Thoughts on Natasha Leggero?

Thoughts on Natasha Leggero?

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I don't understand why media keeps trying to shove Amy Schumer down our throats (who isn't funny) when Natasha's been in the game for-fucking-ever and is actually funny.

So disconnected from stand up that she didn't know Burnt Chrysler robbed a train in Russia

post a funny joke of hers

nice leaks

what leaks?

>he doesnt know

she was pretty good on pete holmes' podcast.

Chubby, middle-aged housewives need to have their laziness justified via figureheads and their insecurities pinned on others

god i want to facefuck her into oblivion

She is over 40 and doesn't have children. That tells you everything you need to know about her.

nah she looked like a leather handbag

Only retards have children.

proof; God was a jewish conspiracy

She's barren?

Definitely cucks her beta husband.

>tips fedora

What? There are plenty of couples who choose to not have kids, and live perfectly happy lives. Not everyone had to have them.

Population is getting too big anyway.

Where is the hair?

Good goy

No thoughts at all.

Just a hat!

not applicable

I like this haircut. Shame moms ruined it.

>Natasha: I was thinking today, this will be on the internet forever?
>Doug: Pretty much, yeah. Is that bad?
>Natasha: Well I was just thinking if I have a kid or something.
>Doug: What's that gonna mean?
>Natasha: Like won't they be like "Oh your mom gets high, I saw it on the internet or on the new TV"
>Doug: So you're that close to being a mom you think?
>Doug: Is that something you really want to do?
>Natasha: Oh in a couple years it will be buried.

Her joke about how mostly Mexican teenagers having toilet babies is pretty funny. It's even better when a woman gets upset and she asks if she's mad because she's a toilet baby.

lol haha teen sluts having babies, and in the toilet! so funny not like schumer at all

>american comedians

It literally isn't.

She seems fairly funny. Not that much material on youtube, from what I recall.

>converted jew

Sounds pretty based to me.

Id like to give her the ol lickaroo

what a fucking meme. only china and india is overpopulated. thats not our problem.

Because Amy Schumer has relatives in high places.

She's gay?

Say this from time to time here, you idiots have problems.

Idiots like you seem to see and think about Jews non-stop, beyond most actively practicing Jews I know.

Dog shits in your yard? Bet you think Jews
Stuck in traffic? Let me guess, Juden?
History doesn't support your worldviews? Know the answer.

Before you call my attack Jewish, let me admit I am. Doesn't make me wrong though.

I wanna stick my eggerol inbetween her legerros

Literal toilet humor, and vagina related again. Wew!


It is applicable.
Jews have been convincing the white race to not have kids far a long time now. You've fallen for the "you don't need kids, it's cheaper not to, just be children your whole lives, population is too big" Jewish meme.
The population is too big because non-whites breed like rabbits.
Then "oh no, the population is too small in the west, and to big in the 3rd world, we need more immigrants, goys"
Them bam, no more whites, the West crumbles, and Israel rules the world, where the chosen ones live out the days in gods kingdom and have the goyim as slaves, as was prophecized in the Talmud.


>Israel rules the world
I'm sure those Muslims would have a thing or two to say about that

why would I care, I'll be dead way before that.

Eurabia and The United States of Arabia would get nuked so fucking fast and exterminate the lot of them

Imagine if whites were this cuckolded 200 years ago.
We'd be fucked.

not applicable

If jewish folk hate Muslims, does that mean the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Should I embrace my Muslim brethren?
I mean, I know i'll be the first to get beheaded for my degeneracy when sharia law kicks in, but i'd much rather prefer a suicide bomber in my face than a merchants' knife in my back.


>Imagine if whites were this cuckolded 200 years ago

You mean when they went around the world colonizing shit with that ME ME ME ME ME attitude?

No, colonizing was a result of the same US US US US US attitude that gave you the comfy life you take for granted now.

Colonizing wasn't about the greater good, it was personal enrichment through conquest that motivated people to do it.

me on the right

Listened to a few episodes of her and Duncan Trussells podcast, she sounds like the basic bitch hot girl at school with no personality who somehow got into comedy.

She is shallow and boring and wouldn't be anywhere near as successful if she didn't have a pussy

Duncan would try to talk about something interesting and she would be like, "eew, that's WEIRD!!!" and try to change the subject to stupid basic bitch shit.

Bitch had her pussy wrecked by Ari Shaffirs gigantic testicles

>She has stated that a DNA test revealed 6% Sub-Saharan African ancestry
>Moshe Kasher (m. 2015)


You think individuals were colonizing countries? lmao

Most American mongrels will have some nigger in them.

no wonder she looks so good

remember ladies, its not worth having kids and ruining your looks just to please some fat spastics on an anonymous kremlin propaganda forum

She's a stable girl but she's using it to her advantage. Duncan, Ari, Moshe etc. Rogan wants to hit that too or already has.


She's a vapid whore who thinks she's deep and cultured because she doesn't like the Kardashians.

If she was black she'd be Natasha neggero

Also check out her noods

Probably in the top 3 of worst guests on Joe Rogaine's podcast

yes of course,its not like Darwinism tells us that we should procreate to survuve and that if we didnt have that instinct we wouldnt even by alive today because our species would of gone extinct.
but yeah sure breeding's stupid....

Yeah I also (((wonder why this happens)))

Her husband i've never heard about before Joe's is an insufferable pussy

fuck me that's accurate

Jewish people's greatest desire is to overcharge you for a dental appointment. Muslim people's greatest desire is to behead you and rape your family. Your call.

I'd shove my fingers up her ass if you know what I mean

You can contribute to advancing humanity without having kids. Kids only slow you down and take up valuable time.

That's a dumb fucking meme which I assumed even the most unthinking of PC normies left behind in 2010 at the latest.

Then you're working for the future of exclusively other people and their kids.
Which sounds like a cuckold thing to do.

I couldn't give one fuck if I tried, so I think I'm fine.

Did Jews force the western world to let women work?

if you were truly worth anything of value then by having kids you can advance humanity in many ways like carrying on your superior genes. and also parent the child into being highly intelligent and capable of helping further humanity more. and then repeat the process.

face it not having kids isnt a special thing to do that helps the human race.

Nor is having kids, so I don't see your point.

>white people keep falling for the same jewish tricks over and over again going back thousands of years
>arabs kicked them out immediately and took Jerusalem
>white people destroyed themselves and fought against arabs on jew orders
you guys realize this is all just going to happen again, right? No matter how many times whites try naming the jew, they always end up becoming their attack dogs. Whites are genetically predisposed to being easily fooled/subservient to the people they deem the "superior race", whereas in every other culture that is not the case.

the ride never ends.

omg how hard is this to understand,if your genes are good then having kids is objectively something u can do to help the human race because you can contribute to overwhelming the number of kids wiith bad genes and make sure that the race stay compitant.

k, I like her big eraser nips .

Imagine what this person looks like to have given up all hope of passing on their genes. Probably for the best, in all honesty. Thanks

>muh genes!!

Genes will be engineered within the next few generations anyways.

It's always fun to see what crazy people believe.

>w-we a-arent d-doing i-it n-now
piss off, JIDF

You can get that extra chromosome removed, Billy.

You're calling me retarded, yet you're the one who doesn't understand how genetic engineering works.

Not that guy, but now I'm calling you a retard, too.

She's an actually funny female comedian unlike that pig Schumer

Another guy here, I haven't even read the discussion, I'm just here to call you a retard too.

would you like me to start quoting Carlin on stupid people?

If you really believe that then why are you wasting your time on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board? Seems like you're all bark and zero bite.

The jews are the reason I can't get a girlfriend. They ruined women with feminism.

Thoughts on this comedienne?

Too many WW2 jokes

>Start a thread about a female comedian
>Devolves into a diatribe about how other people are to blame for personal shortcomings .

Never change Sup Forums


these fellas look like they're going to be real intellectual powerhouses. A great gift to europe.

Of course you would agree with that idiot, this board is full of skinheads.

Many such cases!

As I said, I didn't even read the discussion, I just jumped on the bandwagon to call you a retard, retard.

you do realize that story didn't actually happen, right?

Your jeans are low and loose

Sure thing, mate.