Miss me yet?
Miss me yet?
do you think he hates having made star wars?
Yeah, those billions of dollars are a burden.
do you think that actors and directors do their job for money as their prime objective?
George does.
He probably enjoyed making movies and making billions of it, but then the years went by...
oh. are they still making star wars movies? i stopped caring after Force Awakens.
That fanbase is a burden.
>Miss me yet?
I hear your wife calling; doesn't she want you to write a live action version of "Cleveland" or some shit? Better get on that. Nice to see ya, George.
Do we really HAVE to have this thread everyday George?
Only with my car when you were too quick crossing. Next time George.
Just because Disney Star Wars is garbage in an unoriginal way doesn't mean the Prequels weren't absolute garbage in an albeit more original way.
The Original Trilogy is the only good Star Wars. There's really no reason to pretend anything else is worthwhile.
Well, he did try something different with the prequels. They weren't good movies by any means, but at least he did try to do something else than just carbon copies of his old works.
What I really do miss is, that he never did end up doing those experimental movies he so often talked about. It would have been interesting to see him doing something in the vein of THX1138.
They would have ended up crashing and burning as well, I assume, but maybe he could have tapped that nihilistic 1970's sci-fi vein once more.
Yeah. At least his shitty movies was original. (even though the rhymed like pottery at times)
A year ago I would say no, but now after seeing what Disney has done to star wars, yes. At least Lucas wouldn't make any more shitty movies and would let it eventually die with dignity.
Depends who, scum like JJ Abrams do it only for the money and fame. George is the opposite, he is an auteur, he funded a small film studio with Coppola to make independent films but it went bankrupt after THX. Then he made a fortune by accident with Star Wars.
George put all his money to produce ESB. Had the film been a failure he would have been finished. I guess that's why his cunt of a wife divorced him. She was afraid of him gambling his money on his dream projects, she took half his fortune and we never heard of her again.
He probably regrets it. he was already a billionaire but giving away the thing that made your success is priceless and he can never get it back.
this is all the fans fault though.
>George Lucas is an auteur
Have you watched THX 1138 you fucking retard ?