Americans are so Dumb


There are mass shootings every day in the U.S. because of your disgusting outdated gun laws. Why don't you guys just ban guns and be safe like Mexico and Europe? Morons, I tell ya.

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just look up the homicide rates in america and then compare them to ANY european country with strict gun laws you deluded moron

Like France for example? A gun-free paradise, free of hate.

You will never take guns away from the poor workers.

B-but those taco niggers'll rape my ma!

dude come on you're not even trying to troll, look at the fucking filename, you're only using a single layer of irony.. jesus christ man you're like a little baby

Do you know how many shills are here lately? C'mon dude pick up your game, they're actually trying because they're getting paid. Try harder, shit's low energy.

If you want a bump you've got to earn it cause all you're getting now is a sage.

>save like Mexico


Why shit on America's guns and not Switzerland's guns?

Looks like they needed more guns.

>safe like Mexico
Good one.

Actually, white parts of USA have the same crime rates as Europe. It's the gangs that do majority of homicides in Murica.

BTW, our coutry has the most lax gun laws in Europe, yet we are safer than western europe.

Go figure, Hans.

That's not what irony is.
here you go
united states:3,9
france: 1,2

>shooting hot chicas

Dat filename tho

seems like you dont know shit about switzerland

Banning guns would be a horrible scenario. People who aren't registered gun owners aren't going to just turn in their fucking gun.

High crime rates occur near inner city areas. People in inner city areas are the ones who are most likely not registered gun owners . So you are stripping responsible gun owners of their weapons while giving the criminals a more successful platform to inflict their agenda on other communities. Good luck.


No thanks I'll take freedom, but good luck with slavery and Achmed raping your sisters.

>all that lack of obesity

well for a random selection of young female adults at least mexico doesn't seem to be doing so bad for it's health

Would you do us a favor and die for being a shilling, shitposting faggot?

If you dont like the laws, then down own a weapon. Simple as that.

Also, post your address so that people can send you congratulatory cards and such.

Get mad gun grabbing jew.

What did she mean by this?

Is it wrong that this image gave me a boner?

How often with how many proxies will you start this thread?


>implying that means anything

You are really comparing the USA with random EU countries as if the only differences are gun laws?

You moron. The USA is a world apart, anyone that has visited it will understand what I'm talking about.

We would have low homicide rate in Europe with or without strict gun laws.

Reminder that the amount of gun homicides has gone down every single year for many years, more than 50% of all gun deaths are suicides, and if you don't count niggers in gun homicide statistics the numbers are lower than many European countries.

Is this a troll or poorly executed satire? I've not had any coffee yet this morning.

How much does a mexican hooker charge for rape+murder?

>when u dont have any arguments

I'm going with the latter

I have bad news for you user...


It's satire.

Black on black crime is a white myth to allow cops to keep shooting backs... hurrr durr.


are you trying to be ironic?

>Safe like Mexico
>And Europe
>Gets mad at OP

Seriously is this your first day here Achmed?

>Spics kills teenagers



they don't look so healthy

>There are mass shootings every day in the U.S.

A nigger shooting up the block is not a mass shooting


Yeah man it's these dumb kids, think it's so edgy... Faggots not even old enough to own a gun

Why didn't they have guns to shoot back? It's their own fault.

meh. its mostly from the nogs. white america doesnt really have a problem with guns. it is the thugs and gangstas causing these stats, if BLM doesn't give a fuck about em then we shouldnt either.

a single American getting shot is a mass shooting

My word, the jews sure are ramping up the anti-gun threads on this site.

I think the little hebbies are getting scared those guns are gonna be turned on them real soon....

apart from the lead overdose, I think they've got some admirable body fat percentages

>It's satire.

Wrong. I just want America to be as safe as Mexico. Mr. And Ms. America, turn in your guns!!


Yes, Well done op, however...

>euro country
>compared to the fucking size of USA
The USA is the equivalent of Europe, asshat. Are you sure you Euros are getting any education at all? I have to actually refute my own point because every time this topic comes up, your ass gets taken to school.

Mexico isn't safe.

Shootings is one way to implement population control, sometimes they are late abortions.

jup i agree, i feel kinda bad for the gun owners in merica who are using guns with responsibility and still getting all that hate from liberals

>Mexico isn't safe.

That is the point Lars. The liberals and the international cucks are sobbing for us to turn in our guns, but that is what Mexico did, and we don't want to go there.

But until we build time machines to retroactively stop them, the number of gun crimes will always be increasing. This is just a test of basic logical thinking that as usual half the country failed.

There is a huge difference between swiss and american people. Poverty doesn't really exist in Switzerland as it exists in the USA with homeless people. People with mental issues are taken cared of here, while in the USA they are let wandering by themselves in the street. It is also in the culture to be discrete and quiet, while americans are show-off and obnoxious. Overall, swiss people are more responsible and more psychologically stable than americans. Also, there IS gun control here, you can't just go to a gunshop and buy a gun.
>tl:dr: there are far more crazies in the USA, that's why there should be a very strict gun control.

you dont know how such statistics work, do you? they are being measured per 100 000 inhabitants so it doesnt have anything to do with a high population or
>big country
you idiot

Le Bill of Needs rite guys?

But the guns in mexico are FROM the usa.... their stupid gun control crosses borders

Posting the censored version...

Yes, you can see that very clearly by looking at the core samples that have been bored out

Guns are not very rare here either. Most probably have a gun hidden somewhere. At least my grandfather stashed guns all over the place. The difference is that we're not using them. Have you considered getting rid of niggers instead?

and yet americans still bring up the "muh swiss people can also buy/own guns and it works there" argument


How about parts per nigger?

Because they do most of the shootings and mass shootings

why did the qts get kill.. :*(

The one on the right has a nice ass tho. More pics?

Of course we do. Swiss and America are the best examples of countries who cannot be cucked.

And yes Americans are loud and obnoxious, but Swiss are also autistic and superiour. Nobody is perfect, but the US/SWISS examples are uncucked countries who cannot be genocided like some countries??? You know any like that Hans????

If the guns get taken away you will still bitch about stabbings and blunt weapons killing people.

No correlation.

In your face faggot.

i dont speak tacorunes

Now deduct niggers and gun crime is on par with most European countries except we actually have freedom.

Not to mention while gun ownership is skyrocketing... violent crime is actually decreasing.

Checkmate Eurofag. Go suck Merkels cock.

so tldr from google translate i think is 4 dumb drug addicts got caught working as police informants. k less sad now ty

You lack the ability to think logically lmao.

Do you even know how many estmated guns there are in the US?

god that is a nice piece of ass that was lost.

Those are not Americans.

Las cuatro mujeres asesinadas, Ana Kelly Martins, 20; Mylleide Morgana Lagario de 19; Sinara Monteiro, 16 y Rayane Kelly, 15, eran consumidores de drogas. Según se informa en la acción, siempre estaban juntas y las dos más jóvenes, salieron con dos menores implicados en el crimen.

Como se informó por los autores de la masacre, en una de las visitas Sinara y Rayana a la casa de Paul, la víctima le pasó el teléfono a uno de los acusados para escuchar una canción. Al manipular el dispositivo se dio cuenta de un mensaje que aparentemente habría sido enviada a un oficial de policía. En el texto de la niña dijo: “Estoy en un lugar indebido con personas inadecuadas y no te puedo contestar.”

Los delincuentes han contactado a la persona y reconoció la voz de un policía que trabajaba en la región. Al día siguiente, los tres salieron con las jóvenes en una discoteca Set Vera Cruz 1, e invitó a seguir la fiesta en otro lugar. Fueron conducidos a la escena del crimen donde fueron ejecutados con disparos en la cabeza.

Can't tell if this is satire or not.
If not check the Juarez murder rate.
>highest anywhere in the world

Be safe like Mexico? LOL

Those guns sure saved France, Germany and Belgium from those mass shooters.

Waste of good prostitutes if you ask me

That list is a complete garbage. That number for our country at least is a total lie.

This would make a great Make America Mexico Again banner.

Based Karl Marx

regardless of what people like to try and have you believe. america has tons of gun laws. gun control out the ass already. you cant just "go to the gun store and buy a gun" you have to have a permit pass background checks etc. now if you get a gun illegally. thats not something we can exactly control. making it illegal is about as far as you can go.the amount of hoops you gotta jump through to get a gun is pretty high as is.

This. Inner cities would literally turn into African warlord areas, if legal gun owners were punished and had their guns taken away.

Just look at all of the Democrat run cities that have strong gun laws as an example, and multiply that level of chaos by a minimum of three, considering the national guard would be too busy fending off encroaching nations trying to exploit our chaos.

>Los delincuentes
>delinquent cunts
spanish is pretty easy

Funny, your photo is entitled "Mex Corpse Dump". Troll lol lol lol lol


If you don't like getting shot that much why don't you just move to a country with different gun laws?

Dumping corpses in the street is basically the every-day normal in a gun-control paradise like Mexico bro.

why the fuck would you shoot chicks like that ese?


1. Not every day
2. Not just in America
3. Usually committen by religious or racial zealots. Why should we change our culture to appease mostly lawbreakers?
4. Offenders would use bombs or chemical weapons if you found a way to actually remove guns.
5. A disarmed populace is a subservient populace.
6. Police response time is 10+ minutes on average.
7. We will never surrender our ability to shoot for sport, hunt, defend ourselves and our families, keep a potentially overbearing government accountable, or follow what other nations have done simply because they say we should. It's frankly none of their fucking business what defenses a private citizen makes legal use of.

Your pic is literally titled 'Mex Corpse Dump'. Great job OP.

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for re-election and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.

Wait, so if we make owning a gun illegals this would of never happened? Why don't we just make murder illegal?

You guys have a homicide rate worse than Marseille, an islmaic shithole run by druglords and jihadists imams.

>Your pic is literally titled 'Mex Corpse Dump'. Great job OP.

Thank you. It is sad and tragic what goes on in Mexico, our neighbor, and a realized "gun control paradise"

Ban killing, so people won't ever kill again
Retard shill