last. (look at Hitler :3)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the constitution means you have to let in everyone at any time or you are racist

I must have missed that part.

>do not accept any muslims immigrants!
>there are muslims who contribute to american society

haha. what is the point?

LOL Trump got stumped by a Muslim admit it.

>American got BTFOed by two mudslimes
Religion of peace!

>lawyer from harvard
>hard working

>I can't understand how hard to get into harvard law school

hello. is your trading "degree" worth having?

We have your twitter shill

How's that welfare check working out?

How do you become a Hillary shill? I need some extra money.

>muslims who contribute to american society

by spreading Sharia law and demanding even more Muslims to come it

>racists always lose
It's been fun, Japan.

>minority status

Didn't his son join the military to get away from him because he fucking hated him?


Who send the muslim to the war?

Oh! was hillary clinton shill.

Phyiscs, PhD candidate. Got accepted for grad school at Dartmouth and Harvard. Turned them both down because it turns out they're full of pretentious, liberal twats who give you never ending shit if you actually earned your way in instead of getting in on legacy. Had grad visits at each, and in both cases the moment the other grad students found out I was middle class I suddenly became "untouchable" for the rest of the tour. Christ at Dartmouth some of the faculty even started shunning me.

Ended up in Georgia. Doesn't have the name recognition but it has research I actually enjoy doing and is full of rag-tag laid-back bros. Fuck the Ivy League cunts.

I wouldn't be surprised

Muslim Taqiyya by pretending to care about the constitution is far more effective than suicide bombing.

In the end he knows we'll all be under Shariah one way or another. For fucks sake we already have Olympic athletes wearing Hijabs

Gee thanks dad

>'Dangerous' Trump: 50 key Republicans sign letter warning against candidate
>National security and foreign policy officials from GOP administrations dating back decades say candidate would be history’s ‘most reckless’ US president


>who died for United States of America

lolno, he died to fill the pockets of a handful of Neocon kikes that are not stupid enough to send their own sons..

>Trump would be a reckless president
>Not the woman who spent her entire tenure as Secretary of State mishandling classified intel and overthrowing the elected governments of other nations.





doesn't make him any better.

He died so that Neocons could justify their salaries

I can't think of a single bad Trump foreign policy position

The fact neocons like Shillary hate him is proof of that. It's funny how Europeans used to hate Neocons before Iraq but now they love them because "muh Obama"

>Claims Trump doesn't know yhe constitution

>was actually wrong about Trump being unable to ban foreign Muslims

this retard says that he's going to defeat isis without ground troops using a "secret plan" he can't reveal, and deluded fucks like you actually believe him

No one cares what Khan said because he's Muslim and not "white." His criticism of Trump carries very little weight among non-SJW people.

SJWs may be thinking Khan was effective, but he wasn't.

Trump has more white vets, white gold star families on his side. And this election is about white people.

Khan may have agitated the Muslims and extremely left wing liberals.

Khan probably got Trump the Indian vote. Indians hate Pakistanis.

And that Seddique Mateen, the Orlando shooter's father, showed up a Hillary Clinton rally.

Next thing we need is Seddique Mateen and Omar Mateen shaking hands with Khizr Khan and Hillary Clinton.

Trump donated to NAMBLA as well

>This is the third time now America has been absolutely blown the fuck out by a muslim

At least this time didn't involve 3000 people dying like the first one.

What's on the minds of voters?

- Economy
- Terrorism

How is some angry Pakistani guy gonna change my views or my interests?

I don't care what he says.

- still believe in Muslim terrorists
- still believe in gun rights
- still believe Trump is better for the economy.

Go away Reddit. trying to create a meme.

t. 30k/year

>there are muslims who contribute to american society
whoa there, not everyone considers slaughtering faggots a contribution to society

>"secret plan" he can't reveal,

It's called "not funding them anymore" i.e. what Obama has been doing the last 5 years

Khan is an agent for foreign powers, and an advocate of Sharia Law.

You have not BTFO of anyone or anything, other than yourselves.

Americans are learning the truth: Hillary is a traitor. This is why the polls are being falsified, because there establishment realizes they have lost popular support.

Hillary is also old, tired, and very sick. She should be in nursing care, not the White House.

Cool dude

The Khan guys law firm handles taxes and immigration. He specializes in wealthy Muslim immigrants.

The guy also went on Pakistani TV and claimed Allah is making Trump stumble.

Khan is pretty full of himself.

Hillary appears to have found the Muslim version of the Israeli lobby to help her steal an election.

Muslims seem to be pouring money into her campaign.

koch brothers give people luekimia

Yeah dude youre the epic smart redpilled based racist white guy that posts on Sup Forums like half the board right?

>im not gonna go to an ivy league school becauses of these god damn libs!!!!!!!

I learned that early Americans banned Catholics in high school, openly discriminated against them.

The constitution wasn't written by people who wouldn't ban religions. They totally would.

you weren't allowed into the country if you weren't white

The US was explicitly made for whites, and yet somehow that's "unconstitutional"

Hell Thomas Jefferson went to war with mudshits because they were enslaving so many white Americans.

why white? first nations ain't white so your 'constitutional' gibberish failled before columbus found a place where all people of the world could create the mongrels you are today. why can't you get over it?

Say something in Japanese, proxy shill