>The fuck you doing sitting on the couch, user? Get up and go to college you unemployed bastard.
The fuck you doing sitting on the couch, user? Get up and go to college you unemployed bastard
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kansas State University has a 99% acceptance rate but every day you tell your mom you'll finish applications later because you don't really want to go to college.
Why don't you want to go to college fella? If you can get through without a decade of debt it's worth it.
College is fun, m8. If you have it paid for you should go. Don't be a retard.
Pure paradykino
why is everything a scam in clapistan?
College is fun if you're good-looking/privileged or mentally retarded, otherwise it's psychological torture. Stop lying to people, retard.
I know the feel user. Even worse when you drop out.
How's it a scam?
Its just few more years of school, nothing is diffrent dont fall for memes.
Sounds like you're the mental retard if it's so hard
because our brand of capitalism is a mighty furnace fed by the lives of the weak & gullible
On the contrary, college is fun when you autistically delve into your courses and compete with the other top achievers.
Sorry you were for some reason pressured by the social lives of liberal arts majors and jocks, and fell into the social meme, brainlet. There was another side of school that concerned itself with rigorous study. Shame you missed it.
>tfw 22 and just about to start my first year of college
This is why I avoid Facebook and visiting my high school teachers, they would be disappointed.
But I did go to college, and get my bachelor's. Now, I'm three years out, and still haven't been able to get a relevant job. I honestly didn't plan this far ahead.
maybe you shouldn't have fixated on the hollywood pussy party image and hit the books
nothing bad about it
I did a BS at 27, no body cares.
>On the contrary, college is fun when you autistically delve into your courses and compete with the other top achievers
Only true if you go to a good school
You're fine, man. I didn't start college for real until I was 26. Hell, I took a break for a few years, and I'm starting grad school at 33.
meant for
Lmao the delusional smugness of this post is unreal. So many people who post here finish school then find out they can't find a job. Why is that? Because college is also about making connections later on and life. But I'm sure you can hold onto those days of imaginary competitions while still putting in your resume
What did you do before then? NEET or work?
Every single person that uses the term brainlet has a 2 digit IQ, just like all cuck posters from Sup Forums are obsessed and constantly craving minority dick
>Addiction is a disease, faggot.
Fuck off Sunsfan.
It's fucking 4 years. Whether my schooling is paid for or not, that's an eternity. If associates degrees weren't worthless I'd probably go.
>Why is that?
There could be several factors, and it's impossible to tell without knowing them personally.
Here's what I put on my resume: my high GPA, internships I completed while in Uni, and relevant projects I did while at Uni. In the last quarter, I went to the job fair and applied for several jobs, then did the same through companies' websites directly. I then did a handful of interviews and negotiated salary.
None of this required doing "networking" in Uni, in fact, I completely skipped that portion of it, and only befriended a few individuals, none of which got me a job.
I'm assuming you were too busy moping about over the lives of attractive people to utilize your Universities resources and now have a long gap of unemployment. Good going, faggot.
>4 years
Lmao. 4 years is nothing.
4 years is not really that long. Besides I'd hate to work shit jobs my whole life and scrape by
This is a nice post
but was it really necessary
to do this shit
you're really stretching the page
if you're really so intent on stretching things
maybe you should stretch your asshole out
Nigga that's exactly the reason I went, 4 (3 here) years of doing sweet fuck all until the last week of every semester and then blasting out something passable
>live with two other guys
>second semester of the year ends early may
>no classes until late september
>they both go home, I stay at the house
>have the place to myself for 5 fucking months
And the same again the year after. I went a bit stir crazy by the end from the isolation but goddamn it was great
>I'm assuming you were too busy moping about over the lives of attractive people
Okay, so first it was being too busy around these people , now it's moping you can't. Keep your strawmen straight, buddy
The implication of the original post wasn't being around them, it was pathetically yearning to be around them. Does that not constitute falling for the social meme, which you clearly did by allowing their lives to affect you to the point it has to define the college experience, enough so that you think it revolves around being good looking?
Your life is literally dictated by normalfags.