In practical terms and with memes aside. What should happen to a girl who betrays her race?
Pic related is my cousin.
In practical terms and with memes aside. What should happen to a girl who betrays her race?
Pic related is my cousin.
Move to America
remember to sage if you'll engage
bait thread
Also for men who do the same.
this is honestly the best solution. Forced deportation of coal burners to the US
Lol that crack needle bruise
In sane societies the punishment for treason is death.
What happens to them is pic related, or worse.
Interracial "love" is beastiality, and it comes with its own reward.
The same thing that happens now. Sexual market exile. Every girl I know who has dated or made it known that they've burned the coal has had the hardest time attracting a man. Eventually they just lie about to trick men, but someone always tells them.
Stop cuckposting and get a job you ugly nigger
write her off. She doesn't exist for you?
Don't help her.
Don't talk to her.
Disown her.
Don't give her white children.
Don't speak or interact with her mixed kids.
send more pics, then we'll talk
She should becomea single mother and a victim of domestic violence... but do not worry she has that covered..
Nothing should happen to her outside of what happens naturally. She is going to become a single mother to a half-human mutant, which is enough of a punishment, isn't it?
Real talk; there are a minority of whores who fuck black men because of daddy issues or whatever. And they only want the most stereotypical gangster shredded negroes. Your garden variety nigger has no chance with these girls.
Psychologically healthy white women are secretly repulsed by black skin, big flat noses and nigger lips.
Realistically? Social exile. We should have a strong enough culture that we can totally destroy the lives of coalburners without using the government, simply through social means.
We should also have laws on the books against solemnisation of interracial marriage.
Pretty much, although it's rare to hear women actually say anything like that. Still, there are few things as nice as hearing a girl say something racist.
I'm sorry for your loss.
She will have a higher chance to become a single mom/victim of domestic violence/etc.
If you want to have a punishment for it just don't help her if she decides to try and ask you for help after realizing her mistake.
Your cousin should stick to his own race.
I don't understand what the big deal is. Just be more attractive than the other guy and they'll pick you instead.
>hearing a girl curse, say racist/derogatory things, spitting, etc.
I don't know man, I prefer feminine women.
Kill her you puss.
>not deporting to Antarctica
If she's touched black dick, you don't want her in your life.
Coal burning is the biggest turn off in a bitch. She might as well have AIDS.
Do you want her as a girlfriend? No
Do you want her as a wife? No
Do you want her as a friend? No.
If she has a black fetish, she's highly likely to get pregnant with a half-black.
You don't want her bitching about her black ex or exes.
You don't want to awkwardly run into her black ex.
Any bitch that coal burns or has coal burned is toxic.
If I met some bitch and she hid that fact she coal burned but I then find out, I'd immediately dump her or divorce her. I would walk out the door and never come back.
They look happy. Best of luck to them. OP, you're just jealous that no strong black arms will grasp your body tightly and whisper that everything will be ok.
As always, fpbp
When did he say anything about spitting or cursing?
>is my cousin
You should be a good little luck and clean her up after he is done pumping her tight pussy full of his potent seed.
Like I said, be more attractive than him and she'll choose you instead. Kind of silly to "punish" someone for choosing the more attractive option, isn't it?
>Pic related is my cousin.
Being derogatory is just as un-feminine as cursing or spitting.
she should move to Africa there is lots of niggas there
>implying every Caucasian isn't more attractive than Negroids
Ostracized from the people, similar to what happened to slags who slept with Nazis in ww2.
Or Portugal.
Holding views deemed "racist" by our Jewish overlords isn't unfeminine, you stupid nigger.
It has nothing to do with being derogatory.
Great, then there should be no issue!
We know. He probably took it from some porn site.
White girl looks trashy and like she could be a porn "actress."
be exempt from handouts and get herself killed whoring herself out to try and feed the child
a) live and let live: you lose completely, plus niggers pick up valuable high-iq + superior facial genetics all at your race's expense.
b) kill or imprison her: you lose, but they get nothing.
the answer seems obvious.
>call someone a nigger
>without knowing that person personally
>not derogatory
m8 pls. A woman should be quiet and show deference, not act like her opinion is worth as much as a mans, unless he first expresses the sentiment.
That isn't your cousin.
They should be culled.
this. honor kill her. do it faggot. might as well kill the nig too.
He said a girl saying something "racist", not necessarily the word nigger, you stupid nigger.
We aren't even talking about a girl acting like her opinion is worth as much as a man's. We're talking about a girl holding and expressing "racist" views. You think that's unfeminine and have tried to justify that view by linking it to "spitting and cursing" and being derogatory.
Girls should be allowed to have opinions and they should be allowed to open their mouths. They aren't unfeminine simply because you dumb niggers are offended by what comes out.
On the day of the rope, assuming it ever comes?
Death or exile.
The only reason not just death, is because even though she's a race traitor, she's not worthless just because of her genes. So by pushing her out, likely with her nonwhite husand or boyfriend, she and the other race traitor women sent away can passively BLEACH foreign demographics. Like if you today, sent all the race traitors to Africa, it's going to end up whitening the population there however little.
I don't care if it's not on a genocidal scale and not with muslims or africans.
Unfortunately the reality being pushed on white people is to out breed themselves on a genocidal scale with africans and muslims.
Sounds like they'll get what's coming to them.
Being controlled, beaten and hurt. Then never touched again by a decent white male.
Saying something like black people smell bad isn't racist, cause it's a fact that they have a certain smell. If your argument is based on facts, it's not racist. Having said that yes they have a right to have an opinion, but they should defer to men when it comes to matters of opinions.
Doxx her on Sup Forums
deport to america or death
Now you're just changing the definition of racist to try and support your flimsy argument, faggot.
If a girl says "black people look ugly" or "black women don't care for their children properly" or "I don't feel safe when blacks are in our community", that would be called racist. Yet, they should be allowed and encouraged to have and express those feelings.
It is impossible for a girl to have no opinions of her own and simply defer to a man for them. That is fucking retarded. Women will naturally have strong opinions on matters of family, children and community, and that is a positive thing.
You have to go back, Muhammed.
Well, what else could we do? He was hopeless. I'm no bully; I never hurt a nigger in my life. I like niggers—in their place—I know how to work 'em. But I just decided it was time a few people got put on notice. As long as I live and can do anything about it, niggers are gonna stay in their place. Niggers ain't gonna vote where I live. If they did, they'd control the government. They ain't gonna go to school with my kids. And when a nigger gets close to mentioning sex with a white woman, he's tired o' livin'. I'm likely to kill him. Me and my folks fought for this country, and we got some rights. I stood there in that shed and listened to that nigger throw that poison at me, and I just made up my mind. 'Chicago boy,' I said, 'I'm tired of 'em sending your kind down here to stir up trouble. Goddam you, I'm going to make an example of you—just so everybody can know how me and my folks stand.'
It's only when they race mix with blacks that it repulses me. Personally I think they should be gotten rid of, maybe deported to USA or sub-Saharan Africa.
This needs to be more widespread. Everyone should do their part to inform on traitors and ensure they have no place in civilized society.
public crucifiction
extraordinary dubs
min skorta är grön
She looks trashy as fuck, they deserve each other.
I'm with the burger here. There's nothing wrong with a woman maintaining that another race is undesirable, but best practices have shown that women's opinions are subversive and cancerous, and ought to be kept out of serious discourse.
But all of those are backed up by facts. It's not racist.
If you said "all black people steal", yes it's racist because not all of them do. And thinking negatively like that is not feminine.
Well earned, Swede. Well earned.
and allow them some of our genes?
Doing meticulous research and logical analysis to inform your opinions is less feminine than having vaguely rational opinions. So literally the opposite of what you claim.
oh, and I meant to sage
People should be judged on their behaviour, not on their race. Though, doing so WILL lead to the discovery that more blacks than whites show shitty behaviour.
People who repeatedly show behaviour that is harmful to others should be removed from society. There is some room for rehabilitation, but there comes a point where one must concede that an individual simply can not function in our society. I the old days, we could exile them, or let them settle new lands. But those days are over, and we mustly simply be rid of them.
Let her suffer with a fatherless child, she will make her own mistakes.
That doesn't make any sense.
>Start dating a women
>"user, my ex was non-white"
>"Oh, let me just hop in a time machine and go back to meet you at the same time as him, so you can see I'm more attractive, thus never fuck him"
If a women sleeps with men outside her race it tells me everything I need to know about her. She and I, are too different. Our politics, is too different. I could never respect her.
Same goes for men. I wouldn't be friends with a guy who did that, it would annoy me.
>fucked a nigger once
I can let it slide, she just wanted to try what it feels like. I'd bang a qt nigress too. Once.
>had a fuckbuddy-relationship with a nigger, doesn't tell people about it
Wouldn't date, would still fuck
>has fucked multiple niggers, but multiple whites too
Would use her like the cumdumpster she is. Bang & Boot.
>dated a nigger for a while
Reeks of bad judgement, would only fuck if very hot. Under no circumstance would date.
>dated/dates a nigger and tells about it to other people often
Absolutely fucking disgusting, Wouldn't even fuck unless she's 10/10 and into BDSM/Rape fantasies.
>cheated on bf/husband with a nigger
That's just evil and wrong. Deport to the U.S
>only dates niggers
Deport to Somalia or death.
Gas chambers
You're too lenient you cuck. If a woman has willingly kissed a black man on the cheek i will treat her like shes lower than shit 100% serious. Nothing will compensate for the fact that she has no dignity and self-respect and just unbelievably low standards.
you're a cuck kys
>pic related is my cousin
she should be honor killed.
Agreed. Ending welfare programs would be the most effective first step.
*Grabs Luger*
When she introduces him as her boyfriend everyone needs to make a surprised look and say something mildly hurtful like "Oh." or "I see". People passing by give them an ever so slightly judgemental look.
No we kill them. Get with the program serb.
So what do you fags think of my mother marrying a supreme gentleman?
I look like white if it matters.
>"I look like"
I doesn't matter what you look like, what matter is your genetics.
Is he half Japanese/Korean or something lower?
Holy shit guys.
Not a single shitposter with "WHITE WOMYN LUST FOR DAT BBC"
What the fuck happened? Did mods finally get rid of them?
Mind your own business or deal with it.
They look like happy fuckbuddys.
Grandmother was Chinese/Japanese rape baby.
Antarctica is going to be a haven for whites.
>tfw I will never see a tornado in person
ostracized immediately by everyone
That's because mother nature is British
Niggers to sent back to Africa.
Half-niggers (anyone with recognizable nigger features, so probably down to 1/16-nigs) as well.
White women and men who betrayed their race shall be allowed to stay if they want - but will lose all civil rights. They will spend their life in servitude like slaves, or go to their beloved Africa.
your cousin looks like her breath stinks
let her deal with domestic violence and don't have the cops get involved
They should be publicly humiliated.
best things are turning out best