>be a fat scientist
>Have metal arms grafted onto my back
>This somehow allows me to take full on punches from a guy who can stop cars with his bare hands.
Be a fat scientist
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Spidey is always holding back because's a hero, if he was serious he would've killed most of the villains in the series.
Yeah it's pretty unrealistic.
>it's another "bitching about realism in a film full of BS" thread
But seriously anyone who actually considers this a valid complaint should kill themselves.
That part where he threw the car at Peter and MJ through the window was highly questionable though since he isn't supposed to know that he's spiderman.
I think I thought about this watching the movie when I was a teenager, was it autism?
he did some boxing in college
>Being this mad
Was it autism?
He is a scientist. he probably created some kind of serum that gave him strength
In the movies we are shown that the arms are fused to his spine and have a clear effect on his nervous system and thinking. His arms which contained the most advanced A.I. were controlling him after he survived a direct blast from a miniature sun. You tried to pick a nitpick but it's clear you didn't pay attention to the film you autistic memelord
>All of these words and you still couldn't explain why a normal human skull, containing a normal human brain could take a blow from a superstrength arm with 0 ill effects.
he was fat in the cartoon, smart guy
I was more upset about the little sun he built having such a strong magnetic pull that street signs and cars on the other side of the river were pulled/bent towards it, but the crumbling steel/iron building around it was fine until the plot needed it to buckle slightly.
Lol, I'd never thought about that.
Seriously, why didn't spidey just manage to knock him out when he had the chance. The raimi Spider-Man is strong as fuck
>managed to stop a train
>stopped and held a huge piece of metal from falling on mj
>held a gondola with one arm in the first movie
Beating doc ock should be no problem
What's your point?
Imagine taking a metal baseball bat to the head but it's operated by a machine that has the strength of 20 men
Imagine getting spider powers from a spider bite.
The physics are established though when he dents reinforced steel with his hands.
1) Spidey holds back punches so he doesn't shatter people's skulls
2) The tentacles were directly linked to his brain, it's very easy to assume they kept him conscious through such blows, as they were highly intelligent and controlled his emotions and thought processes.
>spiderman doesn't kill
>arms can move even while unconscious, so his body can basically be a punching bag
>spiderman also realizes the doctor was being controlled by his arms and convinces the doctor to resist their influence and sacrifice his life at the end
are you seriously asking why spiderman didn't cave the man's head in? fucking retard you clearly didn't watch the movie.
Controlling someone's brain and nervous system doesn't make them impervious to blows user.
If you're going to get brain damage, you're going to get it regardless of who's in control.
>spiderman also realizes the doctor was being controlled by his arms and convinces the doctor to resist their influence and sacrifice his life at the end
Show me where he realises this during their first fight... I'll wait.
No, you're right, but we've now idea how well Parker pulls his punches, only that he does so he doesn't obliterate other human beings. It's never established in the movies, which I do think should be something they address finally but they've been over it in the comics.
>Spider-man makes a man sacrifice himself
he punches a lot of criminals during the trilogy though. Not once does he ever kill anyone, so it's safe to say he goes into a fight aiming to immobilize, not kill. you truly have autism.
>Have metal arms grafted onto my back
you could have stopped there if your looking for flawes
why doesn't doc ock just tentacle rape mary jane?
Because he wasn't the bad guy, watch it again
>goes to make Peter help him get Spider-Man
>ends up killing Peter by crushing him with a flying car
>Shit, what did Harry say as I was leaving? Hurt Peter? Don't Not Hurt Peter?
I'm not talking about killing people you fucking dolt. Everyone he hits is incapacitated in some form or another, whereas fat metal arm man can brush it off like it's nothing.
Try watching the movies again and this time don't spend half the time playing on your phone sweetie
It's time to dock the doc cock
more like doc cuck
so your question is now
>Why can't peter knock out doc ock with a punch like he does with other people?
maybe because he is being controlled by giant metal tentacles that can move even when the doc is unconscious.
Peter has a no kill rule.
in the comic we discover that his ex wife died from aids...
The 80s were pretty dark
But he doesn't get knocked out by the punch. I could understand if doc ock was just flopping about and the arms did all the work (like when he's under anesthetic).
The fact still remains he was able to take a superstrength punch despite being a normal human man.
Not bad.
Not all metals are affected by magnets
Why did the robo arms need AI anyway?
How could he even support the weight of the arms?
this is why the first one is better, no major plotholes
why would he get knocked out if he has two brains controlling his body user? his human brain could in theory get rocked by a punch while still being visibly awake because now the AI is in control. They even talk about this in the scene before the explosion where his wife dies.
Underrated sarcasm.
Raimi was a fan of the more cheesy early comics, where that sort of logic was perfectly okay. It's just campy fun.
jesus Raimi
If you can accept that a little genetic modification of Peters DNA can somehow make his muscles stronger than normal, why can't you accept the fact that a AI could also manipulate Doc Ocs nervous system and perhaps even genetic code?
is it okay if I phrase it as "it's just fun campiness"? Camp is sort of Raimi's thing.
>stupid shit is okay when my favored director does it
Got it.
So you're telling me that the rusting, decrepit warehouse was made out of aluminum?