Why do Canadians have an "american accent"

Why do canadians have sound more like americans in the way we speak and our pronunciations?

Sure we are neighbours. But canada is a country historically loyal to britain and the crown, just like austrailia. And most canadians are descendants of brits. So why dont we have a british / austrailian type accent?

How did this happen?

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From inhaling all that smoke from the burning white house

ignore the word have in ny first paragraph.

Because you are a nation of cucks.

I think most people see you as americans so whatever

You don't have any culture of your own or anything, just northern americans

you guys don't have your own culture so you just copy the nearest thing

Genie Bouchard thread?

I've heard British people claim that American English has been corrupted by French. Canadian English probably more so.

Because you wish you were us. Please stop appropriating my culture. It's offensive and your PM would not be happy with you offending anyone.

because your next to them
not that hard to work out why

a mexican fucked a Puerto rican and thats how u get a Canadian.

Because canada was settled by American loyalists

Why does this Canadian sound almost like a Southerner?

where did the southern accent come from?

i'm from utah, but every once in a while a southern twang appears out of nowhere.

British accents happened after Canada/us became countries. The UK changed dramatically, the colonies changed less. American English sounds more like what the original British accent was.

This, most fled to Canada to escape persecution, the separatists were quite nasty to loyalists.

You have a slight variation, I've noticed that you actually do say "Aboot" like the Scottish do. It's weird and not even a meme.

>This myth again
No user. And England has many many accents, not just RP.

And to answer your question, the reason why you sound like us is because most of you guys live very close to us. But I can tell a bit of an accent when you guys say a-boat instead of about.


Didn't the French hold most of the South? I forget which territories they had.

Because in the 16th to 17th century during canadian colonization and expansion by the british and french of the fur trade, leafboys had to grow up knowing proto-american english, british english, french and several native american languages. The real american melting pot.

Aussies only had kangaroos and abbos to talk to so of course they sound british.

It's not a myth. Ask any linguist.

We're close to Scotland and Wales, we don't sound like them. So try again.

No they held the west but the only part of it that was populated was Louisiana. Thats why they have the ridiculous accent down there.

Depends where you are. Toronto meme lords sound like any other American cunt. Newfies sound fucked but that's the heavy Scot/Ire influence with a decent amount of french.

Ottawa valley where I am is pretty identifiable as well for the same reasons.

It probably came from the inbred Scots-Irish settlers that had trouble speaking English

If your way of thinking held weight at all then England would have the same dialects up and down the country when really we are the country most observable on planet Earth as having the widest and most diverse arrangement of regional dialects within the shortest distances of each other.

lets be serious for a moment

Canada isn't really a sovereign nation at most it's a territory for various other countries like UK, US and France. It has no culture it created itself.

The English used to speak more like Anglo North Americans. They only started speaking with a non-rhotic accent in the early 1800s.

> t. Sven Jensen

It is a fucking myth, there would be remnants of the old world accent here, there isn't any at all. During language evolution words and syntax simplifies over time, your words have simplified, we say "colour" you say "color" that is a sign of simplification, which means your language is the one that evolved and ours hasn't. So fuck off with your bullshit myth.

You sound more like them than you do to Americans or Canadians. At least to Americans and Canadians. Great Britain had a much longer period of linguistic isolation between regions than the Americas did.

Complete fucking nonsense but yanks love to perpetuate this stupid ass myth for some reason


This is how you guys sound

More likely all that smoke from toronto.

will blonde female canadian tennis ball player ever win?

You're telling me that the English sound like the Welsh and Scots?

Have you listened to the Welsh or Scots?

They have their own fucking languages lol. Real languages, not made up ones like Cornish or Irish Gaylick. Actually Scots is a bit of a fake one but still.

Wywywywyywydysydysydysywywywyyw is hello in Welsh btw.

because america too is historically also a decent if Britain

No. American English is more closely related to traditional English than British English. The Brits had some schoolboys go to Italy often and they inherited some characteristics pf Italian into their English. Canadian English is has more Scottish influence though.

But didn't stay a part of the British Empire as long as Canada


>We all sound like the Queen

They also have less niggers and Mexicans than you do.

So that helps.

>American English is more closely related to traditional English than British English
hahahahahahahahah, no

You don't have an American accent. Canadians look, and sound like faggots.

No I'm telling you that the Welsh and Scottish English accents sound more like an ...English accent than the do American or Canadian. Only 20% of Welsh people actually speak Welsh, the rest of them sound pretty fucking English.

Again, the America's have only been speaking English for a few hundred years and during those few hundred years people have mostly been free to move around the continent, thus our accents are mostly similar.

In great britain there were 1000 years of linguistic isolation you have more accent variation there, but it all sounds different from the American accent.

This word is only used by Americans and it doesn't explain why Canadians sound like us. They spell almost the same way as Brits

us americans used to sound kind of silly: mid-atlantic accent


I think they're little cutie pies that need love and hugs.

So fuck off.

wanna go oot fer a rip there ey bud?

>inbred Scots-Irish settlers

Oh the same ones who pretty much made America.

>hey guys, am i cool yet? do i fit in yet? xD

He's right, though. Some hick from Appalachia sounds more like Lord Cornwallis did than Cameron does, for instance.


They only made up the South and they are dumb enough to where they describe themselves as ethnically American. Lol

We sound much more like americans than we do brits/aussies. You are retarded if you dont think this

oat* close there bud. Also you overused the eh eh

And Im sure your the shinning beacon of prosperity in America you fucking yankee bitch.

Also this.


Canadian english is written like brits because we were governed by britain. Its spoken like american english because thats what it is. English Canada was primarily populated by loyalists fleeing the states as refugees. The dialects diverged a bit over time, but not by too much.

Why yes I am

Right, I follow but I think many would disagree with you. When people hear a Welshman speak they hear something different to what they would hear when they hear the Queen speak. The differences in accent are more noticeable. See most people get Americans and Canadians confused with one another because there's not a great deal of variation between your accents except the subtle "aboot" I mentioned earlier and certain phrases that actually do sound quite British than American.

It's one example of how words simplify when a language undergoes an evolution. You compact words and phrases in order to remember them easier, the English language underwent this change, although it took around 1000 years. Just going back to this posters point.

We never had 1000 years of linguistic isolation, we had Celtic languages, we had the Heptarchy which brought in Germanic languages and Nordic languages, then the Norman invasion brought over Latinised language and French etc.

Most people here over the centuries spoke more than one language. America is actually linguistically isolated, one could argue that you speak Spanish and have that influence but you haven't been exposed to it for a prolonged period of time for it to actually have any kind of effect on your language, what did the Native Americans sound like when they spoke?

I'm curious because I think that is what's had the biggest effect on the American and Canadian accents, see Brits allied with the majority of the Native American tribes and were on good terms with them. I'm guessing that's where the accent really comes from, from the mingling, studying and trade relationships with the Natives long before the Pilgrims settled in America. Just a guess. I'd guess the same phenomenon happened in Australia and New Zealand as well and Canada.

this countries have their own people with their own traditions
a fucking leaf is just usa 2.0 - no nationalism edition


Ooga booga were da white wimminz at?

Isn't American English just the English spoken in the 18th century? Just like Quebecois is French from the 18th century, and Afrikaans is more or less Dutch from the 17th century?

kek people say that the brazilian portuguese today is closer to the 1500s portuguese than the current portuguese from portugal.

t. 90 iq mestizo porkchop rape baby

Ok, so than I think that we are in agreement for the most part. Canadians and US Americans sound similar because of proximity as well as isolation from other English speaking populations. In answer to the original question, (why Canadians don't sound British given their loyalty to GB for a long time) I would say it is because regardless of their loyalty to GB, the US has been their biggest trading and business partner for most of our shared existence.

Don't make fun of our hat.

No. American english is a separate dialect that separated from british english, not the other way around.

Canadian french is how people from Northern France spoke a few hundred years ago, the isolation meant it never changed.

"sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" - Brasssssssilan portuguese

The English accent has changed in the past couple of centuries. The English speakers in cuckland and hamerica have not changed their accents.

It's really not.

Also why do Australians and New Zealanders sound similar, a bit like the Canadian and American phenomenon we're discussing here. Most ignore that but I'm pretty certain if you were blindfolded and an Aussie and a Kiwi were speaking you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between their accents because the variation is much less pronounced than the American and Canadian accents. No offense to the Aussies or Kiwi's you have nice accents but I struggle to separate the pair of you, you sound that fucking similar, it's scary actually.

My point, is that they have both been exposed to Polynesian natives that also sound like they do, if you hear a Maori speak he sounds like a Kiwi, if you hear an Aboriginal speak, he has the Aussie accent, only much stronger. And yet Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand and every other territory of ours all has different accents with the same common theme, they are or were exposed to the Natives of that land.

Britain? We haven't had that exposure so our accent is as it is, it's the same but our descendants across the world are all different sounding.

Another dent to your myth. So fuck off.

Bud the closest you can get to a british accent in north america is newfoundland. Tell me newfies sound like theyre speaking anything remotely close to english and ill eat my hat.

Which English accent has changed exactly?

Because there is more than one Hameed you fucking retard.

No, because she found out it'seasier to profit from being pretty than by working hard as an athlete and winning.


People live in Newfoundland?

I already covered the fleeing Americans leaving the US states to Canada.

I'm arguing with a retard that thinks the American accent today is the original English accent when it really fucking isn't.

Probably because of the television.

Not people. Newfies. 50 percent cod. 50 percent irish.

>a fucking triggered leaf

>american education
^^^^^^^All you needed to say m8

ssssssssssssssorry ssssssspic

He was sitting cross legged in that photo if you can believe it.

The UK and Africa

It aboot you hoser maybe get out of the hayouse once in a while?

I like the Southern accent, it's pleasant to the ears. Relaxing, the Irish accent is also relaxing.

Don't know why.

It's fine lad. I forget is Labrador just ocean or is it land as well, I can't access a map right now and my memory is frazzled.

The more important question is how is it that we can determine the race of someone especially in America after only hearing their voice and not seeing their face?

we don't speak like snakes wtf

Turns out without the burden of Culture you can rule the world. You should try it some time

>And most canadians are descendants of brits.
Most Canadians are descendants of Muslims now, friend. Get your shit right.

Portuguese really does sound Slavic, it sounds like some Russian speaking a weird Spanish dialect but with a Russian accent. It's extremely weird.

Newfoundland is the island with the fishpeople.
Labrador is the chunk of the mainland attached to northern Quebec. Theres also the Labrador sea/strait in between the island and the mainland.

>Calls himself an American
>He isn't nationalist enough to make American and ethnicity.
Get the fuck out my country you traitor.

But you have a culture though.

Irish sound more like Americans than proper (southern) English

>the mestisssssso has a trudeau folder

carnival? Maybe he can ssssshow you his ssssssnake.


Thank you for clearing that up, and top lel, fish people.

It's like Northern Scotland, fish people. Hahahahaha

Bitch please I bet you don't even own a fingerbox.

I own several, one's from Nazi Germany

Romanian's even weirder if you speak any Romance language. It's just strange hearing a slav trying to speak anything resembling Latin.

the muzzies here are honest to God relatively subdued as of right now. Aside form the 30k migrants living off of guaranteed welfare from now on thanks to current year boy.

Yes but not pt-br.
there's a video of putin and other russian people that sound like they are speaking random phrases of PT-PT
